The Religious Left’s Prophecies of Doom – by Mark D. Tooley
Since when are Methodist Bishops qualified to pontificate on environmental policy?
Terror in the Skies Requires Real Action on the Ground – by Michael Reagan
Mr. President, we can’t afford any more of your on-the-job training.
Bill Ayers, Israel’s Latest Attacker – by P. David Hornik
The former Weatherman terrorist takes Hamas’s line toward the Jewish state.
Obama and the Vampire Congress – by Michelle Malkin
Meet the Beltway bloodsuckers.
The Consequences of Obama: Terrorism is Back – by Dick Morris
The tragic results of the President’s unilateral disarmament in the terror war.
Law & Order and Double Standards – by Jamie Glazov
When will the television series portray a Muslim “honor” killing and the Islamic theology behind it?
While Europe Sneered – by Bruce Bawer
Kurt Westergaard and other brave critics of Islamic fanaticism continue to fend for themselves.
Learning From Winston Churchill – by Tony Blankley
The life of the great statesman instructs how to dissent with honor and boldness.
Stopping the Next “Underwear Bomber” – by Alan M. Dershowitz
How rigorous but vital security precautions could prevent the next terrorist tragedy.
Flight 253: The Lessons Not Learned – by Jamie Glazov
A U.S. military veteran reveals how America remains vulnerable and naïve.
The Heretics: Dr. Craig Idso – by Rich Trzupek
The anti-Al Gore, Dr. Craig Idso says the world can use more carbon dioxide, not less.
Seven Miracles that Saved America – by David Forsmark
A new book examines the overwhelming odds the U.S. beat to become a nation.
Legal Jihad to Silence Christian Action Network? – by Ryan Mauro
A Muslim group sues to silence critics of Islamic extremism.
When Security Trumps Common Sense – by Dennis Prager
I am not prepared to obey rules that hurt the innocent while doing nothing to prevent terrorism.
Collaborators in the War against the Jews: Ian Lustick – by Steven Plaut
Penn’s radical professor campaigns against Israel… for its own good.