The Point By Daniel Greenfield
Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical left and Islamic terrorism.
Lawyer Says No Way to Know if Man Who Raped and Killed Baby Suffered During Execution
Daniel Greenfield
“We will never know whether he experienced the intense pain of suffocation and burning.”
Obama Jumps to Conclusions, Says Chapel Hill Shootings were Islamophobic
Daniel Greenfield
After the Boston Marathon and Fort Hood attacks, Obama warned against jumping to conclusions.
Muslim Rapist in Australia Blames Muslim Rape Culture
Daniel Greenfield
Mohebbifar told a psychologist that Western women were “portrayed as whores” in Iran.
Obama Condemns Hebdo Attack Despite Jailing Man for Mohammed Movie
Daniel Greenfield
Does he feel that blasphemy prosecutions are fine when carried out by him?
Obama Attacked Charlie Hebdo For “Offensive” Mohammed Cartoons
Daniel Greenfield
“We know these images will be deeply offensive to many.”
Obama is Hiding Iran’s Pursuit of Nuclear Bomb from Americans
Daniel Greenfield
Obama has become complicit in Iran’s crimes by conducting this coverup.
State Dept Fighting AP Calls to Open Hillary Clinton/Huma Abedin Records
Daniel Greenfield
The agency already has missed deadlines it set for itself to turn over the material.
Obama Now Just Making Up His Own Bible Verses
Daniel Greenfield
If you’ve got your own cult of personality, you might as well have your own bible.
Obama Inc. Claims Iran Made Concessions, Iran Says It Didn’t
Daniel Greenfield
How bad is Obama? So bad Iran is more trustworthy than him.
Ready for Hillary Already Blew Through $11 Million and is in Debt
Daniel Greenfield
You can just imagine what Hillary would do to the national debt.