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As Israel continues its dismantling of Hamas in Gaza, and proceeds with its ferocious assault on Hezbollah in Lebanon, the government in Jerusalem is also pondering when, and what, to strike in Iran, the puppetmaster of Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Houthis, that has supplied all three of these malign proxies with money and weapons to attack Israel, and has itself launched its own missile attacks on Israel — 300 launched in April, and 180 ballistic missiles launched on October 1 — almost all of which were either intercepted or fell harmlessly in open areas. The attack on October 1 did result on damage to housing, but not to any military targets at Nevatim Airbase, save for one hole punched in the roof of one building.
The Biden administration insists that the Jewish state must avoid targeting nuclear facilities, even though Iran is believed by the most knowledgeable monitors of its nuclear program, including David Albright, founder and head of the Institute for Science and International Security, to be within a few weeks of being able to produce a nuclear weapon, should it decide to do so. Biden has also urged Israel “to reconsider” any plans to attack Iranian oil facilities, presumably including not just oil fields but also the terminals at Kharg Island, from which 90% of Iran’s oil is exported. Washington also wants to be kept informed about the IDF’s plans for dealing with Iran — a preposterous demand, considering our leaking ship of state.
But there are other voices of sober realism who remind us that the Iranian threat is not limited to Israel. Iranian-supported militias have launched attacks on American bases in Iraq and Syria. Iran has been an evil actor in Europe, providing Vladimir Putin with munitions, artillery shells, drones, as well as Fath and Shahid missiles. In the Red Sea, Iran supplies the Houthis in Yemen with missiles to hit ships and force 15% of the world’s seagoing vessels to change their routes from Asia to Europe; the ships that used to go up the Red Sea and through the Suez Canal now must go round the Horn of Africa and up Africa’s western coast to Europe, a much longer and more expensive trip for such shipping. Iran provided support to the terrorists — “Hezbollah” had not yet announced itself — who launched an attack in Beirut in 1983, that resulted in the deaths of 220 American Marines, 18 sailors, and three soldiers, as well as of 58 French soldiers, all of them murdered while asleep in their barracks. Iran has been behind both a suicide attack in 1992 on the Israeli Embassy in Buenos Aires, in which 29 people were killed, and in 1994 another attack in the same city on the Argentine Israelite Mutual Association (AMIA), killing 85 and injuring hundreds more. Iran’s tentacles, and those of its proxies, extend across the globe, from Moscow to Buenos Aires. In recent years, Hezbollah operatives have been caught preparing attacks as far afield as Azerbaijan, Bolivia, Cyprus, Egypt, Peru, and Thailand. Hezbollah weapons caches have been discovered in the Gulf, in Europe, in Asia, and in Africa.
Unlike our own current leadership, the leader of Canada’s Conservative Party, Pierre Poilievre was forthright in his support for an Israeli attack on Iran, insisting that for Israel to prevent the “genocidal” Islamic Republic from obtaining nuclear weapons “would be a gift by the Jewish state to humanity.”
At a press briefing he held outside Canada’s House of Commons on September 8, Poilievre said, “I think the idea of allowing a genocidal, theocratic, unstable dictatorship, that is desperate to avoid being overthrown by its own people, to develop nuclear weapons is about the most dangerous and irresponsible thing that the world could ever allow.”
And the former National Security Adviser in the Trump Administration, General H. R. McMaster, has gone even further than Pierre Poilievre. He thinks the Americans should not rely on Israel to do all the heavy lifting against Tehran, but should themselves consider launching their own strikes to destroy Iran’s key military programs, including its nuclear program. More on General McMaster’s view can be found here: “McMaster urges consideration of U.S. strikes on Iran,” by Marc Rod, Jewish Insider, October 9, 2024:
Former National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster said on Tuesday [Oct.8] that the U.S. should consider military strikes against Iran’s key military programs.
The former national security adviser, speaking on Tuesday at an Atlantic Council event moderated by NBC correspondent Courtney Kube, said that the U.S. should consider wiping out drone and missile factories inside Iran. Hearkening back to the mid-1990s, he said the U.S. should give serious consideration to military strikes against Iran’s nuclear program.
When do the missile facilities, as well as the nuclear facilities — when are those options brought to the president?” McMaster, who served in the Trump administration from 2017-2018, said.
But he noted that any U.S. strikes must pursue clear strategic goals, including restoring deterrence; degrading the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps’s capabilities to supply, communicate with and coordinate its proxies; and setting back Iran’s nuclear and missile programs….
Will General McMaster’s call for American attacks on Iran’s key military programs be heeded? Or will tiny and embattled Israel, its hands already full with dismantling Hamas in Gaza and, even more, with fighting Hezbollah with its huge arsenal of 150,000 rockets and missiles, be expected to take on as well the task of removing the Iranian regime’s nuclear threat all by itself? And if Israel finds it must do so alone, will Washington supply it with all the weaponry, including the 30,000 pound bunker-buster bombs — Massive Ordnance Penetrators, or MOPs — that would be required to destroy nuclear facilities built inside a mountain at Fordow, or underground elsewhere? Or will the Americans attempt to dissuade the Jewish state from such an attack by withholding such weapons? In arguing that the United States itself should take part in an attack on Iran’s military assets, including its nuclear program, General McMaster has made an important contribution to the debate.
I remember when President Trump fired General McMaster as National
Security Advisor after only about a year on the job. It seems McMaster
was more of a globalist shill than a nationalist and he himself was firing
scores of people who were supportive of Trump and anti-globalist. Not
to mention that Trump was justifiably peeved when McMaster told a
German forum that Russia had meddled in the 2016 presidential election.
Also at that time, McMaster leaned toward support of Obama’s nuclear
deal with Iran.
But maybe heeding Gen. McMaster’s advice about striking Iran to help
Israel is the right thing to do now. The Iranian regime is maniacal and
allowing them to have a nuclear bomb is a deadly threat to America as
well. But globalist-loving McMaster’s advice should also be taken with
a grain of salt. America has to be fully aware of any repercussions an
attack on Iran would mean for our deteriorated country right now. There
are other ways to greatly help Israel without resorting to that. Not that
the globalist-commie Biden/Harris regime will do anything anyway to
help Israel.
When Trump gets in, he will know what to do about attacking Iran –
without any suspicious advice from a globalist like McMaster.
I agree on McMasters.I believe being a 4 star general he could deal with Trump a non military guy giving him orders
more like could NOT deal…
You are so correct.
Hope he’s kept out of the next administration. He could very well set the planet on fire.
Who – McMasters? DEFINITELY!
Weird that it’s only when these power-brokers become “former” whatevers that they propose morally sound ideas. While they’re still in power, they parrot the globalist narrative du jour. McMaster is just another one following that disturbing pattern.
One option not mentioned is to target the leaders of Iran themselves. The mullas are afraid of being overthrown by their own people for good reason. The Iranian masses hate their oppressors with a righteous passion. If Israel were to help set the Iranian people free, Iran might become Israel’s most important ally.
Israel’s pagermageddon attack was the kind of operation that they so brilliantly excell at. Rid Iran of the mullas, dissolve and arrest the Republican Guard, and you defanged to nuclear threat directly without touching it.
The terrorist mullahs came to power by using violence, force and threats. Mass executions, and a war they started with Iraq.
They can only be removed by a massive amount of force.
They follow an ideology of hate, violence and terrorism. All of which should be used against them in much greater force. No mercy.
Their religion of peace is so far from what they tell the world. Lies, Lies, Lies. Just like our present news media.
Since Iran is in the United Nations America needs to totally pull out of the UN and moved them all to Moscow or Beijing we can turn the UN site into a Homeless Shelter
Nonsense. The USA is a permanent member of the Security Council. It’s veto can prevent horrendous action against Istael.
not gonna happen soon
H.R., a military strike against Iran, really? Economic warfare in today’s world game is so much more effective than would be another war.
I’m sick of sending our best & brightest patriots (or in the case of LBJ & McNamara low IQ draftees) to fight when we can outsmart an enemy.
“Low IQ draftees?” An arrogant parasite like you never served.
After Trump resumes his presidency, the Islamic State of Iran will become only a memory.
Israel has no aircraft that can carry a 30,000 bunker buster bomb.
Instead Israel uses sequentially timed smaller bombs to blast through
concrete and earth.
What to do about Iran” Answer: Remove the handcuffs from the Israelis and provide them with whatever logistical support them need. The Israelis will do the wet work.
There is more intellectual brilliance in that little country than in the rest of the world. They don’t need anyone’s permission to continue to succeed. Praise God & his holy people.
Several with experience and knowledge of war including Victor Davis Hanson has supported Israel taking out the iranian nuclear sites and have said it would benefit the world. Sadly America is failing horrendously in supporting israel or inhibiting iran and its terrorist proxies. On the contrary the US facilitates the enemies of freedom and democracy and are vile to israel that has given so much to the world in science, medicine, technology, film, music etc and given well paid jobs and self-governance to the gazans but being muslims, all they want to do is kill jews, then Christians, sikhs, hindus, buddhists…everyone. Islam’s aim is to enforce their barbaric, retrograde, precivilisational bloodlusting, totalitarian death cult on everyone. I wish every success to the brave israelis and hope the people of iran can gain their freedom from the evil repression of islam.. Read ‘see something, say nothing’ to see the close ‘relationship between Obummer and the muslim brotherhood which goes a long way in showing who is destroying america from within and who is helping in the democrats and the FBI, CIA, Homeland, DOJ etc. TERRIFYING!!
I think, there is a lot of misconception and ignorance of history around here:
Let us accept the fact that Iran has reason to be angry and against US policies:
IN 1953, CIA (and British MI6) destroyed Iran’s Democracy and put up their Puppet “Emperor”.
He and his brutal (CIA trained) political police SAVAK held the country under “US OCCUPATION” until 1979.
The revolution of 1979 and its religious fervor were a reaction to the Shah’s/US oppression of local people, culture, and religion.
One reason for this “occupation” was Iran’s oil (which is special for its lubricant capacity) and, of course, Iran’s position as one of the biggest, in territory and population, countries in the Middle East, and it being Non-Arab!
These elements – plus Iran’s position as ‘Protector of the Shia Islam Faith and Moslems put Iran in counter to US interests in a) Israel – especially, since its becoming a nuclear power(!), and b) Saudi Arabia as oil US-Empire.
US policies have, for some time now, been linked to a) supporting Israel as (nuclear) Mid-East mini-super-power and quasi US bridgehead by the oil wells (about the main reason for its foundation).
The other was, for a long time (and is with Iraq again) direct control of the oil market and price – which Obama tried to strengthen with his Oil Price War against Saudia and Russia – at the high price of home-fracking.
But the main policy was a strengthening of the oppressive Saudi (and related Sunni Arab states) in their Djihad against Shia faith and countries. This Religious War and a project of Saudi pipelines to the Med were the main reason for Obama’s funding and arming the Saudia Terror Militia ISIS (to gat Saudia a direct oil terminal in Syria) – a mistake that is still felt in Syria and world-wide, and has to be judged as the worst Genocidal Crime of the 21 century (now, of course competed forby Herod-Netanyahu’s GAZA HOLOCAUST*)
As for Iran-policies now, US governments should avoid being, again, the “big dog waggled by its tail”: Israel!
*PD: Holocaust means Total Genocide – not just for one people!
Thanks for giving us the mullah’s viewpoint.
The CIA did a lot of dirty things around the world since its inception. Even overthrow democratically elected regimes. But that was then and this is now.
If Iran keeps playing with fire they’re going to get burned. Israel is just the country to do it and they should do it sooner rather than later. 10,000 degrees and rising should be the daily temperature in Iran for several days.
Moreover, ethnically, the Iranians are Persians, not Arabs which is a different ethnic group. Ergo,. the Arabs should stay out of Israel’s business with Iran and STFU.
Technically and historically speaking, Persians are the original Aryans (aka, Indo=Aryans.) Hitler and the Thule cult ignorantly claimed that Aryans were blue-eyed and blond hair.
McMaster is a useless globalist Trump traitor. I have zero use for him.
‘IN 1953, CIA (and British MI6) destroyed Iran’s Democracy and put up their Puppet “Emperor”. ‘
Hardly, although that is the popular leftist narrative. After all, Mossedegh rose through royal decree, not a national vote of the Iranian people. Mossadegh was a delusional figure who stole the British dominated oil industry with token compensation. Ok, “nationalized” it, thereby abrogating a previously agreed to maturation date.
Mossadegh had no interest in democratic methods, and was quite willing to violently suppress dissent.. He engineered a vote dissolve parliament in which the vote to dissolve the chamber was 2 million in favor and 1,207 against. Soviet style democracy, you might say. Had he worked with the Eisenhower administration- and he was the one who invited Washington’s involvement- he could probably have achieved a resolution to the nationalized AIOC problem, but he proved himself unable to lead or negotiate, even telling Vernon Walters, his translator, “ Don’t you realize, that returning to Iran empty-handed, I return in a much stronger position”. With that attitude, why bother seeking Washington’s help in finding a resolution (and an end to the embargo,eh?
People like you try to make it a “good guy” democrat (Mossadegh) vs a “bad guy” autocrat (the shah). The reality was anything but such a simplistic situation.
The USA was appalled by Mossadegh’s despotic tendencies which, by the time of the coup, had alienated most of the powers at be in Iran. The Shah was far from ideal, but by Middle East standards, he was an enlightened despot who by and large benefitted the people of Iran.
Little is made of the increasing influence of Iran and Hezbollah in South America and any connection between that and the invasion of military-aged men crossing the southern border.
The former national security advisor did not mention what the United States did to Iran in the 195os.
Utter twaddle, sir.
The problem we are facing with Iran today started in the 1950s. Obviously, you are not aware of that fact. Go do some research rather did write a stupid reply to my comment.
Noticed you couldn’t bother responding to my considered comment above. I’ve done some reading of this history, and have shown much more knowledge than you have with your banal reply that was devoid of any insight.
In Trump’s presidency, Iran was rendered toothless by withholding their money and pumping US oil like crazy. Iran, ever since, has been “weeks away from nuclear weapons” and still is, purportedly. What gives? Are they really the threat they claim to be?