Antifa has gone to war in Georgia. Months of fighting has ensued over the determination of the Left to stop a police training facility. But the police have fought back killing one leftist who opened fire on them and have pushed back hard in the face of arson, lasers, explosive devices and violent assaults.
This latest piece of news shows just how far Antifa has been willing to go.
The park adjacent to the future site of the Atlanta Public Safety Training Center has been shut down.
DeKalb County CEO Michael Thurmond issued an executive order that makes it illegal to enter Intrenchment Creek Park.
Thurmond says officers have found booby traps inside the park.
The county has released photos showing wooden boards with spikes in them and other devices. The CEO says these devices are possible life-threatening hazards that could endanger the public.
Thurmond says those traps could still be there.
“We know that there are dangers that have been discovered in this area and we are afraid that there might be other hidden traps that will not only injure and maim, but can literally become deadly for small children and pets and others,” said Thurmond during a press conference Friday afternoon.
Intrenchment Creek Park has become a major battle ground with Antifa and its allies camping out there in between battles with police. They appear to have also taken steps to booby trap the area.
As we’ve seen in Portland and Seattle, elements of the leftist have adopted insurgent tactics and function not just as domestic terrorists, but see themselves as Maoist guerrillas fighting battles against law enforcement. This is in keeping with Maoist tactical doctrines that generally haven’t been applied in the United States since the 70s. But the goal is to escalate each encounter, not necessarily to win, but to radicalize and go from a guerrilla movement to full armed warfare. These efforts collapsed in the 70s and the participants went into academia and the ‘system’. Antifa is part of a serious effort to revive those doctrines with American cities as the battlefield.
Booby traps in kid’s playgrounds? F, I hate Antifa almost as much as BLM and the Dirtbagocrat party.
Who hurts kids besides Psuedostinian scum? And possibly dogs? Who doesn’t like dogs?
When will law enforcement and political leads start taking this seriously? Cops know who these losers are, as do the Feds via cellular geotracking (it works very well “2000 Mules” deniers). They need to be identified, tracked down, arrested and prosecuted until their eyes bleed. Focus on ANTIFA ‘leaders’ and once the pathetic, basement-dwelling losers who follow them see their heroes sentenced to 20+ years in Federal prison, they might start to think that being a ‘revolutionary wannabe’ maybe isn’t so cool after all.
Your question assumes ignorance / stupidity. Allow for the possibility that there is knowledge of what is happening, even intentionality. It continues because the destruction will effect a desired change. It is very evil, but it is a more rational explanation that makes the picture clear.
All behavior continues so long as it is rewarding.
Thanks KH. They are certainly infiltrating such groups with informers, if not leading them.
Crime/terrorism will happen where it is tolerated.
It will have to be law enforcement at the state level. It wouldn’t surprise me to learn that Antifa has infiltrated the FBI.
The FBI obviously collaborates with Antifa and BLM.
They need to be identified, tracked down, and assassinated.
Thanks Jeff. I always try to watch my step carefully now, only treading on sidewalks and streets and such where I can see what is underfoot. In the kids parks, for example, there are liable to be hypodermic needles and such left behind by junkies. And calling cards from doggies left in the green grass. Not to mention rattlesnakes and such.
The big park near my apartment is covered in goose shit from the Canadian honkers which congregate there. I don’t walk in the grass and I watch my step on the paved pathways. And yes, it’s infested with druggies and homeless crazies.
I don’t know about where you live but San Jose is dangerous. I get into conflicts on a regular basis.
lol, those Canada geese are really something. They took over the Shoreline Park where I used to live, even the paved paths were unwalkable. I used to walk right along the shoreline where the geese didn’t go.
When are we going to recognize them as hatred consumed arch enemies of the United States of America, as the Japanese, Germans and Italians were, over half a century ago and treat them exactly the same way. Destroy them totally, by any means necessary, until their will to fight is gone for good.
How much longer are we going to able to tolerate these communist attacks on America? Those tactics were the same as used in Viet Nam in a time of war. Aren’t we in a state of war now with these violent crazies? What are we waiting for?
They’re in the wrong state. They really need to leave while they can.
Police know who these basement-dwelling losers are, so they should be rounded up en masse and prosecuted accordingly. This sight of some of their incredibly stupid, violent loser ‘leaders’ going up the river for 20+ years. The ‘leaders’ have been tracked across the country via cellular geotracking (yes, it works very well “2000 Mules” deniers). All it takes is the will do act on the part of law enforcement. The problem is that these are also Federal crimes and takes the FBI and Dept. Of Justice to actually do something that benefits America. Good luck with that in the era of Below Average Joe and his Cavalcade of Chuckeheads.
Who doesn’t like dogs ? Oh about 2 Billion Muslims.
Reason is here;
A puppy deterred the “Archangel Gabriel” from entering Muhammad’s house, thus, dogs are ordered to be killed.
(from Sahih Muslim, Book 024, Number 5246)
“A’isha reported that Gabriel (peace be upon him) made a promise with Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) to come at a definite hour; that hour came but he did not visit him. And there was in his hand (in the hand of Allah’s Apostle) a staff. He threw it from his hand and said: Never has Allah or His messengers (angels) ever broken their promise. Then he cast a glance (and by chance) found a puppy under his cot and said: ‘A’isha, when did this dog enter here? She said: By Allah, I don’t know He then commanded and it was turned out. Then Gabriel came and Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) said to him: You promised me and I waited for you. but you did not come, whereupon he said: It was the dog in your house which prevented me (to come), for we (angels) do not enter a house in which there is a dog or a picture.”
Also; Sahih Muslim, Book 024, Number 5248:
“Then on that very morning he commanded the killing of the dogs until he announced that the dog kept for the orchards should also be killed, but he spared the dog meant for the protection of extensive fields (or big gardens).”
Loving dogs is expressed most strongly in western culture. There is little of it elsewhere.
Good point. I knew about that but I don’t consider islamopithecenes people. I was just referring to Americans about dogs. 🙂
Islamopithecenes. Brilliant.
Besides koranic mumbo jumbo, the dogs can sense an evil spirit, that’s most likely the main reason muhammad (may pigs be upon him) came up with the mumbo jumbo story to order killing of all dogs.
Yes, dogs sense things that people can’t.
I’ve encountered an anthropological appreciation that he difference in violence in chimp communities and human is a thousand to one. And attributed to the absence of articulated speech.
This was promulgated years before the appearance of Antifa. At least Antifianos don’t bit faces off and dismember tinier hominids.
I think.
I don’t think it has anything to do with speech because gorillas are quite different.
Chimps are much more prone to violence than gorillas.
Yes, chimps are extremely vicious. They bite off fingers, too, not just faces. And the’y’re much bigger than most people think, and much stronger.
I wouldn’t go near one unarmed. I’ve read about Congolese guys chopping them up with machetes. Sounds good to me.
Jane Goodall went to live among the apes, in part, because she presumed they were nicer than people.
Your comment is intriguing. I think articulated speech does not change the basic nature, from which wars and fighting come.
I met Goodall once. She was a nice lady, very idealistic, but somewhat naive. I think that she chose not to write or speak about internecine conflicts between chimps.
They EAT each other! People think chimps are cute Like Lancelot Link and the young one in those old Tarzan movies but they’re savage.
Imagine having your face bitten off.I’ll take a big pass on that. Have you seen their teeth?
If they want war, give them war.. Intel to find their locations, send out troops and kill them. Problem solved.
I could not have said it better!!!
Are you the actor Fred Ward? If so, I like your work.
That Fred Ward died in 2022.
Really? RIP. I always liked that guy.
Where are the Georgia “good ole boys” at? Shouldn’t they be stacking Antifa like cord wood by now?
See this is why America is doomed because even the country boys are apathetic cowards.
>>Where are the Georgia “good ole boys” at?
They’ve been turned into psychological eunuchs by the SPLC, ADL, FBI and New England/NYC ‘intellectuals’.
No, they haven’t. I can tell you, they’re mad as hell, and they’re not going to take it anymore. BHO would be wise to stay out of rural GA, and for that matter, AL, SC, TN, La, and TX.
Why are these people not being declared terrorists, rounded up, and locked away? Instead most of the FBI is devoted to tracking down and locking up ex-military, first responders and other patriots in Capitol gulags on Trumped up insurrection charges at the behest of Pelosi and the Democratic Party.
Treasonous leaders Wray and Garland are why.
Antifa has been allied with Dems and FBI/DOJ for about the last six years as most of you know. No doubt that will change when they’re no longer useful. .
The fighting a arm of the DemocRAT party is doing its best to show the world how DemocRATS want to rule America.
Setting booby traps is a park. They see America as a battlefield with no limits as to weapons used against the innocent.
“The fighting arm of the democrat party…” You bring up an interesting point. The KKK was exactly that. Is there a substantive difference?
WAY past time to declare them DOMESTIC TERRORISTS and set up one of those El Salvador GANG PRISONS!! Round up the Antifas AND the GANGS – toss them in one GIANT ENCLOSURE and let NATURE take it’s course! Trials can be held for the survivors!
Weathermen Redux. Bill Ayres is alive and teaching in Chicago. They blew themselves up too.
Antifa is a terrorist organization, they have done nothing but terrorism.
The correct response to anifa is the same as any other terrorists, long prison times, or shoot on sight when they are active.
Trotsky glorified terrorism, made it sound like terrorism was the only option for the left.
Anyone who would do this to Kids and Pets should go to Prison until the day they die No Parole, Plea Bragins, early Release, Pardons then face Lawsuits from the Parents/Relatives
BLM needs to be declared a terrorist organization (an ACTUAL terrorist organization) and treated as such. The democrats refuse to do this because Antifa and BLM are “THEIR” terrorist organizations. Instead they declare unorganized Americans (who are simply complaining about the atrocities taking place today) as terrorists.