The Kingdom’s bizarre plan to build a female-only urban center.
Summer Love, Arab Style
A glimpse inside the barbaric cages of sex slave marriages in the Islamic Middle East.
Al-Qaeda in Iraq Returns with a Vengeance
Vows to strike inside the U.S.A.
Islamists vs. the Quest to Eradicate Polio
The common denominator behind the disease’s global hotspots.
Fleeing Public Schools
Declining enrollment foreshadows a brighter future for America’s youth.
Illegal Aliens Get Their Wings
Why is our government allowing illegal foreign nationals to train at American flight schools?.
Border Patrol’s New “Run-and-Hide” Strategy
New Department of Homeland Security protocol advises agents to “act aggressively and throw things at the shooter.”
The Unending War on Afghan Women
The “honor beheading” of an Afghan woman and her two children is only the latest example of the increasing barbarism.
The Jihadi Threat Within
FBI investigation speculates that over 100 suspected Islamists are in the U.S. military.
Mali: West Africa’s Afghanistan
Since the fall of Gadhafi, radical Islamists have been flocking to the new terrorist safe haven.
American Gendercide
The Obama administration and congressional Democrats work to defeat a bill that would outlaw sex-selective abortions.
Indonesian Christians’ Plight Escalates
Heinous attacks against infidels, including Muslim minorities, skyrockets.
Rejecting the Terrorist Label
The Obama administration refuses to call a Taliban-allied and al-Qaeda-linked jihadist group what it is.
Iraq Releases American-Murdering Hezbollah Terrorist
Government goes back on promise of a trial.
The Horrors Chen Guangcheng Leaves Behind
The Chinese dissident may be on his way to freedom, but the human rights situation in China remains bleak.
Food Stamp Nation
The Obama administration works overtime to enroll more people into a program saturated with fraud and abuse.
The Taliban’s Poisoning of Afghan Schoolgirls
The latest atrocity of Islamic gender apartheid.
The Islamist Takeover Of Mali
Country loses control of its northern territory.
Bringing the War on Jerusalem to American Universities
Organizer of Global March on Jerusalem an ally of Hamas and student programs in the U.S.
Ethnic Cleansing of Syrian Christians
Al-Qaeda-linked Islamist forces seize a golden opportunity to terrorize infidels with impunity.
Obama’s War on Low-Income Women
To take a shot at Texas, the administration will take away $17 million in funding for poor women’s health care.
Transgender Hormone Therapy for Illegal Aliens?
The Obama administration goes to bizarre lengths to make immigration enforcement “more humane.”
Pulling the Plug on the Chevy Volt
Why the Obama-backed vehicle’s demise wasn’t because of bad press.
Obama’s Drive to Disarm America
Obama’s New Illegal Alien Czar
Illegals now have a publicly funded lobbyist within the agency that’s charged with bringing them to justice.