The Palestinian Authority leader leaves open an honor murder loophole.
Islam and Anti-Semitism at Yale
The university suddenly shutters its initiative on the study of Jew-hatred after criticism of the Muslim world.
Equating Anti-Semitism with ‘Islamophobia’
European Jewish and Muslim leaders sign a declaration confusing the Jewish and Muslim experience in Europe.
NYC Queers for Jihad
New York City’s LGBT Center sides with Israel-haters over supporters of the Jewish State.
Who Can Beat Obama?
In an era of symbolic identity politics, only one kind of candidate can trump Obama’s credentials.
Tom Friedman: Bring Tahrir Square to Jerusalem
Turning a blind eye to Jew-Hate and the gang-rape of infidels.
The Ten State Solution: An Idea Whose Time Has Come
Why has everyone been thinking so small?
Muslim Mothers Who “Honor Kill” Their Daughters
The Islamic penalty in India for marrying Hindu men.
Was Osama a Typical Husband and Father?
Jihadists and their women.
Lara Logan in Her Own Words
A refusal to call what happened by its rightful name.
Justice Served in an American-Islamic Honor Killing
Faleh Almaleki is sentenced to 34½ years in Arizona for murdering his daughter Noor.
Vive la Burqa?
Not gender apartheid, but a face-veil ban draws women to the streets of Paris to protest.
The Goldstone Recantation
The anti-Israel jurist retracts his lies about the Jewish State, but is it too late to undo the damage?
Anti-Israel Agitprop on the Silver Screen
A new film “Miral” twists history and facts to demonize the Jewish State.
Forced Marriages in Our Own Backyard
Think the barbaric practice doesn’t happen in the U.S.?
J’Accuse: Palestinians of War Crimes and Genocide
Why are Israeli “settlers” demonized when it is Palestinian terrorists who commit war crimes?
On the 100th Anniversary of International Women’s Day — What Are Feminists Doing About Honor Killings?
Why has the women’s movement turned its back on the cruelty of Islamic gender apartheid?
Israeli Apartheid Week: Political Theater at Its Worst
The Hate-Fest against the Jewish State begins in 55 cities around the world.
Saudi Arabia: The Next Capital of Islamic Feminism?
King Abdullah has made some economic concessions, but will he consider political, legal, and human rights reforms?
A War Crime in Cairo
The mobs in Tahrir Square show their true colors in the sexual assault of Lara Logan.
Inside the Mind of an Islamist
Five keys to the psychology of an honor killer.
Punishing the Victims of Islamic Gender Apartheid?
Why would we deny asylum to potential honor killing victims?
Judaeophobia vs Islamophobia
Racial profiling in the American intelligence community.
Al Qaeda Female Suicide Killer?
Or her father’s victim?
The New Evil Empire
A new book exposes the global alliance between Islamist totalitarianism and Western leftism.