[](/sites/default/files/uploads/2013/12/hillary.jpg)Hardly a week goes by without Hillary Clinton receiving another award.
Last month she was named a “Global Champion” by the International Medical Corps, received the American Patriot Award at the National Defense University Foundation and the Hermandad Award from the Mexican American Leadership Initiative.
Considering that Hillary Clinton is as much of an American patriot as is she is a Mexican-American leader… both awards seem equally deserved.
Hillary was honored by Malaria No More for being against malaria and by the Lantos Foundation for Human Rights and Justice for supporting internet freedom. Because nothing says internet freedom like sending a man to jail for a YouTube video.
The President of Georgia honored her with the Order of the Golden Fleece. That’s considered a high honor in Georgia, but in the United States just reminds everyone of Whitewater and the Rose Law Firm.
The Queen of Spain gave Hillary Clinton a gold medal and Oceana honored her for saving the oceans. And that was a slow month.
The American Bar Association had already given Hillary its highest honor for “her immense accomplishments as a lawyer”. The National Constitution Center awarded her the Liberty Medal (an honor she shares with such Constitutional scholars as Bono, Hamid Karzai and her husband) and Elton John gave her an award for fighting AIDS declaring himself “honoured to honour her”.
At this rate, if a bunch of elderly left-wing Swedes toss her the Nobel Peace Prize early on, the way they did to Obama, it will barely rate mention among all the other glittering trophies that have been bestowed on a woman whose only actual accomplishment was being married to a crooked governor with good political instincts.
Hillary Clinton’s accomplishments as a lawyer, like her accomplishments as a senator and a secretary of state, don’t exist. Like the fake doctor with 200 equally fake diplomas on the wall; the award blitz is a case of overcompensation.
The giant pile of awards creates the illusion of qualification for someone who never even won political office on her own merits—let alone did anything worthwhile or interesting while there.
Hillary traipses around the country picking up awards and delivering speeches for six figures a pop; but the only words that come out of her mouth are boring clichés.
Receiving an AIDS award from Elton John’s foundation, she announced insightfully, “We still have a long way to go.” This is what people who have never had AIDS or treated AIDS have been saying while receiving AIDS awards since the disease first became a celebrity cause.
At Oceana, Hillary declared, “More and more people appreciate what oceans mean to them.” At the University of Buffalo, she expressed the hope that we could “move away from the slash and burn politics, the name calling, the excessive partisanship” and at the Women of the World summit declared that the United States had “come so far, but there is still work to be done.”
The more you listen to Hillary, the more you realize that she doesn’t have ideas, she has clichés. What does Hillary stand for? After eight years in the senate, the only memorable thing about her tenure was her vote on Iraq. If Hillary had not accidentally taken a controversial position, while trying to cast a safe vote, all that anyone would remember is that she was inducted into the National Women’s Hall of Fame for “opening new pathways for women in leadership”.
That was quite an accomplishment considering that she was the 32nd female senator.
But Hillary is always being honored as a revolutionary leader for just showing up. If she has something positive to say about the oceans, teaching little girls or fighting AIDS; there’s an award in it for her. If Hillary daringly says that reading is good today; tomorrow she wins a Pulitzer.
As Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton traveled a lot. The National Constitution Center honored her because, in their words, “she traveled to more countries than any other Secretary of State”. It certainly sounds better than honoring her for abusing the State Department to prep for a presidential run with a non-stop world tour while neglecting desperate pleas for help from the Benghazi mission which had been under siege for months.
Despite the awards, there is very little enthusiasm even among Democrats for President Hillary. Jeffrey Katzenberg, Hollywood’s leading liberal, came out for her saying, “I think she’s the best candidate currently available for either party.” Considering that Hillary is really the only Democrat semi-officially running now, not counting Joe Biden, that’s damning with faint praise.
There’s a reason that liberals are fantasizing about an Elizabeth Warren run. Warren is even less charismatic, more off-putting and more cliche-prone than Hillary; but you do know what she stands for. “Socialism today, Socialism tomorrow, Socialism forever.” Hillary Clinton stands for the same thing; but she has spent decades trying to be discreet about it.
Hillary’s calculated vacuousness smacks of paranoia. Beneath the bland rhetoric is a paranoid control freak obsessed with shaping every aspect of her image. Her partner in this endeavor is Media Matters’ David Brock; a man whose legendary paranoia rivals her own and who allegedly used a security team to protect him from “right-wing assassin snipers”.
Together Brock and Clinton have already shut down a number of friendly film and television projects about Hillary while Brock peddles “The Benghazi Hoax”; a book that smacks of Hillary Clinton’s old obsession with a vast right-wing conspiracy. A Hillary biopic would do her image a lot more good than Brock’s paranoid rantings. But it would appear that Brock’s paranoid mindset mirrors her own.
Hillary lost in 2008 because she was too busy building an inevitable candidacy to give people a reason to vote for her. And now she’s making the same mistake all over again.
There will come a time when the awards will stop, when the empty quotes about how she is running because she cares about girls will run out and when she will actually have to give real answers to difficult questions. And that isn’t Hillary’s strong suit.
As a debater, Hillary is rigidly unimaginative. As a politician, she’s vacant. And her charisma doesn’t exist. The only way that she can get through her own party’s primaries and a national election is by scaring away every potential rival by being the inevitable candidate.
That is what the endless Hillary award season is really about. At galas and dinners, she dons an armor made out of awards, prizes and trophies to make it seem like her victory is inevitable.
But Hillary doesn’t really believe that. Hillary is obsessed with winning and certain that she will lose. Everything she has done was calculated to make defeat as unlikely as possible… including taking the position of Secretary of State while doing as little as possible in that role.
Hillary has done little except abuse public office to map out her future presidential run. By the time the election actually takes place, she will have spent nearly two decades or a third of her adult life focused on running for president.
At the Benghazi hearings, Hillary famously demanded to know what difference it made. The same can be said of her life.
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