The Point By Daniel Greenfield
Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical left and Islamic terrorism.
Freedom Center Investigates Helped Block Terror Imam from Trump Inauguration
Daniel Greenfield
This is why investigative journalism matters.
Transgender Exec Order Should Be Followed by a Dept of Ed Letter to Schools
Daniel Greenfield
Allowing men to compete against women is a civil rights violation.
Muslim Terrorist Who Killed Little Girls Was Referred 3X to UK Anti-Radicalization Authorities
Daniel Greenfield
They knew. They lied. And arrested those who told the truth.
Biden Pardons Family Members Accused of Laundering China Bribes
Daniel Greenfield
This should not end the investigation.
Biden Pardons Dead Hitler-Loving Black Klansman
Daniel Greenfield
“What the Negro needs is a Hitler.”
Which ‘Trump Transition Official’ is Pushing ‘Palestinian’ Nation Building?
Daniel Greenfield
“If we don’t help the Gazans, if we don’t make their life better, if we don’t give them a sense of hope”
New York Times: Majority of Dems Oppose Men in Women’s Sports and Puberty Blockers for Kids
Daniel Greenfield
Only 18% of Americans say transgender men should be allowed to compete in women’s sports.