John ‘Bulletproof Conservative’ Roberts?
How the Chief Justice’s ruling was a verdict on two presidencies.
The Jihadi Threat Within
FBI investigation speculates that over 100 suspected Islamists are in the U.S. military.
Get Ready For More Charges of Racism
Why Obama must continue to shift blame elsewhere.
Sea Change for American Power
Will rising world powers outmatch U.S. naval might?
Obama’s New Middle East
An Islamist tinderbox set to burst into flames.
Amsterdam Gets a Harsh Lesson in Islam 101
The court that ordered Geert Wilders’s prosecution for telling the truth about Islam won’t try a hate-spewing imam.
The Persecution of Pakistan’s Christians
Terrorizing the “People of the Book” has become big business for the resurgent Taliban.
Founding National Myths
Fabricating Palestinian history.
In G-D We Trust, Not the Media
Lessons for Israel and the Jewish people.
Shining Light on the Darkness — on The Glazov Gang
Nonie Darwish, Eric Allen Bell and Dr. Nancy Bonus open up about what motivates them to fight for American liberty.
The Muslim Brotherhood Takes Egypt — on The Jamie Glazov Show
The Muslim Brotherhood Takes Egypt — on The Jamie Glazov Show
Supreme Decision: The Best Possible Result for 2012
Politically speaking there couldn’t have been a better Supreme Court decision.
The Contemptible Eric Holder
What happens next after the congressional contempt vote against the attorney general.
David Horowitz Discusses ‘The New Leviathan’ at the Wednesday Morning Club
The Freedom Center’s president exposes the gigantic battle America faces against the Left’s financial juggernaut.
The Al Qaeda-Muslim Brotherhood Coalition
British spy chief warns of one of the most dangerous fruits of the Arab Spring.