Fake Hate Crimes: An Islamist Weapon
The Muslims who stage fake hate crimes — and the Islamist groups that exploit them.
Hate Speech from the Ground Zero Mosque Imam
A new audio surfaces of Feisal Abdul Rauf explaining how the U.S. is worse than al-Qaeda.
Bursting Obama’s Housing Bubble
Another utopian program fails.
Little Lies of the Mosque
How Imam Rauf utilizes Islamic theology to deceive New Yorkers to build the triumphalist “Islamic center” on Ground Zero.
UCLA’s Scientist Purge
Beware the consequences of challenging climate alarmism orthodoxy.
Pelosi a Moderate?
The delusions of a zealous left-wing professor.
The Ground Zero Mosque’s Conservative Supporter
Muslim Brotherhood ally Grover Norquist warns the GOP to drop its opposition.
Apocalypse Now?
Iran goes nuclear — and sends a troubling message to Israel and the West.
Obama’s Teachable Mosque Moment
Victor Davis Hanson sheds light on the old-community-organizer-now-president wading into the Ground Zero mosque contorversy.
Clinton’s Cap-and-Trade Con
Exploiting Pakistani flood victims for the global warming war at home.
Solving the Obama Problem
Are the November Congressional elections the answer?
Over thirty years of bipartisan appeasement.
Destroying Israel in Stages
Mahmud Abbas’s “two-stage solution” to bring down the Jewish State.
Why it’s Good the Economy Crashed in 2008
Howard Bloom explains the meaning behind boom and bust — and just how deep it goes in nature.
Dumping on the Tea Parties
As election season looms, the New York Times emerges as a shameless shill for Democrats.