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Leftist indoctrination in our public K-12 classrooms has increasingly emerged as a pivotal issue in local and national politics and the reaction of educators to Donald Trump’s victory in the election on November 5th has revealed that parents and taxpayers are right to be concerned. Trump’s win has unleashed a slew of unhinged ravings from radical leftist teachers who channeled their anger at the former, and now future, president into classroom tirades.
At Chino High School in Southern California, an English teacher couldn’t contain his rage when he saw a student wearing a Trump hat in class. “Just do the warm-up. I’m pissed,” the educator told his students. “People voting for a freaking rapist and I’m pissed off. I don’t care, fire the hell out of me. I’m fighting for my daughter, my nieces, their rights.”
The rant, which was captured on video, continued for some minutes. “A child molester, huh? Vote for that freaking rapist,” he added. “I have a daughter, three nieces and he’d rape them, and people are voting for him. Christians are voting for him — bunch of losers, fake Christians.”
The teacher has been placed on leave, although hundreds of Chino High students have signed a petition and staged a walkout in his defense.
At Valley View High School, also located in Southern California, AP History Teacher Maximiliano Perez treated his students to a similar diatribe about the horrors of Trump’s reelection.
“This shit [the election] is not a fucking game” Perez said, explaining to his students that they could “end up in a concentration camp” and have “no human rights.”
The educator also complained that “black and brown men” didn’t vote for Kamala Harris, and posited that the reason they didn’t is due to internalized racism since he knows “a lot of Latino men who wish they were white” — including the “fathers, uncles, and grandfathers” of his students.
“God, they wanna be White so bad but they never will be,” Perez says. “I hate that shit. I hate Latino men that oppress the women in their family, their own daughters. And then they turn around and vote for men who want to oppress them.”
Perez also attacked President-elect Trump directly, calling him “treasonous scum” and a “rapist, draft-dodging coward.” He implied that misogyny was responsible for Kamala Harris’s defeat, asking his class why people would vote for Joe Biden, a “geriatric, old Republican racist who’s running as a Democrat,” but would not cast ballots for Harris, who he described as having an “effective policy for the future” but also a “vagina,” a “uterus,” and “melanin.”
“Can you end up with no human rights? Yes. Will it happen to you? Most likely not. Which is a good thing, but has Donald Trump quoted Hitler? Yes. Does he embody some of Hitler’s ideas? Yes,” he told his students in the video.
Perez has also been placed on leave by his school district.
The impromptu classroom dissertations on Trump were not limited to the state of California.
On November 4th, the eve of the election, Courtney Lichtenwalner, a sixth grade ELA teacher at Lied STEM Academy in Clark County, Nevada, lectured her students about the flaws in Trump’s “trickle-down” economic policies while giving “two thumbs up” to the economic policies of former President Barack Obama and President Joe Biden. She also told her class that Trump called for Liz Cheney to be assassinated and repeated the lie that “[Trump] also said there should be seven barrels of a gun shot at Liz Cheney, a republican senator, because she doesn’t agree with him.”
Lichtenwalner went on to lecture her 11- and 12-year-old students on the issue of abortion, claiming that Trump has said that that “Kamala wants to kill babies” and blaming Trump for the death of a woman in Texas who died from sepsis after suffering a miscarriage. The teacher continued to rant about transgender prisoners receiving surgery. The whole diatribe was captured by one of her sixth-grade students on their school-issued laptop.
In the state of Connecticut, a special education teacher at Chapman Elementary School, was placed on leave and eventually resigned after she made a viral video threatening citizens who had voted for Trump. In the recorded video threat, that teacher, Annie Dunleavy (pictured above), states, “Just because you won doesn’t mean you’re in the clear…Just please, please don’t test your gangster on me because you will end on a stretcher. Gone — forever. So serious. Nobody f**king talk to me unless you want to (fight).”
“If people of color, and poor people, and gay people, and all the people I care about aren’t going to be safe in America,” she added, “Neither the f**k are you.”
And these are only the examples that we know of so far. Undoubtedly, many more educators have made similar comments that students were too frightened to record or share with their parents.
The disturbing and frankly dangerous reactions of these educators to Trump’s victory only serve to reinforce the very valid concerns that parents have about leftist indoctrination in their children’s public school classrooms.
Chris Shugart says
Rave on, Leftists. Your unhinged rhetoric may froth up the radicals on the left, but it won’t move a single voter towards your demented agenda. Keep it up. We’ll see you in 2028.
DrLarry says
Just more examples that being on left today is a delusional disorder and not a political viewpoint.
Spurwing Plover says
Some need to remind this Moonbat that Clinton(Bill)was the Rapists Trump is not about to do that kind of Crime I suggest this Ding-Bat get some Help before they lose their Marbles
Allan Goldstein says
Advanced Placement Exam:
Here is a dildoe. Center it. ~
Mo de Profit says
My guess would be that these idiots are in paid leave.
Steve says
A big part of the problem. A white male who went on an unhinged bigoted rant about women and “people of color” (for instance if he were passed over by a school system in favor of Courtney Lichtenwaldner) would be living under an expressway overpass and in the public mind, deservedly so. Leftists and feminists should come to work every day with a knot in the stomach, worrying that someone tattled to Human Resources about their rants, or even their baleful attitudes.
Jeff Bargholz says
When I hear that crazy stuff, I don’t even know what to think. Stupid loonies and ugly skanks.
Semaphore says
Think about this – the minds of your impressionable youth are in their hands. Now try to get some sleep…
Madame DeFarge says
This is the result of decades of drug “treatment” for women with emotional instability. In the old days, working in a field and pulling weeds was enough to keep their emotions under control. Today society suffers.
Jeff Bargholz says
“Pulling weeds.” Boy did I hate that when I was a kid. I was like picking a switch to be whipped with. I grew up in southern California and the weeds grow faster than you can pull them there. I think my parents were sadistic.
Jeff Bargholz says
Three down votes? That means three people who take it up the ass. Does it feel creamy or dreamy?
Mark Sochor says
Need to go back to the educational institutions indoctrination mills that burp up these degenerate narcissists foisted on our children by the teachers unions and defund them’ Get these unhinged Marxists out and get them help but keep them away from the school system. These manipulative idiots are dangerous. The language itself should be grounds for termination not just leave of absence’. The kids supporting them is troubling. They end up the antisemites running around supporting Islamic terrorists on college campuses.
jcr says
Bill C. and Joe B. are both well known for their indiscretions. The prior with numerous adult women and pedo island.
The latter, well women too. Inappropriate touching, holding, sniffing. Both to girls and their mothers.
Lady, your fear is misplaced.
David Ray says
No wonder the Romeike family sought asylum here so they could home-school their children. Germany enforces strict public schooling, and will take away your children if you don’t go along.
Every flaming leftist wailing about mass deportation, should be reminded of the morally upstanding Romeike family.
Our gov’t spent millions to deport them, including two “anchor babies”. (Being white, Christian, and smart is frowned upon by Democrats.)
jboo7 says
Where did you get that nonsense from.
Yes, Germany enforces strict schooling – and still teaches children.
And they can only be taken away in cases of serious abuse or neglect!
There are some “progressives”, esp. in the “GREEN” Party, ideologically trained – but, THANK GOD, Europe is also waking up to get off that poison.
David Ray says
I got that nonsense from the Romeike family that brought the receipts to prove it.
The gov’t there says withholding your kids from school is neglect (i.e. not indoctrinating them with leftist bullshit.)
Tionico says
yes, and they deported the wrong people. SHould have spent MY money on deporting the like of these screechers, er, squeeze me, teachers described above.
MuggsSpongedice says
What are these colleges and universities been indoctrinating students over the last several decades? Lunatics each and every one. Liars and incompetents also poisoning and perverting the minds of the young!
The crimes of the left politicians are hushed up and swept under the rug.
The main sleaze media is complicit in keeping clamed up on the high crimes, treason, and rapes as well as pedophilia of those elected to serve us, and out right lie about the made up perjured crimes of President Trump and many that worked for him as well as his allies and then the J6 defendants!
It will take time to turn these fools out if they will not change – the vast majority of Americans have voted and we are all doing the President Trump dance moves – from the NFL field to the campuses!!!!
Angel Jacob says
Why are these hate groups allowed to teach the kids?
Steve Chavez says
Because once one of them gets into a hiring position, they only hire their own and so they’re allowed to do anything.
Imagine if it was Abortion Story Time and a video of an abortion, limbs torn out and put on a table… shown to the kids. THEN a live birth with the baby looking at the Miracle of Life. “WHAT’S YOUR CHOICE KIDS?”
Well… they are so proud of abortions so why not show the world what actually takes place.
Allan Goldstein says
When I was in 6th grade, the NEA came a hair’s width from declaring a teacher’s strike
The AFT was against calling a strike, but had fewer members that the NEA, which was left wing.
The AFT was actually centrist back then.
MY teacher got caught up in this. It was the only time we ever saw a teacher break down and cry in front of a class and have to quickly exit the classroom.
The NEA red-rovered the AFT over a long time ago.
God help the kids
Steve says
I remember during the 1968 teachers strike in New York, the AFT and its president Albert Shenker defended Jewish teachers who were fired by a “decentralized” school board in Brownville Ocean Hill (one of the Board of Education’s half assed “experiments” with Lindsay’s support, which of course made for even shittier public schools). The “progressive” radio station WBAI (which graduated to promoting Hamas, Fatah and Hezbollah) read a “poem” composed by a student, “Pale faced Jewboy with a yarmulke on your head, Pale faced Jewboy, I wish you were dead…” There is no way that Randi Weingarten and the AFT in its current incarnation would have defended Jewish teachers who were purged by a board controlled by “people of color”.
Allan Goldstein says
Pale faced Jewboy?
Was that from the sob Amiri Baraka? (sounds like his work)
…and I happen to know that WBAI is a Pacifica station. (Pacifica: pacifists for murder) I learned to HATE Pacifica when I lived in Denver. There was a pacifier ca station which reached into Denver out of Boulder.
Hairlip says
D……E……I. plus terminal TDS. An all consuming brain worm of the worst kind.
Onzeur Trante says
Call it hate speech and take the necessary steps.
Leslie says
The problem with that is it will eventually end the First Amendment. They should be fired for ranting at children, yes, but calling it “hate speech” (which is simply speech people in power hate) will eventually end with you and I not having substantive discussions like this.
I, for one, hope they keep it up. They’ll be fired and it will guarantee a Republican led government for years to come.
Allan Goldstein says
Perhaps the most obnoxious two or three will be fired …..with pay, no doubt.
That would likely be the extent of it
The sane majority would need to do what Dems were telling theIR minions to do two and three years ago: follow them around, getingheir faces in public, march to their homes and make noise in their yards, and so on.
Otherwise, the nasties will not be suitably cowed.
Gabrielle says
Perhaps, we should have a simulated concentration camp like those my people endured at the hands of a self-righteous megalomaniac named Hitler. These moronic, emotionally unhinged and bigoted people have no idea. Take away their mentally disturbed echo chambers and all you hear is the white noise of permanently addled brains seemingly incapable of individual thought…these snowflakes slander others but let them spend just 30 days…the first 2 in a cramped cattle car, no air, no rest rooms; the malodorous environment where you are locked…finding yourself terrified with an unknown destination before you. Prior to Hitler’s reign, our people lived in communities, knowing each other and sharing our faith and practices as everything we had created and accomplished was stolen in acts of hatred, terror and unwarranted destruction. These people spewing this hatred should live in such an environment so that, though simulated, they begin to have a firsthand knowledge of the heinous nature of the very totalitarian attitudes they evidence daily. This young woman would likely mentally disintegrate as her entire system is predicated on a license to disavow others with impunity. Let her become a real victim of what she screeches. Believe me, at the end of this 30-day simulation if she was still sane she would be very wary of using that word for she would have personally experienced what it is to live in that system with ALL your fundamental rights and human dignity maliciously destroyed in the very name she had so callously screamed in her arrogant attachment to the totalitarianism she did not understand and projected onto others..
It would be a simulation like those which our special forces endure as part of their extensive training…and it is effective with significant remnants that affect them long after their training has been completed.
CTripps says
Send her and those like her to Afghanistan and let them be the Taliban’s problem.
Guy Crawford says
And people wonder why President-Elect talks about abolishing the Dept. of Education.
Roark says
A Talmudic Sage taught the following in the presence of Rabbi Nachman bar Yitzchak: “One who embarrasses another in public is as if he is committing murder.”
The slander and libel is off the charts. There is nothing more abhorrent than going after an innocent man and convicting him on fraudulent claims and charges.
The Talmud says that to humiliate someone in public is akin to murder.
By that standard, the entire DemoNazi Party is comprised of stone cold psychopathic murderers.
There is no atonement for what they have not only subjected President Trump to, but what they have subjected us all to.
Ponder that. From the faux Russian Dossier to all of this political persecution and prosecution perpetrated by them all.
We all need to take a bath to wash the filth off.
Jim McCrudden says
It’s condensed in the 8th commandment – “Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.”
And who is my neighbour? All mankind.
Steve Chavez says
WHAT IF a teacher went off on GAYS, BLACKS, MEXICANS, MUSLIMS??? WHAT’S THE DIFFERENCE? NONE…. BUT THEY WOULD BE FIRED IMMEDIATELY and that would show others to follow their Code of Ethics… BUT AGAINST MAGAS WHO ARE HIDING IN CLOSETS due to Fear, Intimidation, and Retaliation!
PROFESSORS are worse and they will lower grades which will hinder ones changes of higher education and then employment… and THEY DON’T CARE since “the world can’t be ruled by any of these people! FLUNK THEM!”
A UNM MUSIC PROFESSOR during Covid on FB: “Breaking News… Corona Virus attracted to RED HATS!” That means he wanted Trump/Family, MAGAS, to get CV and to DIE! I called the UNM President, Dean of Students, Dean of Fine Arts, and said, “What if he said that CV is attracted to Gays, Blacks, Mexicans, and Muslims? HE’D BE FIRED ON THE SPOT!” The professor did remove it and then get a $10,000 raise the next year. He did die of a heart attack a year later.
Alkflaeda says
The thing that radical ideologues cannot get their heads around, is that most people actually want a stable society, where you know what is expected of you, and that expectation is reasonable and is applied to others just as much as to you. Which means that any migrant who has achieved citizenship and gained housing and a respectable job will tie-dye his or her politics from blue over to red (or vice versa in the UK).
WVRidgeRunner says
Loser teachers, they need to concern themselves actually teaching children. Instead I read where they have lowered the standards instead of doing what they were hired and paid for. If not send them packing gone. Bring on the Charter Schools and change the way the money is distributed, Let the parents decide how best to get their childs educations.
Tionico says
It is interesting to see the REAL persons behind their masks as they rant and rage thusly in fron of their ‘charges”. And speaking of charges, some of these words, rants, and anics from the “adults in the room” are grounds for termination. Let us watch to see how many of them actually get terminated.
Anyone who believes the gummit edyacayshun sistum is worthy of enough trust to surrender your own children to that system does not truly love their own children. NO CHILD of mine will ever darken the door of an institution of government funded public education. Ever.
Pepperspapa says
What will it take for some parents to pull their children from public schools? It will not change as the universities are producing thousands more of these nut jobs. Home schooling is an investment in your child’s future. Ron Paul is connected to a home schooling program. It takes a minimum of parents time and is affordable.
Kit_Jefferson says
Bearing False Witness seems to be the order of the liberal day.
Don Rhudy says
Human beings with this lunacy have no business teaching anyone anything.
cat says
Until this is corrected through some rules and morals clauses within school buildings and districts against politicized accusations and ranting by teachers (anywhere -in school, outside of school, online, or in the street), I strongly suggest home schooling or private school for those who can do that.
Teacher (and counselor and nurse etc) training programs need an overhaul.` Also there needs to be some form of recourse for defamation -accusing people of intent to commit crimes like rape or murder- when there is zero foundation, zero evidence and when there is or would be a denial by those so accused. Such accusations are immoral, costly in many ways to the accused, and so should be illegal and attached to financial settlements.
Terry says
Do they give tests to newly graduated teachers to insure they are CRAZY enough?
I started the first grade in 1956 and all the teachers were very stable (consider they had to deal with 25 to 30 live wires in each class).. My teachers were dedicated to teach us basic knowledge in grades 1 to 6. Grades 7 to 12 brought in electives, in addition to math, English, PE and other subjects. Based on our elementary classes we were educated enough to ask intelligent questions and to discuss our world. But at the same time we were living in a world with an active enemy (Russia and her allies). Today the only enemy our government seems to acknowledge are ALL human caused, such as global warming.
Jim says
“they could ‘end up in a concentration camp’ and have ‘no human rights.’
That’s exactly what WILL happen if the Left ever win it all – we will be China in the West.
It is truly amazing how the average everyday leftist doesn’t see this.
Semaphore says
IMO teachers like these are the result of teacher’s unions. Such behavior exists because emotional underdevelopment is not a concern when you are unionized. Suspension? Naw, just a temporary vacation, and the union has your back.
The Left and the Woke: both evolutionary dead-ends that are doomed to become detritus under the world’s stage.