The Point By Daniel Greenfield
Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical left and Islamic terrorism.
Trump’s Answers to Mueller Already Leaked to CNN
Daniel Greenfield
I forget which media outlet famously described the Mueller investigation as “leak proof”. Of course if it were leak-proof, the media would have spent the past months demanding Mueller’s head. The promise that Mueller will lock up Trump and overturn their 2016 humiliation is the only thing keeping the media afloat as bitter resistance lefties…
Anti-Gun Chief Who Got Hit in the Head With a Hockey Puck Explains Terrible Idea for Protecting College
Daniel Greenfield
My favorite part of the story is the cheery tone. Can you believe the innovative can-do spirit of those folks? With no guns allowed on campus, they’re preparing to stave off a gunman with hockey pucks. And then we’re gonna win a nuclear war with China using rubber bands and shoe polish. It’s a potential…
Media Spins Clinton Foundation Co-Founder’s Pedophilia by Blaming Trump
Daniel Greenfield
The media is suddenly interested in Jeffrey Epstein because they found a Trump-bashing angle on the decade old story of the Clinton ally and alleged serial sexual abuser of young girls. None of the media hit pieces seem willing to mention that Epstein claimed to have helped concieve the idea of the Clinton Global Initiative…
Media Suddenly Interested in Jeffrey Epstein
Daniel Greenfield
Over a decade later, the media has suddenly rediscovered an interest in the obscene free ride that Jeffrey Epstein got. Previously Epstein and his alleged crimes against young girls had been too hot to handle because Bill Clinton had been a passenger on Epstein’s Lolita Express plane. But now, over a decade later, the media…
Taxpayers Fund Smithsonian’s Attack on 2nd Amendment
Daniel Greenfield
As a kid, I really enjoyed my subscription to Smithsonian magazine. Then the magazine grew worse and more leftist. The last time I picked up an issue, it was indistinguishable from Newsweek. So I’m not too surprised. But an issue like this is blatant political activism by a taxpayer funded organization. It’s also an attack…
Somali Muslim Immigrant Carried Out Synagogue Car Jihad in LA
Daniel Greenfield
View this post on Instagram HATE IN #LOSANGELES – CAUGHT ON CAMERA: Several Orthodox #Jews were walking on Le Brea Blvd and Oakwood – in front of the Bais Yehuda Shul, when a vehicle drove past screaming anti-Semitic slurs at them. (2nd video) One of the victims told YWN the vehicle made an abrupt U-Turn…
New Ottoman Empire Reduced to Onion-Hoarding
Daniel Greenfield
The rebirth of the Caliphate and the Ottoman Empire is running into some hiccups. And Trump’s sanctions aren’t helping. Turkey’s government is hunting for onions as part of efforts to fight crippling inflation, blaming unauthorized stockpiles for pushing up prices for shoppers. The country is in the grip of an economic crisis driven by a…
In The Future Everyone Will Have 15 Minutes of White Privilege
Daniel Greenfield
White privilege and supremacism are everywhere. And therefore nowhere. As this insane Guardian editorial proves. There have been plenty of insane editorials about Jamal Khasoggi, but this is something else because its insanity has nothing to do with insisting that a pal of Osama bin Laden was really a moderate journalist. Jamal Khashoggi’s borrowed white…
DeSantis Won 1 in 5 of Black Women Against Gillum
Daniel Greenfield
The Florida elections certainly produced some interesting results. Puerto Rican voters may have helped Scott make it to the Senate. And DeSantis did really well with black women despite the constant accusations of racism. Star Parker noted that DeSantis may have won because of black voters. White Democrat Nelson got 90 percent of the black…
2 Muslim Anti-Semitic Car Attacks on American Jews in 2 Months (VIDEOS)
Daniel Greenfield
View this post on Instagram HATE IN #LOSANGELES – CAUGHT ON CAMERA: Several Orthodox #Jews were walking on Le Brea Blvd and Oakwood – in front of the Bais Yehuda Shul, when a vehicle drove past screaming anti-Semitic slurs at them. (2nd video) One of the victims told YWN the vehicle made an abrupt U-Turn…