Muzzling ObamaCare Critics – by Floyd and Mary Beth Brown
Obama and his allies are ready to shut down debate by any means necessary.
David Frum’s Got It Wrong Again (NewsReal Blog) – by David Horowitz
It was Cornel West and the Harvard Left that fired Summers — not the other way around.
Child Rape and the Values of People Who Make Films – by Dennis Prager
What if Roman Polanski were a Roman Catholic priest or a Republican?
Valerie Jarrett’s Ministry of Culture – by Ben Johnson
The office of Obama’s alter ego holds a troubling “cultural policy” summit.
The Left’s Selective Outrage – by Bruce Thornton
Now that a Democrat is president, liberals appreciate the virtues of civil debate.
A U.N. Report and Double Standards – By Anav Silverman
Turning a blind eye to Hamas’s cocoon of hate.
The Noble “Sacrifice” of Michelle Obama – Michelle Malkin
It’s hard out there for a first lady of the United States.
Brown is Back – by Lloyd Billingsley
Can Californians afford the leadership of their former governor Jerry Brown?
Obama’s Afghanistan Test – by Michael Reagan
Avoiding failure has to be a non-negotiable.
“The Worse the Better” (NewsReal Blog) – by David Horowitz
How David Frum misunderstands the New Left.
Are Sarah Palin and Ann Coulter Good for Conservatives? Horowitz vs. Frum, Round Three – by Jamie Glazov
David Horowitz and David Frum continue their debate.
The Campus War Against Israel and the Jews: Joseph Massad – by DiscoverTheNetworks.org
The next investigative article in Frontpage’s special series.
Russia’s Iran Reversal – by Stephen Brown
Selling out Eastern Europe has not won Russian cooperation against Tehran.
Hope is a Foreign Policy – by Alan W. Dowd
The one-world naïveté at the heart of the Obama Doctrine.
Female Genital Mutilation, Islam and Leftist Silence – by Jamie Glazov
Why “progressive” feminists won’t lift a hand or utter a word.