The Story of Arab Apartheid
The only apartheid that has ever existed against Palestinians in the Middle East.
Final Remarks of Geert Wilders at His Trial
All over the world we can see how freedom is fleeing from Islam.
Will There Be a Third Intifada?
The unilateral push for Palestinian statehood may play a role.
Like Charlie Sheen, Anthony Weiner Thinks He’s ‘Winning’
But like the actor, he’s headed for self-destruction.
A New Peace Plan for the Middle East
Let’s begin with the premise that it is the Palestinians — and not the Jews — that have to pay.
Manzar Foroohar: The California Faculty Association’s Secret Weapon
Cal Poly’s History professor can’t let her anti-Semitic odyssey rest.
Britain Bans Michael Savage — But Welcomes Castroite Butchers
The U.K.’s curious policy on who can set foot on its territory.
Mr. President, There Can Be No ‘Two-State Solution’
Why the Palestinian road to peace is a fraud.
Hamas and Fatah: Different Tactics, Same Jihad
Not a dime’s worth of difference between them.
“Tsunami of September”
What happens when the U.N. votes on recognizing an independent Palestine?
Tests Ahead for New Joint Chiefs of Staff Chair
How is Army Chief of Staff Martin Dempsey equipped for the task?
Where Obama is Leading Israel
The most hostile U.S. leader the Jewish State has ever faced.
Raped and Ransacked in the Muslim World
Al-Huwaini: “When I want a sex-slave, I go to the market and pick whichever female I desire and buy her.”
Anthony Weiner or a Saint?
The congressman’s curious graciousness toward his Twitter hacker raises eyebrows.
What Can Be Done to Avoid Our Nation’s Decline?
For the past-half century, we have been doing precisely what has brought down other great societies.