A look at the radical record of Kamala Harris.
Revolutionary Communists Seek to Suppress Conservatives
The fascist attempt to prevent conservative “fascists” from poisoning young minds.
Another American City Destroyed by the Democrats
The tragic story of Minneapolis.
Cultivating a New Generation of Racists on Campus
The hate-filed worldview and agendas of the student group MEChA.
The Islamic Society of North America’s Destructive Agenda
… and its ties to a number of leading Democrats.
Clash of the Radical Titans
Keith Ellison and Thomas Perez vie for the post of DNC chairman.
The New Black Panther Party: Black Racism Personified
Any “national conversation” on race must acknowledge the most taboo racism of all.
Crying for ‘New Americans’ from the Lands of Jihad
And a lawsuit tries to stop Trump’s executive order barring refugees from terrorist hotbeds.
The Anti-Semite Who Organized the ‘Women’s March on Washington’
And the half-million lemmings who showed up in “solidarity.”
John Lewis Disgraces Himself
Calling President-elect Trump “illegitimate,” Lewis has a long record of Communist affiliations and radical agendas.
Jew-Hatred Dressed up As ‘Justice’
A look at the hate group Students for Justice in Palestine.
A Clown Tries to Smear Jeff Sessions & David Horowitz
Senator Richard Blumenthal’s disgraceful display at the Senate confirmation hearings.
The Hate Group That Tracks Down ‘Hate Groups’
The despicable Southern Poverty Law Center.
The Man Who Most Deserves to Be DNC Chairman
Keith Ellison’s remarkable ties to Jew-haters, racists, and Islamic supremacists.
Soros & Democracy Alliance Billionaires Headed For Your Local Community
How Democrat mega-donors plan to retake power for the Left.
The Communists Behind the Anti-Trump Protests
The post-election demonstrations against Trump are being orchestrated by socialists and Marxists.
Where Clinton and Trump Stand – on Every Major Issue
Spelling out the huge policy differences between the two candidates.
Seven Clinton Policy Priorities That Would Devastate America
Staring at years 9 to 12 of the Obama administration.
The Clinton Record
A devastating exposé of the most unfit and undeserving individual ever to seek the American presidency.
Where Democrats Learned the Art of Racial Tribalism
A “civil rights” icon’s contribution to her party’s moral collapse.
Anti-Semite in the Classroom
The disturbing case of a Jew-hating professor at Oberlin College.
Sheriff Joe Arpaio and a Double Standard of Justice
Sheriff Joe Arpaio and a Double Standard of Justice
Hillary’s Long, Cozy Love Affairs With Racists
Hillary’s Long, Cozy Love Affairs With Racists
How the Democrats Turned Milwaukee into a Cesspool
How the Democrats Turned Milwaukee into a Cesspool
The Ugly Racism of ‘Whiteness Studies’ Programs
The Ugly Racism of ‘Whiteness Studies‘ Programs