With Israel’s enemies watching, the Obama administration undermines the Gaza war effort.
Operation Protective Edge: The Real Peace Process
The only way for Israel to end hostilities is to end Palestinian terrorism.
Palestinian ‘Unity’ in Action: Israeli Teens Kidnapped
Hamas extends a “peace” offering.
Hamas Gains Ground —- And Washington Approves
What’s behind it?
Jews, Get Out of Europe
The only dignified response to post-Holocaust anti-Semitism.
Ehud Olmert: Symbol of the Peace Process
The common root: bribery.
Peace Talks Dead —- For Now
But what will happen if the Fatah-Hamas unity deal falls apart?
Pollard and the Last-Ditch Effort to Save the Peace Talks
An offer Israel can’t refuse?
Israel Under Siege as Nuke Talks Open
Jerusalem does not have the luxury of fantasizing.
Abbas to Obama: No ‘Peace’ Without 26 Freed Terrorists
Extortion attempt at the White House.
Netanyahu at AIPAC: Rebutting Obama, Affirming Israel
The lowdown on the Middle East—for those able to listen.
‘Friends’ Tell Israel: Take Risks, Endanger Yourself
Why must the Jewish State make “dangerous” concessions for peace?
Saluting Barry Rubin
A protean intellectual and loyal son of Israel.
Threatening for Peace
Kerry warns Israel to concede or reap the wrath of the gods.
Abbas Says No to Israel as a Jewish State
What did the Palestinians agree to exactly in 1993 at the start of the Oslo process?
Obama’s Middle East Fantasies
It’s all just the Palestinian issue — and a few “decades” of anti-Semitism.
Ariel Sharon, Audacious Sabra, Laid to Rest
A complex legacy for a more modern Israel.
The Strange Moral Calculus of John Kerry
Don’t build in Jerusalem; set murderers free.
Jihadists Flock to Israel’s Borders
Kerry: let’s undermine the only border that’s stable.
Ari Shavit’s ‘Doomed’ Israel
Another left-winger’s warped vision of the Jewish state.
Kerry’s Plan for an Indefensible Jewish State
The final result of the Obama administration’s months of futile diplomacy.
Kerry in Israel: Give Up Jordan Valley — Count on Us
As Iran basks in its Geneva triumph.
Fiasco in Geneva
Obama’s phony deal to stop the Mullahs’ march to the bomb — and its dire consequences.
Western Powers, Iran on Brink of Bad Deal
Israel and Saudi Arabia preparing to act?
Will Obama Give Iran the Deal of the Century?
The world narrowly avoids surrendering to the Islamic Republic.