Primetime Propaganda
The true Hollywood story of how the Left took over your TV.
On Celebrating the Death of Evil People
Why celebrating the death of bin Laden is a moral imperative.
Equating Anti-Semitism with ‘Islamophobia’
European Jewish and Muslim leaders sign a declaration confusing the Jewish and Muslim experience in Europe.
Understanding Obama’s Disdain for Israel
The underlying rational — and lessons learned from Rev. Jeremiah Wright.
Islamic Schools of Child Sexual Abuse
The horrific world of Islamic madrassas — and who pays for them.
How ObamaCare Will Kill Americans
A new study shows health care regulations will pose a “clear and present threat to social welfare.”
Remembering the Heroes on This Memorial Day
They made the ultimate sacrifice so we could be the most free, prosperous and extraordinary country in the history of mankind.
David Horowitz at UC Santa Barbara
The Freedom Center’s president defends free speech to audience of 400 — under heavy police protection.
One Day in the Life of an Israeli Hospital
Israeli “apartheid,” you say?
The Teacher of Fools
Appealing to the enemy’s ideals of justice to cloak one’s true aims.
Canada Backs Israel’s Survival
Prime Minister Harper stands up against anti-Israel maneuvers from the G8.
Islamists Project Islam’s Worst Traits Onto Christians
Who is it really that is abducting and tormenting women in Egypt and forcing them to convert to their religion?
Goodwin Liu Must Be Stopped
Why the Berkeley law professor must never reach the bench of the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals.
NYC Queers for Jihad
New York City’s LGBT Center sides with Israel-haters over supporters of the Jewish State.
Scotland Goes Mad for Islam
From collaborating with the Nazis to collaborating with Islamists.