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[Make sure to read Robert Spencer’s contributions in Jamie Glazov’s new book: Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America.]
Israel’s President Isaac Herzog had some reassuring news for the world on Thursday: the appallingly ghastly and brutal Hamas attack on Israel doesn’t represent Islam. Herzog thus becomes the latest in a long, long line of non-Muslim leaders who are quick to assure us that the latest atrocity has nothing, nothing whatsoever, to do with what we all know and love as the warm and cuddly religion of peace.
Herzog gave us this marvelous news as he visited the southern Israeli town of Rahat and met with local officials as well as with what Israel National News called “heads of Arab local authorities in the Negev and public representatives of the ‘Arab-Jewish war room’ – which helps families affected by the war.” Herzog declared: “We sincerely sympathize with the grief of the entire Arab public and the Bedouin society in particular.“ That’s marvelous. Now: does the Arab public and Bedouin society in particular sympathize with the grief of Israeli Jews? No doubt some do, but some don’t, and Herzog didn’t say anything about that possibility.
Instead, the ceremonial leader was anxious to sound a conciliatory note, continuing: “I tell the world that this is not a war of Jews against Muslims. It is a war between the people of light and the people of darkness, between good and evil, between doing good and doing bad, this is the war.” Well, yes, and no, Herzog. It is indeed a war between good and evil, but in this case the evil side is a classic example of what Isaiah the prophet warned about: “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil.” (Isaiah 5:20) The people who carried out the massacre in Israel on Oct. 7 believe that the creator of the universe has ordered them to “kill them wherever you find them,” (Qur’an 2:191, 4:89, cf. 9:5), even if you have toparaglide into a music festival to do it.
Those people certainly believe that they are fighting a war of Muslims against Jews. Does Herzog really do anyone any good by denying this? On Oct. 18, the Palestinian Authority Ministry of Religious Affairs posted guidelines for preachers in mosques that quoted this hadith: “Abu Huraira reported Allah’s Messenger as saying: ‘The last hour would not come unless the Muslims will fight against the Jews and the Muslims would kill them until the Jews would hide themselves behind a stone or a tree and a stone or a tree would say: Muslim, or the servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me; come and kill him; but the tree Gharqad would not say, for it is the tree of the Jews.’” (Sahih Muslim 2922)
That is, President Herzog, a war of Muslims against Jews. This tradition is often described as an end-times prophecy, but it actually a call to murder Jews so that the last hour will be hastened in coming. Certainly not all Muslims believe in it, or in its applicability to the current situation, but blithely to ignore its existence and pretend that no Muslims at all believe in it is dangerously naïve.
Dangerously naive is just how Herzog sounded when he said: “We will all continue to live together, and it is important for me to say to the entire Arab society in Israel, how much I appreciate the responsibility and the functioning of the Arab society in these difficult days.” That’s terrific, but once Israel is out of this phase of the jihad that is intent on destroying it, Israeli officials should not shy away from investigating and confronting the loyalty to that jihad within Arab Israeli communities, and emphasizing the necessity of loyalty to the state in which they hold citizenship.
Herzog also said: “But we must remember that the struggle is not really a struggle of a political nature, it is about our ability to live here in a Middle East of peace, as opposed to a Middle East of bloodshed and war.” He said that the slaughter of Oct. 7 “made no sense,” ignoring the sense it makes as fulfillment of what are perceived to be divine commands written in the Qur’an.
Herzog concluded: “I will make another comment that you will accept with love. What we saw on October 7th does not represent Islam. Islam is a religion with a lot of respect and sensitivity and love and brotherhood. This represents an unimaginable evil that must be eliminated.“ Yet why is it, if this were true, that we do not see Muslim leaders condemning Hamas’ attacks? Why is it always non-Muslim leaders who constantly assure us that Islam is peaceful?
The answer is that those leaders are speaking out of ignorance and political calculation. The problem with that is that insofar as that political calculation is based on ignorance, it is doomed to fail.
The incompatibility of Islam is, first, an essential component deliberately included and, second, irradicable.
The Civilization of the Enlightenment and Islam are locked into mortal struggle. The struggle is marked by homicide, and worse, and total historic casualties number in the hundreds of millions. These murders occur without interruption, every day. Every single day Muslims slay non-Muslims.
The Muslims see this perfectly. Only functional morons don’t. In fact, charity is one of the “Pillars of Islam”. A fraction of this charity is to expended in furtherance of Jihad. And Muslims document their atrocities to assure the Ummah [ the population of believers ] that their donations are being expended for their intended purposes.
Anyone and everyone advocating the oxymoronic notion of coexistence with Islam is a functional moron. There are no exceptions.
The Civilization of the Enlightenment instead of the Civilization of Judeo-Christianity? Well, that’s refreshing to hear.
Unfortunately, the Age of the Enlightenment of Reason and Logic ended in 1781 when Immanuel Kant published his attack on reason, his “Critique of Pure Reason”.
America and the West are actually living in the Age of the Counter Enlightenment, the Age of the Counter Renaissance. The lights of the West have been slowly going out for 240 years. That’s why Islam, collectivism, and totalitarianism are winning, they are winning by default.
When abandon reason the vacuum is filled by faith and force.
“In epistemology, the European champions of the intellect had been unable to formulate a tenable view of the nature of reason or, therefore, to validate their proclaimed confidence in its power. As a result, from the beginning of the eighteenth century (and even earlier), the philosophy advocating reason was in the process of gradual, but accelerating, disintegration….
Progressively abandoning their Aristotelian heritage, the philosophers of the Enlightenment had reached a state of formal bankruptcy in the skepticism of David Hume. Hume claimed that neither the senses nor reason can yield reliable knowledge. He concluded that man is a helpless creature caught in an unintelligible universe. Meanwhile a variety of lesser figures (such as Rousseau, the admirer of the “Noble Savage”) were foreshadowing the era to come. They were suggesting that reason had had its chance but had failed, and that something else, something opposite, holds the key to reality and the future.
The two figures who created the new era and made this viewpoint the norm in the West — The two who welded the mystic stirrings of the late 18th century into a powerful, self-conscious, intellectually respectable voice, and who placed that voice at the base of all later philosophy– were Kant and Hegel. Kant is the father of the romanticist movement. It is he who claimed to have proved for the first time that existence is in principle unknowable to man’s mind.” – Leonard Peikoff, “The Ominous Parallels”
Please God. Save us from the “The Ominous Parallels”. Obviously this silly book is one of your silly bibles by the lesser god Leonard Peikoff
I wonder how many times you have posted something from this worn out tome?
What country does he represent?
The Jacobins showed us what the “Enlightenment” was capable of. As long as you’re not killing someone in the name of religion, but instead kill in the name of “The People” or “Liberation”, it’s all sanctioned by the Cult of Man.
The American Revolution was a partially a result of the Age of Reason. The French Revolution, in the absence of English law, was coopted by Jacobin principles. Killing was not introduced with the Enlightenment. That is not to say that what THX writes is enlightening or relevant.
Yes. Ballsack Hedgehog is a retard who betrays his constituents, assuming he was actually elected. What a piece of shit.
Islam is inimical to humanity.
Same quran 1,400 violent hateful years … but most are blind to the quran cult book .. containing about 100 passages approving of violence to jews and all infidels!!!
Cut the crap stop it,
This medieval cult (meets all cult criteria) and has a global track record!!! All read the same book all on the same team!!!
[Why not edit ??? Koran 2:191 “Slay the unbelievers wherever you find them.
Koran 3:28 “Muslims must not take the infidels as friends.”
Koran 3:85 “Any religion other than Islam is not acceptable.” Koran 5:33 “Maim and crucify the infidels if they criticize Islam”
Koran 8:12 “Terrorize and behead those who believe in scriptures other than the Qur’an.
Koran 8:60 “Muslims must muster all weapons to terrorize the infidels.
Koran 8:65 “The unbelievers are stupid; urge the Muslims to fight them.”
Koran 9:5 “When opportunity arises kill the infidels wherever you catch them.”
Koran 9:30 “The Jews and the Christians are perverts; fight them.” Koran 9:123 “Make war on the infidels living in your neighborhood.” Koran 22:19 Punish the unbelievers with garments of fire, hooked iron rods, boiling water; melt their skin and bellies
Koran 47:4 “Do not hanker for peace with the infidels; behead them when you catch them.
STOP the denial!!!
Some are morons but I suspect that most suffer from moral cowardice.
“An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last.” Winston Churchill
I know a Lefty when I hear one and President Herzog is certainly one.
They just have to rear their ugly heads to try and weaken resolve to fight –
even when their country has just endured the worst attack in its history.
The lowest of the low is the likes of Herzog.
When Jihadists murder, one can hear from far away that familiar refrain
about the Muslims that “They’re not all like that” – until it grows louder
and louder to a crescendo of “Islamophobia”. We’re pummeled into
believing that ordinary non-Jihadist Muslims are not prone to violence.
Then we look at the unimaginable carnage and crime in increasingly
Muslim European cities – committed not by Jihadists but by ordinary
Muslims. We recoil at the danger found in No-Go Zones inhabited by
ordinary Muslims. It was ordinary people – not Jihadists – of Palestinian
emigres and their supporters who had Columbia U. students locked
away in fear for their lives the other day in NYC. Read about the
rampaging mob of hundreds of ordinary Muslims – not Jihadists – who
stormed the airport in Dagestan because a plane from Tel Aviv was
due to land – only a few hours ago. The mob even stopped cars to
ask terrified occupants if they were Jews.
Between realizing that Islam’s core belief is to dominate and even kill
Jews, Christians and all non-Muslims and seeing what is in front of our
faces – one can’t help wonder whether or not . . . they are all like that.
Bravo. Solid point, so obvious that only a tepid republican could miss it. Bush43 responded to 911 with “religion-of-peace”
Leftist leadership know better, but think the “no-go zones” won’t be in their gated communities.
It was ordinary islamic immigrants that gutted Notre Dame with fire. (The car bomb parked in front the day before failed to detonate.)
It was shithead politicians that rushed in to accuse the contractors working to restore it. (No islam to see here. Move along.)
They aren’t all like that but most are. And they ALL want islam to be supreme. My ex wife told me that and she’s a Moslem.
They don’t belong anywhere near civilization. None of them.
[Why not edit ??? Koran 2:191 “Slay the unbelievers wherever you find them.
Koran 3:28 “Muslims must not take the infidels as friends.”
Koran 3:85 “Any religion other than Islam is not acceptable.” Koran 5:33 “Maim and crucify the infidels if they criticize Islam”
Koran 8:12 “Terrorize and behead those who believe in scriptures other than the Qur’an.
Koran 8:60 “Muslims must muster all weapons to terrorize the infidels.
Koran 8:65 “The unbelievers are stupid; urge the Muslims to fight them.”
Koran 9:5 “When opportunity arises kill the infidels wherever you catch them.”
Koran 9:30 “The Jews and the Christians are perverts; fight them.” Koran 9:123 “Make war on the infidels living in your neighborhood.” Koran 22:19 Punish the unbelievers with garments of fire, hooked iron rods, boiling water; melt their skin and bellies
Koran 47:4 “Do not hanker for peace with the infidels; behead them when you catch them.
STOP the denial!!!
Editing the Qur’an is not allowed. It is called the unalterable word of god.
no such thing as an ‘ordinary’ moslem – if they follow their cult and its playbook, the koran,, they are bloodthirsty savages bent on world domination
I just SMH when I hear people I know say they feel sorry for the innocent people of gaze who will suffer for what a handful of terrorists have done. It is the willful suspension of disbelief in action. They buy the whole “lone wolf” BS every time some murderous muslim can no longer deny their true faith.
Who coined the religion of peace quote?
The individual who told Bush to say that was an appeasing fool.
As Robert said, where’s the long line of imams condemning the Hamas savages?
His words are nauseating in light of the present massacre. My family tried to help Rav. Meir Kahane, zt’l as much as possible. I was not in New York when Al Qaeda murdered him.
Only Rav. Kahane had the answer of what to do with the Arabs. None of the corrupt and cowardly idiots who run Israel will face this necessity and there will be more massacres. And because of Israel’s corruption and weakness, the world itself has turned full blown evil against her. As with the Arabs, the world only respects strength — not being good little boys as Israel is doing now. Israel’s refusal to apply the principles of how to deal with Amalek makes the world think that Israel deserves what is happening to them.
Perfectly said
What an unworthy speech
Imagine the introspective power it would have been to admit that they had been wrong about the rav and that they couldnt coexist, that this was a battle between two people’s, and the natural outcome of Jews living in Israel is to be attacked by its enemies who are taught by the Quran to kill us. The Torah teaches that in every generation they shall rise up against you, ignoring that was something that the rav did not do. But 98% of elected and military leadership in Israel did.
may Kahane rest in peace. As he said, you don’t live with cancer, you get rid of it.
Kahane started the JDL in Brooklyn because of the attacks now happening.
It’s because elites like Herzog mingle with Muslim elites, just as the leaders of the West and the Pope do. All the elites mingle with each other and the deaths of a few million little people or the suffering of a billion little people do not bother them in the least. As long as they maintain their wealth and status and are accepted among their elitist friends nothing else matters.
With any luck Herzog can hand out with Bono or Bozo, or whatever they call that annoying Irishman.
I believe Bono is an Evangelical Christian, first and foremost. The music of U2 is suffused with Christianity and the Christian message.
Christianity, that is SERIOUS Christianity, is all about sacrificing for God and neighbor. It’s all about social justice.
In the last few years Bono has discovered that capitalism can be good but nevertheless that it’s a wild beast that has to be guided by government. Obviously, he has no fundamental understanding of what capitalism is. He is arguing for Utilitarianism without probably even knowing what Utilitarianism is. Utilitarianism ultimately is unsustainable, by its inherent contradictions it collapses back to socialism.
“Utilitarianism is a union of hedonism and Christianity. The first teaches man to love pleasure; the second, to love his neighbor. The union consists in teaching man to love his neighbor’s pleasure. To be exact, the Utilitarians teach that an action is moral if its result is to maximize pleasure among men in general. This theory holds that man’s duty is to serve—according to a purely quantitative standard of value. He is to serve not the well-being of the nation or of the economic class, but “the greatest happiness of the greatest number,” regardless of who comprise it in any given issue. As to one’s own happiness, says [John Stuart] Mill, the individual must be “disinterested” and “strictly impartial”; he must remember that he is only one unit out of the dozens, or millions, of men affected by his actions. “All honor to those who can abnegate for themselves the personal enjoyment of life,” says Mill, “when by such renunciation they contribute worthily to increase the amount of happiness in the world.” – Leonard Peikoff, “The Ominous Parallels”
OMG, a two-fer for the “The Ominous Parallels”. I had no idea that the Irish rock music has-been could generate your usual off-topic screed about the usual irrelevant garbage that you always seem to wallow in.
Utilitarianism? Really? Another of your incomprehensible ideas. As usual you had to rely on your hero, Lenny Peekaboo for anything coherent about Mill as you never really have much of your own to say about anything. And, as usual, no one cares except for a few egg heads
I checked the link at the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. It appears to be the usual mishmash of nonsensical philosophy in general. so I don’t think I’ll be curling up on my couch with the John Stuart Mill Reader. I prefer stuff that is relevant to my life
Do you try to be this boring and ridiculous or does it just come naturally to you.
By the way, giving me your requisite downvote, usually the only one, has about as much effect as a Leftist calling everything racist. It tends to lose its meaning. But it’s definitely in your laziness wheelhouse since you hand out downvotes like Muslims hand out candy to children after a terrorist attack. Try harder Mr. Impotent.
The Muslims are to be used as unwitting street fighters for the globalist overlords. Why risk your own skin killing your enemies when you can get another group to do it for you? The Left has always been very adept at that.
The problem is, when the dust settles, the Muslims will not be content to follow orders from the secular elite or live in their Rainbow Unicorn Progtopia of liberated women and drag queens. There can only be ONE victorious NWO in the end.
Which will it be?’
Bonzo? Boner? He is annoying, isn’t he?
Herzog speaks folly. He can’t be serious when the truth is before our eyes about Islam and their war against Jews and Christians.
At the very minimum, he should have said Hamas is motivated by a “virulent strain of Islam.” Of course it’s the original Islam of Mohammad & his rightly guided Caliphs, known as Salafi.
It wouldn’t be so bad to reassure the Muslim-in-name Arabs within Israel, for which the Islamic Revival of the last 50 years has largely been ignored. I understand 40 Israeli Arabs were killed on Oct 7th making many realize they are more Israeli than Palestinian.
Herzog needs to resign for saying this. It’s not right for a Jew to opine on what true Islam might be, anymore than for a Muslim to say what true Judaism is. Herzog’s George W. Bush level “Islam means Peace” rhetorical garbage is a disgrace to Israel and harms the war effort. Israel will lose if he keeps going in this direction…
I used to think GWB was harmless. Having watched his actions and heard his words for 22 years (and suffered under the Patriot Act) I’m coming to believe the towers were “dynamited”. Yes, aircraft were flown into them and the Clinton admin obfuscated the plot.
When I saw the headline, darn near choked on my cereal.
Hamas is the epitome of the ‘culture’ of Islamofascism. The absolute proof is the response of every single Islamofascist colony. There has not be a single protest of the genocide by Hamas by any major Islamofascist organization
Sounds like Mr Herzog is another kisser of Arab / moo slim butts. An appeaser that no doubt hopes to save his neck from the moo slim blade. In my mind he seem altogether with Louie Gomert and the appeaser Naftali Bennett.
Another commenter called him amongst the elites, what’s wrong with Louie gohmert? I’ve always thought he was straight up Patriot
Oh, but it does. There is no place in the civilized world for Islam.
Under the first rendition of turkey they had a pretty good grip on secular islam, but it’s inherent nature of bandit theology means that unless it’s managed harshly it’s unmanageable eventually
From the sea
To the river,
Palestine will be
Chopped liver
Feels good to laugh
Kol haKavod
Why is it that non-Muslims, non-adherents of Islam, believe themselves to be so expert on Islam that they can comment on what Islam is or is not? It not only is ignorant and absurd but, in this case, a submissive, obsequious pandering to militant extremists within the religion they hope to patronize. It is reminiscent of the Pope, the leader of Catholicism, years ago asserting, with no demonstrable expertise of his own, that Islam is a “religion of peace”, a religion he is not a part of, as though Muslims and non-Muslims alike should look to him, and Isaac Herzog, for deep understanding of Islam? How ignorant, stupid, and foolish.
The answer to your lead question may have something to do with the Left’s woke belief that evil does not exist. It’s not the fault of people who do bad things. They’re just oppressed and expressing their feelings in an honest manner. We have to help them by giving them money and hanging our heads in shame for what we’ve done to them, whatever that may be. Then they will love us.
Non Muslims can be experts. like our Robert Spencer, because anyone can read the Koran and see what it says, mostly garbage.
The same thing makes that non-adherents of Judaism believe they know so much about Judaism that they not only comment on it, but modify to suite their zeitgeist–and then spend nearly 2000 years damning Jews for not buying into it?
President of Israel is an unelected, appointed ceremonial position. Herzog is a career leftist. He should not have been rewarded with this unelected position.
But the US is pleased.
Herzog is perfect fodder for Israel’s enemies. He is weak, inept and politically ambitious, which makes him very dangerous in the wrong hands, in the Biden administration’s hands.
It seems obvious to me that the US wants him to be prime minister asap. So he’s mouthing US policy, not Israeli policy, especially in the thick of war. Huh??
So with all of US double talk already, this makes the US look really, really bad.
Don’t forget or overlook that Biden elevated Herzog, trashed the duly elected government of Netanyahu, bypassed Netanyahu, made Herzog ‘negotiator’ of the anti judicial reform protests (remember those?) which the US incited and financed. He had Herzog talk before Congress. Omar et al walked out; but that’s part of the plan. They couldn’t be happier.
Perfect summary of how a little man of the elite class got to be a blathering non-zionist deceiver for Islam unpatriotic simp of an Israeli president
The Israeli President obviously has not read the Hadith.
Who’s this jackass? Adding fuel to the fire.
Attention, Mr. President, Isaac Herzog. You’re better off saying nothing than saying something stupid. You just made an ass of yourself to the whole world.
The PM’s remark makes as much sense as saying darkness does not represent night…..
Frank Rich’s attorney has had a mixed career in Israeli politics–some good, some bad. Nevertheless, Israel is 20% Muslim, more than 50% of the population of the Galil and spread out across the northern Negev. Like it or not, unless Israel expels its Muslims or places it under direct administrative rule, then it has to manage the population somehow. This may not work in the long run, but for now, in there midst of this existential crises and with the global left in love with Islam, Israel has to try something. I normally respect Spencer, but unless he hasnt proffered a workable idea for keeping Israel’s Arabs from rising up en masse.
I have an idea.
And it has the beauty of being permanent.
Does it start with fire and brimstone?
It starts with bullets and ends with fire and brimstone.
The only solution of resolving Muslim anger and extremism, is the hope that fewer Arabs adhere to this medieval religious cult as time goes by and it dies out. Similar to lack of interest of Americans to any religion.
Sorry, Mr. President. But the Hamas attack does represent Islam. Indeed, it is the very essence of Islam.
Uh oh.
A very bad indication of the spread contagion.
Herzog is a traitor.
He can spout this s**t in the middle of a war?
After all the atrocities that moslems have visited on Israel, and especially this last massacre?
I can’t believe that an Israeli president could say this under any circumstances, but this is even more abhorrent, more disgusting, and more treacherous.
They should hang him like they did eichmann.
Thank you, Mr. Spencer! This president of Israel saying this crap in THIS time is no different from Bush- 43 saying the same crap after 9/11/2001.
Get your head out of the clouds bub and see what’s going on
Why would any red-blooded American who loves liberty care at all what a radical Marxist and closet Islamist has to say other than for the purpose of knowing the enemy?
“Islam is a religion of piece” or “Surely God did not say that”.
Both quotes enjoy the same author.
Stating that Hamas embodies true Islam would cause open war with the entire Islamic world. It would be stupid to inflame tensions further. Nevertheless, Western students need to read the Quran in chronological order and learn the basics of Sharia. The sources speak for themselves.
Israel must follow the US and have a nuclear war against Islamic countries. After a few bombs, just like Japan, they will civilize and change their religion to adapt it to Democracy.
Yes. The last thing Israel wants is to see their relations–such that they are–with Jordan and Egypt end. Israel also wants its relationships with Morocco, Bahrain, the UAE, Azerbaijan and a few others to remain intact. A few honeyed words, while obviously not rue, is a small price to pay to keep relations with at least some Muslim countries on a business-like basis. In any event, Herzog could inveigh against Islam and he wont convince anyone who doesn’t already understand the true nature of Islam. Moreover, there’s the issue of the 20% of Israels population which is Sunni Muslim.
Open war with the Islamic world would be welcome. They’re already at war with us. America needs to reciprocate.
Those pussies would have NO chance. They would be easily killed. I’m so sick of weaklings pretending to be tough.
Leftist Jews are clueless. They don’t see they are in an existential war against Islam.
Usually Robert Spences is perceptive and accurate but here he has managed to misunderstand at least part
of what President Herzog had to say.
The Bedouin communities of the Negev have suffered from Hamas rockets at least as much as
Jewish Israelis – or, indeed, somewhat more, for the simply reason that Bedouin communities lack
the well-built shelters found in most Jewish communities.
A Bedouin bus driver saved a great many lives at the Super-Nova music festival and Israeli Bedouins have
proven themselves to be loyal and steadfast citizens at a horrible time.
The hell it isn’t. Islam is a cancer upon the earth and people had better wake up to that fact!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i guess there is no point in living where there is lots of sand if you can’t bury your head in it . he is in the right place for his head to be severed like shani louk and others . time too level the cess pit that gaza is .
President Herzog, it follows then that according to you; Israel will also be taking in the ‘peaceful’ refugees.
Please, what else do you need to see? Hamas needs women, children, and elderly to sacrifice for their cause. Terrorist’s main base is under the Biggest Hospital in Gaza. This leadership of Hamas, was voted for by their own people and 50 years of suffocating occupation.,
“Islam is a religion with a lot of respect and sensitivity and love and brotherhood.” Tell it to the Jews, Christians, Animists, Confucianists, Hindus, Yazidis, Zoroastrians, Copts, and I’m sure I’ve missed quite a few. Islam didn’t, and doesn’t, demonstrate its respect, sensitivity, love, and brotherhood for them. Only to members of the ummah.
Even after 1400 years, all too many Jews refuse to acknowledge their sworn enemy, the Muhammadans.
The Fakestinians are begging the Israelis to annihilate them, and they deserve to be obliged.
The cheering around the world after 9/11 was strong evidence that many Muslims who don’t participate in Jihad agree that Muslims have a mandate to take over the world by killing non-Muslims. However, the non-Islamist Muslims living in Israel (and other countries, such as Indonesia) are evidence that there are nominal Muslims who desire to live in a civilized world.