But the real fight comes next.
A Razor-Thin Victory for Romney
While Ron Paul’s chances of winning may have disappeared.
Kim Jong-un to Share Power
But a power struggle in the ruling coterie could be in the offing.
Iraq Teeters
While Obama’s retreat is completed.
Time’s ‘Person of the Year’: Dishonest and Delusional
A reality check on who Time Magazine is romanticizing.
Obama’s Abandoning Iraq Roadshow
The president wraps himself in glory ahead of his disastrous withdrawal.
A New Phase in Afghanistan?
Surprising sectarian violence rocks the country — did Pakistan play a role?
Muslim Brotherhood Rising
Islamists dominate Egyptian elections.
Egyptians Go to the Polls
A good day to be an Islamist.
Syria Lurches Toward Civil War
Islamists emerge as major players in the opposition.
Mitt Romney’s Time?
The White House has its eye on the GOP presidential hopeful for a reason.
Arab League Turns on Syria
More action from the league forthcoming?
The IAEA Report: What Now?
What led to the 180 degree change in the UN nuclear watchdog’s conclusions on Iran?
New Greek Government, Same Greek Woes
Will the bailout be enough to stabilize the eurozone before the money runs out?
Occupy Oakland’s Mayhem and Destruction
Residents find little help in city authorities.
Voices of Palestine: Ibrahim Mudayris
Official on “religious affairs” can’t decide whether Jews are more like AIDS or apes and pigs.
Left’s Reaction to Obama’s Iraq Surrender: Triumphalism and Hate
Progressives’ fondest wish comes true.
Obama’s Surrender in Iraq
The president disregards the hard-fought gains of our military and the private pleas of Iraqi leaders.
But Cain He?
A Rasmussen poll shows Herman Cain beating Obama in a head-to-head match-up.
Khamenei, Ahmadinejad Rift Deepens
Allah’s deputy on Earth warns there’s “no problem” with scrapping the president.
Christians Under Siege in Egypt
Like the Jews, Christian populations in the Middle East are in danger of disappearing.
US Meets with the Muslim Brotherhood
Elections on the horizon.
Another Assassination Attempt to Kill Karzai Foiled
Afghanistan intelligence uncover and dismantle a plot hatched in Pakistan.
Pakistan’s Terror Treachery on Trial
Tensions at historic highs.
Vladimir Putin: Act II
Poised to rule as long as Stalin.