The Point By Daniel Greenfield
Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical left and Islamic terrorism.
4th Woman Accuses Neil deGrasse Tyson of Sexual Misconduct
Daniel Greenfield
Don’t look now, but the Tyson star just went nova. After the Patheos story on the two women who accused Neil deGrasse Tyson, the favorite social justice scientist of people who tweet #ILoveScience in response to using their deodorant, of sexual harassment and the woman who accused him of rape, BuzzFeed took it on and…
The Media Rediscovers “Fawning”
Daniel Greenfield
When Obama, literally, bowed to the Saudi king, the media indignantly reprimanded the “right wingers” who thought there was anything wrong with the scene. But now, in the grips of deepest, darkest Khashoggimania, the media has rediscovered “fawning”. 1,001 articles attack Trump for “fawning” on the Saudis. When Hillary Clinton rolled in with a Reset…
Obama Admin Judge Freed “Perverso”: a MS-13 Illegal Alien, Then He Killed
Daniel Greenfield
Illegal migration has a high human cost. Politicians who advocate for it have blood on their hands. Howie Carr at the Boston Herald sums up the latest outrage. Consider the case of “Perverso,” one Henri Salvador Gutierrez, an illegal MS-13 gangbanger from El Salvador. Perverso is now one of six gangbangers charged with the savage…
SNL Indian Comedian Silenced for “Offensive Jokes” at Columbia
Daniel Greenfield
The Left killed comedy. This is what its corpse looks like.
Carter/Clinton Judges Rule Aiding Illegal Aliens is Protected by 1st Amendment
Daniel Greenfield
Of course it is. The Trump era has unleashed complete insanity in the Federal judiciary. There’s no ruling that Carter/Clinton/Obama judges won’t issue to protect illegal aliens or undermine President Trump. Even existing laws and processes are suddenly being struck down because Trump. Let’s have a quick look at the latest fit of unconstitutional judicial…
New York Times Rolls Out 2 Hit Pieces on George H.W. Bush
Daniel Greenfield
Here’s a question. If Bush I had gone out the McCain way, blasting Trump. If his family had made it clear that they didn’t want Trump at the funeral, would we be seeing these snide hit pieces, which have crawled up from the lefty underbelly at Salon, Vox and Slate to the New York Times.…
Head of Fake News Network Considers Fake Run for Public Office
Daniel Greenfield
Dems running for president in 2020 has become the new drug. Everyone’s doing it, I might as well join them. In a wide-ranging podcast interview with one of his employees, CNN president Jeff Zucker revealed to The Axe Files host David Axelrod that he still wants to run for political office at some point. “I…
Biden: I’m the Most Qualified Person in the Country to be President”
Daniel Greenfield
Joe Biden is a humble and unassuming egomaniac. He’s the sort of guy who will get into an argument with you about his IQ. Now Joe, his rug, his wandering hands, his capped teeth and his stump speech about his dead son will hit the road to 2020. So of course he thinks he’s the…
Who Would Have Wanted to Hack into the NRCC in 2018?
Daniel Greenfield
The media spin is that when Democrats get hacked, it’s the fault of Republicans. And when Republicans get hacked, it’s the fault of Republicans. (This is also the media’s spin for absolutely everything.) But who would have wanted to hack into the National Republican Congressional Committee in 2018? Somebody who was possibly very interested in…
Apple Boss: No Room for “Hate” On Our Platforms
Daniel Greenfield
Steve Jobs was an overrated media figure, but I couldn’t picture him putting on a silly, posturing performance like this. In the Tim Cook era, Apple has become a mediocre company, putting out overpriced hardware for those willing to buy it, but with its innovative days as dead as Jobs. So all that’s left is…