The Point By Daniel Greenfield
Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical left and Islamic terrorism.
Canada: 76% of Immigrants Investigated for Fraud Come from the Muslim World
Daniel Greenfield
“The total number of citizenship fraud cases by country is 3194, going through the list 2438 of that number originate in Muslim nations or just over 76% of all cases.”
So God Made a Democrat
Daniel Greenfield
God looked down on Washington D.C. and said “I need someone who will steal morning, noon and night. Who will steal from the rich to give to the poor and steal from the poor to give to the rich and fool them all and keep all the loot.”
Deli Owners May Face Jail Time If They Miscount Salad Calories
Daniel Greenfield
Food Fascism is just one of the power gimmicks that the left uses to consolidate its control over every area of life. All of this will naturally raise prices while putting small businesses out of business.
Bloomberg Claims He Has No Right to Block Anti-Israel Event, Does Have Right to Ban Styrofoam Cups
Daniel Greenfield
Mayor Bloomberg is a big supporter of freedom. Like the freedom to build a Megamosque near Ground Zero or the freedom to use a city college as a platform for promoting the destruction of Israel. He is however a fierce opponent of irresponsible forms of freedom like overly large soda cups or Styrofoam cups
National Plastic Bag Ban Would Kill 1,380 People
Daniel Greenfield
Environmentalists have discovered that banning plastic bags and forcing people into the reusable bag business, not only increases recyclables, but kills people, recycling their corpses into the planet.
Abdulrahman al-Awlaki and Why You Shouldn’t Stand Next to an Al Qaeda Terrorist
Daniel Greenfield
“Evolving” into the positions of the left to win over the center or devolving into the positions of the far left out of knee jerk opposition to anything that is done by the government between 2008 and 2016 are both destructive habits.
Federal Court Rules that Failure to Castrate Bank Robber is Cruel and Unusual Punishment
Daniel Greenfield
The Founders would have considered castrating a criminal to be Cruel and Unusual Punishment. But Liberalism, in its infinite wisdom, considers it a civil right.
Glenn Greenwald and the Pro-Al Qaeda Lobby
Daniel Greenfield
The Anti-War American Left helps sustain Al Qaeda, fights to free its terrorists from Gitmo, protects their rights and fights the drones that kill them.
Chicago Democrat Judge Found Not Guilty of Battery By Reason of Insanity, Reelected Anyway
Daniel Greenfield
“At that point she is absolutely psychotic in the sense of not having the ability to think straight or to even organize her thinking or to really remember a darn thing that happened,” her attorney, James Montgomery Sr., said.
Socialist Workers Party Used “Socialist Sharia Court” to Cover Up Rape
Daniel Greenfield
You can see where Occupy Wall Street has been getting all its rape ideas.