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[Make sure to read Daniel Greenfield’s contributions in Jamie Glazov’s new book: Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America.]
Less than an hour from the capital of the European Union, gangs fight gun battles in the streets or bomb each other’s outposts. Crime reporters, police and prosecutors are bought off or killed. Torture cells are set up in shipping containers and bodies can be cleanly disposed of, but when the gangs really want to send a message they set up a public execution or fire off a rocket.
That’s the way things are done, not in Bogota or Beirut, but in Antwerp.
Europe’s initial Islamic migration followed port cities. Among those leading port cities were Rotterdam and Antwerp which have become the hubs of Europe’s cocaine crisis. The Moroccan Muslims who came to the quintessentially European cities used them as links to their relatives who were growing marijuana back home. While Islam ruthlessly suppressed the use of alcohol, hashish use became widespread among the invading armies of the new religion. Islamic terrorists nourished on the drug became some of the most useful Jihadis carrying out attacks against Christian knights during the Crusades. Morocco was one of the world’s largest producers of hashish and the new Muslim immigrants established local drug empires.
The drugs grew harder and so did the gangs. Marijuana made way for cocaine in Rotterdam and Antwerp. The gangs became organized crime syndicates whose power rested on control of the docks. The docks in Antwerp are under the control of a hard leftist Belgian union that gleefully shuts down the country and violently clashes with the police during its strikes, but it knows better than to stand up to the Muslim gangs. Leading union figures have allegedly been bribed and ordinary dock workers who refuse to transport the cocaine off ships disappear.
A 2020 bust turned up a secret torture room in a shipping container with a dentist’s chair, handcuffs, pliers and scalpels. And cameras set to record it all as a lesson to others.
The Muslim gangs aren’t subtle. That we hardly hear about them is due to politics and terror.
In the Netherlands, they sent a message to the media by firing an anti-tank rocket at one magazine and then smashing a van through the lobby of the country’s biggest newspaper and setting it on fire. Reporters and bloggers have been killed, and abduction threats have been issued against everyone from the crown princess to the prime minister.
The terror is obvious, but so is the politics.
The Mocro Maffia, which controls a third of Europe’s cocaine market, was built by Moroccan immigrants to the Benelux countries. Media accounts make a point of describing most of the perpetrators in an attack as being “of Dutch origin” or from some other part of Europe to obfusticate the immigration issue. With a Moroccan Muslim criminal organization whose roots in Europe go back to the 1960s, it stands to reason that many of its younger members were already born in Europe: some even to second generation immigrants also born in Europe.
But that doesn’t make them European. And even Europe’s native criminal population is becoming Arabized and Islamized from prison level converts to more elite figures.
When Robert Mink Kok, a major Dutch drug trafficker who had considered becoming a lawyer before turning to crime, was targeted, authorities raided his compounds in Lebanon, including in Hezbollah’s drug hub in the Bekaa Valley where they found anti-tank rockets. Kok had married into a Lebanese Arab Muslim drug clan with its own drug labs and private army. The Lebanese drug clan and Kok had allegedly been working to bring two metric tons of cocaine into Europe.
The majority of drug kingpin figures, like Ridouan Taghi, once the most wanted man in the Netherlands, are North African Muslims and, when they go to ground it’s either in Muslim countries (Taghi was identified in Dubai) or, like Taghi’s associate, Sayid Razzouki, head for the shelter of the Latin American cartels whose drugs they move into Europe.
The immigrants, some of whom have been in Europe for 60 years, others who were born there, are not becoming integrated, instead parts of Europe are turning into Lebanon or Morocco. The same ports that once brought Muslim immigrants to Europe are now controlled by immigrant crime bosses who are making Europe play by their rules.
It’s not just Belgium and the Netherlands: Sweden had 90 gang bombings last year.
While the media harps on gun ownership in the United States, Muslim gangs in Sweden have taken to throwing hand-grenades and home-brewed explosives at each other. While the Muslim gang members still shoot at each other, they also like hurling explosives at apartment buildings.
At the end of August, there were four blasts in one hour at different buildings in Gothenburg where 10% of the country’s Muslim settler population lives. Unlike Belgium and the Netherlands, Sweden’s gangs and their weapons come from the shattered remnants of the former Yugoslavia: Bosnians and Albanians brought as refugees formed gangs and smuggled weapons from family members in their own homelands. They were joined by the Black Cobra gang: an Iraqi, Lebanese and ‘Palestinian’, organization expanding out of Denmark.
Authorities blame some of the infighting in Sweden’s Muslim gang scene on Rawa Majid, also known as the ‘Kurdish Fox’, who operates out of Turkey. Majiid had come to Sweden as a refugee baby only to build a massive criminal empire and plan RPG attacks. The killers are particularly indiscriminate. “If there are more than one on the scene, shoot all of them. Women, children, it doesn’t matter,” one gang member ordered.
The state of terror is serious, but perhaps even more serious is the growing role of the Muslim mafias in politics. Some gang bosses bribe everyone from police officers to inspectors to local politicians. Other gangs have been getting their members involved in elections, delivering votes, and even moving their members into public office. It’s unknown to what degree elected public officials have been compromised, but some are beginning to call localities and even entire cities, narcostates.
Some of the Benelux countries, always prone to financial corruption, have become hubs for drug smuggling, human trafficking, and organized crime. Muslim gang members openly battle for territory. And the proceeds of the money are laundered through local family businesses. Rising businessmen financed by drug money are getting involved in politics. Hip-hop gang culture crossbred with Korans and mosques is transforming European cities into Islamic narco-states. The next Afghanistan or Beirut may turn out to be in Europe after all.
“The Mocro maffia, which controls a third of Europe’s cocaine market…” You make me (sic.)
that’s the actual spelling
e.g. https://www.lemonde.fr/en/france/article/2023/08/18/the-mocro-maffia-s-french-connection_6098081_7.html
The container in the dutch port was used by the pedofile ring to make snuf movies for the pedo establishment! The msm lied about it when it was found!
You have an allergy to truth. Get well.
Ball’s in your court there truebearing. Please elaborate on exactly where in his article that Mr. Greenfield deviated from the truth.
No, I am not challenging what Greenfield wrote. I was responding to Miranda.
Sorry. Didn’t understand who you were replying to.
Yeah, my revelation of the day has been that we don’t have any leaders strong enough to stand up to the Muslim invasion (or at least, not many 🙂
I should have realized that back in the 1970s or 1980s when I saw how the Berkeley Chancellors (or whatever they are called) wimped out every single time to the radical leftist protestors raging amuck on the Berkeley Campus. That is the kind of leaders we have, wimping out to every radical leftist or Muslim pressure group.
The “leaders” are encouraging the invasion, why? Because islamic dictators provide the most money to the UN.
Leftism is based on an attack on the existing system as evil and oppressive. Anything that is attacking the system must therefore be good.
Including Islam.
The Left turns our immune systems against us, attacking and killing the host.
The ruling ethnomasochist Left across western Europe have acquiesced and even actively encouraged the colonization of Europe by Islam sowing the seeds of its own demographic and cultural genocide on the path to “Eurabia”.
Amazing, and horrifying! Thank you for the article!
Thank you, unfortunately one of those stories not being told
Western Europe is lost.
Countries like Poland, Bulgaria and Romania will last.
Moslems are are a pestilence.
The Albanians are strangely toxic, considering they aren’t Middle Eastern.
I can tell you watched “Rough Diamonds,” Greeny I knew you would. 🙂
Albanians are muslim due to being occupied by the Ottoman Turks for 100s of years ; they are ARCH criminals
Exactly, those are the countries i’ve identified as stalwarts against this also.
The results of Open Borders and liberal Do Gooders and Biden as well as the UN/CFR are doing the same to us
“The destruction of industrialised civilisation”.
Maurice Strong at the UN Earth Summit in 1992.
“Isn’t it our responsibility to make that happen?”
Amazing, that fits in so well with Critical Theory and Soros’ open borders objectives.
Actually, a good and important point. Machines (industrial civilization) do work.By transforming energy into work. Not that I’m expert, I just love digging into ancient technology and thinking about it and understanding the macro-theory of industrial civilization. Without those machines (industrial civilization) mankind could not survive at present population level. Thinking about a horse, a horse has a lot more power than a man. Back to the age when horses were a main source of work? How much work would get done without machines?
Oh, a chance to give my spiel about East Africa 🙂 Some cultures there (as of the 1850s) didn’t even know how to dig holes. Had to use their bare hands to dig, no tools. Other cultures had invented the Hoe, but hadn’t discovered the plow. Old Hoes were often used for barter or currency in trade.
I just love this adage, ” necessity is the mother of invention “.
So will some future EU army be manned by muslim gang members?
Yes, and they also want Turkey to join so there will be millions more because lots of Turks want to leave the place. The good news is that most want to leave since it became an islamic caliphate.
This would not surprise me. I give you the new Chicago P.D.’s acceptance of ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS into its ranks!!!
SGT Hank Voight’s gotta be puking over this!!!
The one all our governments are going to turn loose on us, with a mandate to rob, rape and slaughter at will.
Why do you think they’re letting so many of them in?
Ironic that the Dutch let in all these Morco folks but want nothing to do with South African Whites that would like to return to their homeland. They say these literate, skilled members of the Dutch Reformed Church would not fit in. Or something… Koos Van der Merwe knows how to deal with Third Worlders. Much like Charles Martel.
There’s no such thing as a third world, there’s only two worlds, a free world and a corrupt world.
And the corrupt one is winning.
Well, they convinced themselves that they wanted diversity and multi-culturalism and now they’ve got it. Welcome to the real world.
The Islamic Global Jihad has many facets with gangs and drug smugglers and those with political ambitions are just a few. They are doing whatever it takes to destroy the EU and make it all Muslim.
All the while, the Marxist European “leaders” are cheering Islam on with their destruction of Western Civilization.
Out standing read Daniel, Thanks, J.C.
There’s no real distinction. Crime families and gang members often turn into Jihadist militias and then back again. That’s what happened in Syria.
The families are connected to large clans.
It’s what made our nation building semi-hopeless. We were trying to win the hearts and minds of the clans whose fighters we were also fighting in the field.
The “hearts and mind” thing was always a deviation from national interest. It may have appeared to work with japan, but nobody was defeated as Japan was since. A bullet in the mind works; the heart follows.
We never won anyone’s hearts and minds.
The Japanese and the Germans used victimhood ideology to reinvent themselves as the victims and us as the oppressors.
Germans didn’t ; they are so guilt ridden to be suicidal
With all the terrifying horror perpetrated by Muslims in Europe,
including the overwhelming amount of rapes and their bullying
their way into politics – do they still simultaneously insist that
Islam is the light and a religion of peace?
As their sword threatens your neck, are you going to believe
them or your own lying eyes?
Islam – unlike similar thug totalitarian movements in history –
has been able to last for 1,400 years by also being a religious
way of life. I’m sure that during recorded torture sessions in
the shipping container “as a lesson to others” – there were
cries of ‘Allah Akbar’ by the devoted perps.
Islam is a religion of peace in the sense that it uses ruthless violence to eliminate all dissent. It’s the soviet version of peace, in which Mir meant both world and peace. In Islam, peace is submission.
And that is premised on the acceptance of Muslims as a master race with a free right to abuse, bully and rape everyone else as Mohammed did.
The promise of conquest followed by plunder, including rape and slaves, is an attraction to followers who otherwise would not have such staying at home peacefully. The promised afterlife for men is a house of prostitution.
Excellent point. The promise of plunder, including rape and slaves, often served for pay in ancient armies.
If people keep inviting trashy people into their house, the house will get trashed.
Say goodbye to your culture, sovereignty, and security because of the bad decisions made by your leaders.
I can’t find it in myself to care, Let the simps in western europe be taken over and kicked and whipped and beheaded. The women are screaming pasty and willing, while the “men” are emasculated weaklings, Survival of the strongest, just the way it is.
Until we need them as allies or trading partners.
Look up the origin of the word “assassin.”
Something to do with ‘hashish’, wasn’t it?
That’s the standard etymology. I looked it up to check, as usual there is some debate amongst scholars so I will pass on that issue 🙂
Deport all Muslims, citizens or not, from the west! Islam is antithetical to everything the west stands for.
Islam continues to attack the Christian world for over 1400 years after Christianity was established peacefully in the middle east 600 years before militant and political islam was spawned from hell.
Deport every leftist with them. The shiites will continue wrecking America whether or not their party is in power.
Throw them out, every one.
Nazism and Communism arose out of Europe, and both were based in evil. Both sought sought Muslim allies as well.. Perhaps we should look at it this way: Islam, Nazism, Communism, etc. are all denominations in Satan’s religion. They all share a united purpose: the destruction of mankind, but especially Israel and anywhere Christianity flourished. They serve evil and always have. So does the American left. They are all part of the same army of evil.
The courage that only faith can give is our only path to victory. Terrorism is all about destroying faith.
All of this goes back to post WWII labor shortages (Mexicans and Indians would’ve been a better choice than Turks and Moroccans as laborers) and the actions of successive French governments and the arrangements they made with oil Sheiks post-Algeria. The disgusting Jaques Chirac and even more disgusting Francois Mitterrand sold Europes soul (and daughters). Europe is Eurabia.
Yes. A combination of cheap labor to prop up failed socialist states with declining birth rates and wrapping up colonialism (while actually reversing it by having the colonized colonize the colonizers)
Europe is rotting from inside. They should be worried about that and not about expanding NATO.
The so-called “leaders” are cheering this on because they are bought-and-paid-for globalist scum. Their One World Government can not come about as long as there are still strong, sovereign and free nations left in this world.
“We are grateful to the Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.”
— David Rockefeller, Bilderberger Conference, Baden-Baden, Germany 1991
“Today, America would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order. Tomorrow they will be grateful! This is especially true if they were told that there were an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will plead to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well-being granted to them by the World Government.”
— Dr. Henry Kissinger, Bilderberger Conference, Evians, France, 1992
“US must not stop Syrian resettlement. It would be a threat to ‘global governance’”.
— David Miliband, former British Foreign Secretary who came to New York in 2013 to take the reins of the International Rescue Committee
“This regionalization is in keeping with the Tri-Lateral Plan, which calls for a gradual convergence of East and West, ultimately leading toward the goal of one world government. National sovereignty is no longer a viable concept.”
— Zbignew Brzezinski, National Security Advisor to President Jimmy Carter
“To achieve world government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism, loyalty to family traditions, national patriotism and religious dogmas…”
— G. Brock Chisholm, psychiatrist and co-founder of the World Federation of Mental Health