Mark Levin, the conservative Jewish American radio broadcaster with more than 14 million daily listeners, has a gloomy forecast for the future of American
One Week in Progressive America
The Democrats had a lousy week. It began with former President Donald Trump’s acquittal in the Senate. Trump’s acquittal was a major blow to the
Maher Bitar and Israel’s Ideological Elections
Israel’s March 23 elections are being presented as a simple referendum on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The media and Netanyahu’s opponents would have us
Will Israel Be Able To Withstand Biden Administration’s Pressure?
In an interview with The New York Times last month, President-elect Joe Biden restated his intention to return to the 2015 nuclear deal with Iran.
The Israeli Left is Far From Dead
Over the past several weeks, Israel’s political commentators have repeatedly declared the demise of the political left. On the face of things, they are right.
A Call for Late Justice For Col. Larry Franklin
Last month, in a small town in West Virginia, a 74-year-old husband and his invalid wife were hospitalized for several days after eating rotten food the
At a Diplomatic Crossroads, Israel Must Act
Three diplomatic events transpired last week. Together they describe the crossroads at which Israel now stands following the U.S. presidential elections
2020 Election: Terrible For Jews
No matter who ultimately wins the presidential election, the Jews in America are the big losers. As Professor Ruth Wisse of Harvard has long explained, Jews
Israel, The Sunnis and The Return of a Pro-Iran White House
President Donald Trump is the most pro-Israel president in history. President Barack Obama was the most anti-Israel president in history. And now, the
Where America Now Stands
Last Wednesday, supporters of President Donald Trump gathered outside ballot counting centers in Arizona and Michigan to demand a clean and honest vote count.
The Isolated American Jews
Without knowing the results of the US presidential elections, certain conclusions can already be drawn safely. For instance, we can say with certainty that
Anti-Netanyahu Left Cloaks Itself In Zionism And Democracy
The Israeli Left likes to claim its no-holds-barred fight against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his supporters is an ideological struggle that pits the
Democrats Accuse Trump of Anti-Semitism
The set-up at the presidential debate last week was so predictable that it hurt to watch. Moderator Chris Wallace made no effort to hide where he was going. He
The UAE and the Democratic-Muslim Extremist Partnership
The U.S.-brokered peace deal between Israel and the United Arab Emirates, which is scheduled to be finalized this week at the White House, strikes a major blow
Supreme Court’s Power Grab Greatest Threat to Israeli Democracy
Over the past several weeks, Israelis have been riveted by a new crime drama called “Meniac” or “Rat,” whose central character is an investigator in Police
Trump Embraces Israel-Sunni Bloc
Between his meetings in Jerusalem last Tuesday, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo recorded a short address for the Republican National Convention in which he
Is The Palestinian Toxic Veto of Appeasement Alive or Dead?
Since Israel was established the Palestinian veto doomed all efforts to forge peace between the Arab world and the Jewish state. The Palestinian veto
Harris, Omar and the Democrats’ Great March Leftward
Last Tuesday, two notable events occurred in the Democratic Party. Joe Biden announced he selected California Senator Kamala Harris to serve as his running
Riots and Protests from Portland to Jerusalem
Over the past several years, public discourse in the United States has seen a lot of new lows. It saw another one this month when House Speaker Nancy Pelosi
Israel’s ‘Stability’ Strategy Strengthens Terrorists
Since the 1990s, the dominant view in Israel’s national security community has been that Israel’s top priority in relation to the Palestinians is to maintain
China-Iran Strategic Accord Changes Calculus for Israel
When Chinese President Xi Jinping visited Tehran in 2016, most observers dismissed the significance of the move. The notion that Beijing would wreck its
Israel Must Act Wisely When Helping Diaspora Jews
At Sunday’s government meeting, Israel’s elected leaders demonstrated their commitment to helping Jewish communities in the Diaspora. The government
Edward Said, Prophet of Political Violence in America
Twenty years ago, on July 3, 2000, an incident occurred along the Lebanese border with Israel that, at the time, seemed both bizarre and, in the broad span of
Trump and Netanyahu Face their Rendezvous with Destiny
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu needn’t take heed of the “friendly advice” British Prime Minister Boris Johnson proffered on Wednesday. As UAE Ambassador to
American Jews Must Stand up to Structurally Anti-Semitic BLM
The silence of the Jews of America in the face of rising anti-Semitism is stunning. Over the Shavuot festival on May 30, members of Black Lives Matter (