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Campus antisemitism is a problem, but reports focus on the experiences of Jewish students rather than the identity of the perpetrators. Media reports hesitate to name anyone. Jewish organizations zero in on campus hate groups like Students for Justice in Palestine, but that only tells us so much about why antisemitism has become so widespread at certain universities.
Brandeis University’s Center for Modern Jewish Studies recently conducted a survey asking college students about their views of Jews and Israel. And the results are revealing.
66% of students, the vast majority, did not hate Jews or Israel.
While leftist students only make up 14% of overall students (less than the 17% who identify as conservative), they made up a full 43% of students who were hostile to Israel. The remaining 46% of those hostile to the Jewish State identified as “liberal”. Those activists associated with campus encampments and other forms of harassment are a small minority of leftist extremists who have used student organizations and political complicity to wield disproportionate power.
Liberal Jews have embraced diversity as the solution to hate, but diversity causes antisemitism.
White students were surveyed as the least likely to hate Jews. Twice as many black, Hispanic and Asian students as white students ranked as “hostile to Jews”. While black students were slightly ahead in the small “extremely hostile” group, Asians were slightly more hostile to Jews than any other minority group. This may reflect academic competition between Jewish and Asian students, Chinese government support for Hamas or some Muslim students being grouped together with Asians.
Only 10% of white students were hostile to Jews, however 23% of Asian, 22% of black and 22% of Hispanic students were hostile to Jews. That meant they agreed with statements such as “Jewish people talk about the Holocaust just to further their political agenda” and “Jews should be held accountable for Israel’s actions”. 26% potentially held favorable views of Hamas.
And that brings us back to the question of which group of students hates Jews the most.
Christian students were overall the least hateful toward Jews and Israel. (4% of Christians were more antisemitic than the average but this may reflect the inclusion of some minority students or the impact of ‘Groypers’ and other social media influencers like Candace Owens.)
72% of Christian students, 65% of atheists and agnostics and 60% of ‘other religion’ students were not hostile to Jews or Israel, so that majorities of every belief system were not antisemitic.
Muslim students were the only group where the numbers were the exact opposite.
65% of Muslim students either hated Jews or Israel. Only 29% were non-hostile.
These numbers represent a complete break from those of any other group. No single group on campus, even leftists, hates Jews nearly as much as Muslims do.
Revealingly, more Muslims hate Jews than hate Israel.
36% of Muslim students, over a third, hated Jews, 29% hated Israel, and 6% hated both making it clear that this is not about politics, territory or Gaza: it’s really about Islamic antisemitism.
The wholly artificial distinction between anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism falls apart here as it has throughout the general normalization of assaults and harassment of Jews after Oct 7.
Not even a third of Muslim students were tolerant of Jews. What does this mean on campus?
While hard data on Muslim demographics at universities with the largest antisemitism problems are hard to find and even more difficult to break down, we know that Muslim student populations have increased sharply, in some cases doubling within a decade. Muslims now make up 2% of the students at the University of California, 3.7% of Yale’s undergrads, 2.4% of Princeton seniors, 2.7% of students at the University of Michigan, and 3.6% at colleges overall.
These may be relatively small percentages (and some are out of date) but they represent over 75,000 students concentrated at key campuses. A previous survey found that encampments and other pro-terrorist activity has been concentrated at elite universities. Some of those same universities draw in large number of Jewish and Muslim students. What does it mean when a disproportionately antisemitic group grows its share of the student population?
The growing Muslim student demographics lead directly to hostile campuses for Jews.
At Harvard, the number of Muslim students in the freshmen class increased from 2.6% in 2013 to 3.9% in 2021. During that same period, the number of Jewish students fell by 2%. Would the harassment of Jewish students at Harvard have played out the same way if the number of Muslim students hadn’t been rising and the number of Jewish students weren’t falling?
At Yale, the number of Muslim students doubled from 1.5% in the oughts to over 3% in the previous decade. During this same period, the Jewish student body also declined.
Muslim immigration, sharp population growth and foreign students are changing campus demographics. A decade ago, there were twice as many Jewish students as Muslim students at UCLA. The numbers are likely reversed now. And that helps explain what happened on campus.
The sustained harassment of Jewish students is not just ideological, it’s racial and religious.
Ideological leftist opposition to Israel has come together with the traditional Islamic antipathy to Jews, and the propensity toward dislike of Jews among more ‘diverse’ minority groups in an alliance of hate. Political extremism, support for terrorism and antisemitism have come together in a toxic atmosphere where Communist and Hezbollah flags fly side by side and black nationalist and third worldist academics explain why Hamas and Oct 7 are progressive.
Muslim students and Islamist organizations tie together an alliance between white leftists who want to destroy America, Europe and Israel, as well as some black, Latino and Asian students who ethnically and racially detest Jews by drawing on the destructive tendencies of both worlds.
Where white people have learned to feel guilty about hating others, minority ethnic nationalists take pride in their racism. Critical race theory, third world discourse and orientalism are just ideological permission structures for bigotry. The moral inversion of terrorism turned the Marxist and then Islamic perpetrators into victims and the victims into perpetrators who had it coming.
Islamic nationalism, hate and even genocide are portrayed as moral because they are the work of the oppressed even if the oppressed are a racist, totalitarian majority of over a billion people persecuting not only Jews and Christians, but also Buddhists, Hindus and nearly every religion.
While anti-Zionist discourse pretends that Israel was created and sustained by a few European immigrants, the majority of Israel’s population (and the vast majority of its nationalist voters who have kept Netanyahu in power) are Middle Eastern Jewish refugees fleeing Muslim oppression.
Muslim antisemitism is why Israel exists and why it’s still subjected to Islamic terrorism.
The same hate faced by Jewish students on campus led a million Jews to flee Muslim countries for Israel, America, France and other parts of the free world. That hatred is not a response to Gaza, to the Six Day War or to any events more recent than the rise of Islam.
Islamic antisemitism is at the heart of the Koran and Islamic scripture. Islam was born in part out of the ethnic cleansing of Jews from Arabia. And it teaches that Jews are its primal enemies.
Muslim students are far more hostile to Jews than any other group of students because of religious prejudice. That prejudice has been around for over 1,000 years of Islamic oppression and will not disappear no matter what negotiations take place in the Middle East.
Liberal Jews have long championed diversity, but a diverse population is statistically more antisemitic. Combining diversity with a free pass for bigotry aimed at the ideologically deserving white people and Jews is turning university campuses into no-go zones for Jews.
And what’s true of campuses is also true of American cities.
The multicultural and immigration policies of liberal Jewish organizations led directly to this crisis. It’s time for them to look at the numbers and do the math before it’s too late.
There is an elephant – or a brontosaur – in the room which Daniel has somehow managed to overlook.
For at least five decades, American goodthinkful liberals – including a great many very
generous liberal Jews, have been making a big noisy fuss about the many appalling sufferings
which Negroes, Mexicans and other Latinx, assorted Asians and other marginalized and downtrodden persons in
white-supremacist Amerika and throughout the wider world are forced to endure.
Well, what goeth around, sooner or later cometh around and by now a full two generations of those
responsible for instructing and teaching the young are fully guilt-ridden and willing to accept that Jews are
morally no better than the meanest Dixie sheriff back in the days of Jim Crow.
Little by little, the claptrap of guilt-ridden thinking has permeated the consciousness of even the
dullest “educator” and now entire curricula are written around the linked themes of SEI / CRT and
bountiful lashings of white guilt.
Very interesting link, Billy. My daughter graduated from Bryn Mayr, right next door to Shipley.
To Billy Corr:
Self termination is an effective method of alleviating guilt. Perhaps those who feel burdened by their guilt might want to try it. At the very least, they would eliminate themselves from the human gene pool which is a good thing. It would certainly improve the lives of those of us who are not afflicted with such irrational and psychotic guilt.
Plus the rest of us would no longer have to listen to those mewling twits and finally get some peace and quiet!
The DEI gang CAN be defeated.
If you have time, please read this:
The Israel Test … by George Gilder
Israel is the crucial battlefield for Capitalism and Freedom in our time.
George Gilder’s global best-seller Wealth and Poverty made the moral case for capitalism. Now Gilder makes the case for Israel, portraying a conflict of barbarism and envy against civilization and creativity.
Gilder reveals Israel as a leader of human civilization, technological progress, and scientific advance. Tiny Israel stands behind only the United States in its contributions to the hi-tech economy. Israel has become the world’s paramount example of the blessings of freedom.
Hatred of Israel, like anti-Semitism through history, arises from resentment of Jewish success. Rooted in a Marxist zero-sum-game theory of economics, this vision has fueled the anti-Semitic rantings of Hitler, Arafat, Osama, and history’s other notorious haters.
Faced with a contest between murderous regimes sustained by envy and Nazi ideology, and a free, prosperous, and capitalist, Israel, whose side are you on?
DEI = Diversity, Equity and Incompetence.
Social science students are probably where all this hate emerges, here in the UK they are taught that British history is shameful and this leads to everything that white people do being condemned.
They never consider that the dark skinned and yellowish skinned people would have done exactly the same if they knew how.
Most of this nonsense comes out of campus humanities and social science departments, most notably the ethnic and gender studies departments. The frightening thing is that in another generation or sooner, these radicals and bigots will drive the cultural and political agenda.
I guarantee that I hate those dirty Muslims even more. ~
Well said…….
Excellent statistics.
Ban Muslim immigration
Don’t just ban Muslim immigration. Escort the Muslims living in the West to Islamic nations where they can live under Islamic law, and take their leftist allies with them.
When Jug-eared Barry flew in 1000’s of Syrian “refugees”, he made absolutely sure Christian Syrians (the ones actually in need of asylum) need not apply.
The little bitch also made absolutely sure none of the muslims were dumped anywhere near Martha’s Vineyard.
B. Hussein also spent vast taxpayer funds to deport the Christian Romeike family back to Germany.
Sleazy Joe (who has no problem with hordes of MS-13 thugs, pedophiles, and welfare seekers flooding in) signed off on finally getting that exemplary family gone.
“Muslim College Students Hate Jews”
< – – definition of racism
Most Muslims are raised to hate Jews from the cradle on. Just read Ayaan Hirsi Ali.
Jealousy explains the hate, Jews are successful and Arabs can’t figure out toilets.
LOL Maybe Jews are more successful because they work for it while Muslims expect Allah to provide, or expect money from others. Reminds me of the grasshopper that fiddled away and sang “Oh! The world owes me a living” until winter set in.
And why, again, are those Muslims in this country?
Thanks, Barack Obama. And thanks, all those left-wing Jews who kvelled over their beloved Barack. Honorable mention goes to Sarah Silverman, who told all the fans of her “comedy” to “schlep on down to Florida” to get their poor benighted Jewish grandparents to vote for the Wonderful One.
Sarah Silverman is especially frustrating.
She comes so close to wisdom….but never arrives.
She is too in love with her lefty membership card, and therefore can’t get to higher order thinking.
If I had two hours alone with her, I would smoke pot with her to relax her to the shock she would feel while being introduced to conservative higher order thinking.
A discussion of her “Jewish people driving German cars” song would lead (as an example) to a discussion of Henry Ford’s Hitler medal and then on to me asking this question …
*If Israel manufactured a car, and Americans bought some, whose would be keyed or gas tank sugared or otherwise fucked with more often: those in the San Fransisco area and/or LA and/or NYC, or those in Nashville and/or Omaha and/or Biloxi ?? … and so on.*
ThiS is second order thinking. Sarah Silverman has not gotten there yet.
So much comedy talent…….Wasted.
this information and 50 cents can’t get me a cup o’ java — however — be that as it may – – hitherto — I am not starting out my day by spewing hate to the haters — that’s what they want to inflame and tension and fisty cuffs to genocide — well – neither one of those options sit well with me either — my Israeli brothers and sisters who slept in their beds thinking their family is safe on 10-7-2023 with the pandemic of antisemitism that has broken out all over the freaking world is a fashionable and in vogue as well as bloody. I can see my FATHER’S YHVH WORD’S Bible prophesy unfolding which does not mean I do not take action.
The seeds of hate are sewn by teaching hate – it is not natural — human psychology can be molded any which way one likes it — and there are too many lunatic fringe that has become unhinged and they get a free pass by the apparatus that is pushing this utilizing the main sleaze media and that is the so-called global deep state that has seized the USA with a coup d’etat stolen election in 2020 and if we don’t win the election in 2024 we are on a slippery slope now – and we will slide into the abyss if President Trump is not elected and changes are not immediately implemented – the push back will be demonic because it is demonic
What happened to the peace and love of the 1960’s?
Question Authority became Get With The Program.
“What happened to the peace and love of the 1960’s?”
The charade came to a bloody halt on August 9, 1969.
Marketing scheme. It was an illusion.
Peace and love was always defeat and hate.
Wow. The idea alone of a poll to measure Jew hatred is obscene and shocking, no matter what the statistics.
I think it is too late for Jews in America….to reverse this growing hatred. America is contaminated. Deluded ‘Liberal’ Jews’ misplaced compassion and empathy with an enemy will not receive good will and friendship in return.
If the Democrats continue in power, I can foresee further isolation of Jews in America, even the end of dual Israeli American citizenship and much, much more. Jews have been through this before, when there was no pesky state of Israel to intervene and provide a refuge, a home and a bright future for every single Jew.
The Schumers and Majorkases and Blinkens, and most recently, the Shapiros, have shamefully joined the Borg against their ancient, ancestral, professed ‘own‘. They will not ‘fight’ for total Israel victory, unconditional surrender of Hamas, return of all hostages without swaps for terrorists, destruction of every tunnel in Gaza and the removal of the Gazan ‘non combatants’ in a war zone to Hamas friendly countries. Have they looked at a map? The land of Israel is .1% of the land in the Middle East, 7 million Jews surrounded by 1/3 of a billion Muslims.
Jews may have jumped on the liberal hallucinogenic drug euphoria bandwagon, but they are light weights.
This is not a Jewish problem caused by Jews. Jews have made bad choices. They will fade away, as history has shown.
This has always been a problem for non Jews. ‘Replacing Jews’ from the river to the sea is an ideology problem originating from anti-Semitism at the core of religions that require Jew replacement.
But for wandering Jews in America there are currently two choices: To either stay in America, and protect themselves as best they can, or make aliyah to Israel. There are really only two types of Jews: those who live in Israel and those who do not.
What kind of Jewish parent sends a Jewish kid, a ‘Daniel’ or ‘Daniela’, into a hostile university environment, the lion’s den?
For that matter, what non Jewish parent sends a kid to a school hostile to Jews, to have him or her sitting next to a Jewish student humiliated by a pro Hamas ‘teacher’, or see a Jewish student spat on, verbally abused and physically attacked by pro terrorists when walking on campus? That’s okay?!? Evidently.
Why is that okay?
This hatred problem of Islam against the Jewish people goes way back to the feud between Isaac and Ishmael, and has been active ever since throughout history between the Jewish people and Islamic people. Genesis 16:11.
In today’s world the brainwashed agitators are feeding off of social media, propaganda, swallowing lies, and impressing their friends with how tolerant and justice minded they are. They are also victims of Marxist Indoctrination in the Western World’s education systems. They are pursuaded to see red……and now they are seeing Hamas Green. ” From the River to the Sea.”
They are naive and cannot comprehend that those they are championing, celebrating, and defending, ….would obliterate them in a heartbeat, in just as brutal manner, as they incinerated Israelis on October 7, 2023. Again its for no reason other than to exercise their barbarism against the so called enemies of Islam.
Those Israelis in southern Israel were championing the people of Gaza! The Israelis were there to benefit the Gazans… employ them, take them to appointments, and more. They lived and believed the liberal lie: That we can BEFRIEND MONSTERS, , and make them like us. That Islam is not bad, and we can all get along. Clarity is long over due.
OH COME ON GREENFIELD… the DEI Czars will protect all Jews, MAGAS, Christians, Conservatives, and pro-lifers from their fellow students and even the professors. (sarcasm)
The UNM DEI CZAR here in Albuquerque, Assata Zerai, $262,000 with four aides, is a Black Radical with a history of Black Supremacy and a long rant on her own UNM page in support of BLM, (I think her own title says, All/Student Lives Matter. Now there’s a Black Student Union and they’re fighting for all-Black dorms. A Black Initiative hire, a board member of the ACLU and a Black Supremacist too.)
During last May’s encampment, several JEWS were in fear and were now hiding in Closets. Turning Point student reps knew about this issue and yet, Zerai did nothing!
There are now reports in the DAILYLOBO.COM where the psychology department demands that all students who were arrested when they took over the Student Union and cause $40,000 in damages, should have charges dismissed. (
Sixteen student/non-students had ALL charges dismissed when they went to trial. Their attorney, who I have written about here, AHMAD ASSED, (’80s fellow student, JOSEPH MASSAD a prof a Columbia who, at last count, has 37,000 signatures to fire him) who held a protest OPENLY, IN SUPPORT OF HAMAS a decade ago at UNM, is now the President of the Islamic Center of NM. He’s also the legal expert for a local NBC affiliate. I contacted the station to reveal his past, and present, support for a TERRORIST GROUP, and he’s still there and so is this station reporting on the protests, even small ones. The director of the Student Union is a supporter of protesters and didn’t even file a police report on these damages and neither when the mob protested Tomi Lahren and put holes in the sheetrock, pulled the fire alarms, and pushed police around, trying to get into the ballroom, where I was at! “We took care of it internally!”
This is all the result of unlimited immigration of a population that hates Jews, coupled with money furnished by Quatar , Soros and far left NGOs
“Survey Shows Majority of Muslim College Students Hate Jews”
In other shocking news, the sky is blue and water is wet. Oh, and it’s also blazing hot in Chicago in summer.
Useful Idiots are everywhere and Big Brother likes it all
There’s only 2 logical outcomes, one where the blind political left suppresses criticism of Islam until Islam metastasizes and eventually takes over the country. The other outcome is for Americans to violently put Islam to rest.
I’m a realist, does anyone see any other logical outcomes for the future?
*Most “uncommitted” voters are Arab Muslims. * Most hate crimes are linked to Arabs. * Not much has changed since 1941 polled Arabs in Palestine 88% for Nazis. * One of first hate expressions was by Islamic Sheikh in Oct 1913 in the ‘Falastin’ – a hate poem combining antisemitic trope with Quranic theme.. * 1929 Hebron brutal butchery and rape was targeting non Zionists.