The Point By Daniel Greenfield
Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical left and Islamic terrorism.
The Hammond Pardons Bring Justice to Obama’s Victims
Daniel Greenfield
The media very deliberately misreported the Bundy standoff, ridiculing the men involved and shrugging at the murder of LaVoy Finicum. When the court case completely collapsed, the media buried the story. Just as it failed to provide any meaningful information about the background of the case. That was in part because it would have been…
Confused Leftists Protest Future Supreme Court Justice They Never Heard Of
Daniel Greenfield
Watch the latest video at A mob of confused angry leftists led by an elderly socialist up past his bedtime converged to protest somebody, anybody. “Are you ready for a fight?” Bernie Sanders querulously cried. He sounded more like he wanted a nap. As the countdown approached, print shops waited with bated breath to…
#AbolishICE Makes Way for #AbolishSupremeCourt
Daniel Greenfield
The left believes the rules should be whatever serves its ends. So the replacement of a Republican appointee by another Republican appointee by Trump is touching off the biggest tantrum since the last time this happened. The clarion call, “We wuz robbed” resounds from Berkeley to Madison. And #AbolishICE gets to make way for #AbolishTheSupremeCourt…
Feminist Apparel’s Male Owner Accused of Sexually Abusing Women
Daniel Greenfield
This is a shocking, unexpected turn of events that no one could have predicted since the last time it happened. Let’s go all the way back to June. “Ivy League anti-rape activist charged with child porn, sex with a 13-year-old”. And now, still in June, the favorite apparel of the Women’s March (besides the “Farrakhan…
Pelosi: “I’m Determined to Avenge President Obama If It’s the Last Thing I Do.”
Daniel Greenfield
“From hell’s heart Nancy Pelosi stabs at thee, for hate’s sake she spits her last chardonnay at thee.“ This is what happens as you approach peak outrage. Out of desperation, you start talking like a Batman villain. Prose too purple for the pulps now pops up in fundraising letters. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi sent…
Obama Inc. Issued Stand Down Order on Taliban Drug Trade
Daniel Greenfield
We do have a pattern of Obama shutting down drug investigations of Islamic terrorists.
Anti-Trump Resistance Leader Keeps Getting Away With Abusing Minors
Daniel Greenfield
#Resistance. #Molest For the second time in recent weeks, Portland protest leader Micah Isaiah Rhodes stood before an Oregon judge ready to go to prison for having sexual contact with an underage teen. And for the second time, an Oregon judge agreed to veer from state sentencing recommendations and give Rhodes five years of probation.…
Socialists in Paradise
Daniel Greenfield
Bernie Sanders and Bill de Blasio have 2 things in common 1. They’re both socialists 2. They haven’t held a job outside the government/lefty non-profit sector. The two are closely related. And here’s how the progressive champions of the people are spending their time. Mayor de Blasio, his wife, Chirlane, and their two kids spent…
Anti-Semitism and the Sarsour Family
Daniel Greenfield
They say that the family that prays together, stays together. But it’s all in what they’re praying for. Earlier this week, I had discussed the case of Linda Sarsour’s brother who had been caught tweeting bizarre anti-Semitic hate about the Jews running FOX News and destroying Hostess. Now Jamie Glazov has addressed the case of…
Pelosi Forgets McConnell’s Name
Daniel Greenfield
I forget people’s names all the time. But when you’re the head of the Dem House and you can’t remember your opposite number in the Senate, the guy who effectively sets much of the legislative agenda, that says something. And it’s not good. But first, here’s Pelosi boasting about her razor sharp effectiveness and denying…