Focusing in on that threat comes in two forms.
Media Diversionary Tactics in Ferguson and Gaza
ISIS takes note.
The Gender Confusion Challenge to Army Recruitment
Jihad’s appeal to fatherless boys versus the fading appeal of the U.S. Army.
Stealth Jihad Meets PC America
The inner workings of the unholy alliance.
Wise As Serpents?
The cancellation of Robert Spencer’s talk and Catholic naivete about Islam.
Christian Misunderstanders of Islam
Will Christians dialogue themselves into dhimmitude?
One Nation Under Allah?
All religions are equal, but aren’t some religions more equal than others?
The Road to Sharia
Digging deep into Imam Rauf’s real intentions with the Ground Zero mosque.
To Build a Mosque
Why the “they can build it anywhere else” argument may, in the long run, prove to be a serious strategic mistake.
Lambs to the Slaughter
Will Christians dialogue themselves into dhimmitude?
Sharia in a First Amendment Society
Would the constitution framers have countenanced the erection of a statue of King George on the site of the Boston Massacre?
An Invented Tale?
Why is the Koran preoccupied with its own credibility?
Questioning the Koran
Time to take off the gloves?
Jesus of Nazareth vs. Jesus of Neverland
The Koran’s unconvincing account of Jesus.
Losing Their Religion
Why exactly are we treating Islamic theology like a protected species?
When Secularism Is Not Enough
Are we sure Islamic jihad can be resisted by reliance on Western secular values alone?
The Warrior Code vs. The Da Vinci Code
Feminized Christianity meets alpha male Islam.
Harry Potter and the Vanishing Jihad
Has J.K. Rowling sent us a coded message?
The Wrong Man
Geert Wilders is on trial in the Netherlands, but who should the authorities really be prosecuting?
Christianity and Cultural Survival
If a weakened Christianity invites an aggressive Islam, what is the prognosis for America?
Attacking the Church and Double Standards
Why the media attacks Catholic crimes of 20 years ago but turns a blind eye to present-day Muslim crimes against children.
The Silence of the Lambs
Why are Christians failing to speak out against the evils perpetrated in the name of Islam?