The Point By Daniel Greenfield
Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical left and Islamic terrorism.
“Anti-Racist” CNN Commentator Defends Farrakhan Ties
Daniel Greenfield
Marc Lamont Hill, a CNN commentator, spends a lot of time screaming about white racism. He’s far more comfortable with black racism. After a photo of him with racist hate group leader, Louis Farrakhan, came out, Hill tried to have it both ways. “The last 24 hours have been crazy. I have been getting challenged…
Unlike Obama, Trump Cracks Down on Russian Arms Cheating
Daniel Greenfield
Ever since the election, Democrats decided that Russia was our greatest enemy. And they’ve been howling that President Trump isn’t doing enough to fight Russia. Except that when it comes to sanctions, arms sales to Eastern Europe and cracking down on Russian treaty violations, Trump has been far tougher on Russia than Obama. Obama’s obsession…
Beto O’Rourke Sued for Text Message Spam
Daniel Greenfield
Beto O’Rourke is on every cover of the media’s Teen Beat magazine. He’s running for Senate. He’s running for the White House. He invented the airplane, the microchip and the mousetrap. And, if you squint while drunk, he kind of looks like RFK. Also he wouldn’t stop spamming one Texas resident. At least one Texan…
Dem Rep Claims He Never Said the Trump Conspiracy Theory He Said on CNN
Daniel Greenfield
Video: Here’s the video of Democratic Congressman Joaquin Castro stating without evidence that Kushner may have given the Saudis a hit list that had Khashoggi’s name on it and thus the Saudis had him killed. Incredibly irresponsible. pic.twitter.com/9mossq4Cdt — Curtis Houck (@CurtisHouck) October 19, 2018 Whom are you gonna believe, Castro or Castro? The Intercept,…
72% of LA Hate Crimes Hit Jews, Only 12% Muslims
Daniel Greenfield
The media yammers compulsively about Islamophobia. And yet, in reality, the majority of religion-based hate crimes target Jews. In Los Angeles, it’s 72%. The latest report from the Los Angeles County Commission on Human Relations shows that 72 percent of hate crimes against religion in the county were against Jews in 2017. Following Jews on…
Washington Post Smears Front Page to Cover Up Facts About Khashoggi
Daniel Greenfield
And we are talking about facts here. 1. Jamal Khashoggi is a Muslim Brotherhood figure. 2. His Afghanistan “journalism” was Jihadi propaganda. 3. He remained a supporter of Islamic terrorism and… 4. He was an old friend of Osama bin Laden and mourned his death These are all facts. The media huffs and puffs, but…
After Obama, US Tops World Economic Forum Again
Daniel Greenfield
What a difference American exceptionalism makes. For the first time in a decade, the United States was crowned the world’s most competitive economy by the organization behind the Davos economic forum. The World Economic Forum on Wednesday released its latest global competitiveness report, which looked at 140 economies based on 98 wide-ranging social, political and…
Pelosi: When We Take Over, Those Who Don’t “Share Our View”, Will Suffer “Collateral Damage”
Daniel Greenfield
Comrade Pelosi is already drawing up big plans for the House takeover. First the Kulaks will have to be punished. The country will be put on strict rations. And those who don’t share the views of the left will become “collateral damage”. All hail the revolution. “We owe the American people to be there for…
Jamal Khashoggi Cheered Hamas’ War on Israel
Daniel Greenfield
If you get your news from the media, then you will have heard that Jamal Khashoggi was a heroic reform who sought freedom for the region, and was brutally murdered to the strains of hip-hop music by a legion of Saudi assassins. And it was all recorded on his Apple Watch. If you’re interested in…
Washington Post Runs Pro-Sharia Lawyer’s Piece on Removing Kavanaugh
Daniel Greenfield
This is the Democrat alternative to the United States Constitution. “Two ways Democrats can remove Kavanaugh — without impeaching him” – The Washington Post – Aziz Huq Fantasies like these are routine at resistance papers like WaPo and the New York Times. But that’s not what Huq was most famous for. Not all that long…