ObamaCare in Peril?
Tuesday’s Supreme Court hearings may spell the beginning of the end for the health care overhaul.
Former NAACP Leader Takes On the Race Hustlers
C.L. Bryant denounces Sharpton and Jackson for exploiting the Trayvon Martin tragedy.
The Global March to Jerusalem
Yet another major threat to the Jewish State.
The Crisis of Jewish Leftist Islamism
Peter Beinart isn’t a liberal Zionist. He’s a leftist anti-Zionist.
Trayvon Doesn’t Matter to the Left
The real agenda.
Obama Follows FDR on ‘Flexibility’ with Russia
The shameful history of Democratic presidents and their two-faced foreign policy.
Face-Off on the Election of 2012 — on The Glazov Gang
Doris Montrose, Rob Nelson and Mark Tapson mix it up on Frontpage’s television program.
The War on Wisconsin
If Big Labor can kill free-market reforms in the Badger State, they can kill them anywhere.
Western Survival Depends on Western Pride
A French politician is raked over the coals for touting the exemplary characteristics of the West.
Daniel Greenfield on The Jamie Glazov Show
The Shillman Journalism Fellow shares his wisdom on the Trayvon Martin case, Muslim Hate Groups on Campus, Israel, Iran and much more.
Honor Killings Grow in the West: Islam’s Gruesome Gallery
When will our president, media and higher literary culture breathe one word of moral concern or indignation?
Obama’s ‘Flexibility’ on Missile Defense
The real outrage is that the president has already sold out the U.S.
Another Thought Criminal Banished by the Daily Kos
Dissent over Trayvon Martin case results in excommunication for Kos poster.
Canada: Muslim Book Sanctions Wife-Beating
The only surprising thing about ‘A Gift for the Muslim Couple’ is that it surprises anyone.
Terror for Passover
Throughout the world, Muslims are doing their part to help in the celebrations.