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Barack Obama had long been rumored as the catalyst for the 2020 Biden nomination—and thereafter played the whispering puppeteer behind the subsequent lost Biden administration years.
As such he and his coterie proved the virtual architects of the Biden administration, one of the most unpopular and failed presidencies in American history.
Recall earlier that after a flailing candidate Joe Biden lost the first three 2020 primaries and caucuses, his inert campaign was headed nowhere.
Barack Obama and fellow Democratic insiders abruptly engineered the withdrawal of his rival 2020 presidential candidates: hard left but likely sure-loser candidates, including Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, and Pete Buttigieg.
The Obamas ignored or withheld from the public their own firsthand knowledge that Biden was suffering from signs of dementia.
Instead, they found Biden’s cognitive decline and his former concocted reputation as workingman’s Joe useful as a veneer for a veritable Obama third-term, “phone it in” administration. Or as wistful Obama once conditioned his dream of a third term—”If I could make an arrangement where I had a stand-in, a front man or front woman, and they had an earpiece in.”
The Obamaites then got their wish for four years of enacted hard-left directives that they could only have dreamed of while in actual power.
But their radical menu since 2021 had divided and nearly wrecked the nation—hyperinflation, 12 million illegal aliens, a ruined border, spiraling crime, a shattered foreign policy of appeasement, the popular backlash against DEI/Woke/trans chauvinism, partisan lawfare, and weaponization of the government.
And the ruling radicalism beneath the Biden facade eventually cost the Democrats nearly everything—the presidency, the House, and the Senate.
An inert Biden is departing office with a 36 percent favorability rating in a recent Emerson poll. His Democratic nominee replacement, losing presidential candidate Vice President Harris, also has virtually vacated her office with 40 days left of her tenure.
Failed candidate Harris has been roundly faulted by staffers and donors for blowing through some $2 billion in assorted 2024 campaign money.
She ended up doing worse against Trump than Biden himself had in 2020.
Many Democrats believe that they might have done just as well had Biden stayed on the ticket even in his vastly diminished state.
The Obamas were further blasted for nullifying the wishes of 14 million primary voters by forcing Biden off the ticket—ironically in the same backroom, anti-democratic manner they had cleared the way for him in 2020.
Obama emerged from his comfortable retirement to hit the 2024 campaign trail, schooling the country that President-emeritus Donald Trump was a dictator, a fascist, a tyrant, and, of course, a “racist.”
The more Trump polled even with, or ahead of, Kamala Harris, the more an exasperated and ignored Obama talked down to supposedly low-information voters.
But by the time Harris lost the election, voters had tuned out a nagging and patronizing Obama—and his stale, now-dated hope-and-changey boilerplate speeches.
What Obama did not mention, but what the voters knew, was that the border was more secure under Trump than during either the Obama or Biden tenure.
Vladimir Putin invaded countries during the Obama and Biden administrations but stayed put on Trump’s watch.
Barack Obama’s bizarre vision of a new Middle East had sought to empower Iran as a supposed counterweight against moderate Arab nations and our ally Israel.
Years ago, Obama invited the Russians into Syria, empowered dictatorial Syria, berated Israel nonstop, and all but ignored the terrorist violence of Iran’s surrogate terrorists of Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Houthis.
But after October 7, Israel retaliated to the mass slaughter of Jewish civilians with all-out war against Hamas and Hezbollah—rendering these once feared terrorists nearly impotent.
In an exchange of air attacks with Iran, Israel showed the world that Iran was as militarily weak as its chanting and threats were tiresome and shrill.
Iran is now tottering on the brink, as its terrorist appendages—including most recently the Assad dynasty—are melting away.
Israel and the moderate Arab regimes are in ascendance, as the entire crazy Obama-envisioned Middle East agenda melts away.
The 2024 anemic Democratic campaign and the Trump electoral college and popular vote victories—combined with record defections of Hispanic and African-American voters from the Democratic Party to Trump—proved a resounding rejection of the Obama legacy and his surrogates’ left-wing visions.
Yet after the people spoke in the election, the more Obama whined that democracy itself had failed him. Voters, he remonstrated, who disagreed with him were written off as racist and sexist.
Obama again harped that constituents did not know what was good for them.
And then, the disappointed former community organizer suddenly disappeared—pondering to which of his own four mansions his private jet would fly him home to commiserate.
Intrepid says
I love the plethora of Obama political obituaries. It’s clear that the Obama “magic” from 20 years ago is gone. And maybe it was never there to begin with. Barry was a product of media hype and lies. He was never that bright and time is cruel master.
Beginning with the Clintons, the 30 year grift of the radicalized commie Jihadi DemoCrats has finally come to an end. It continued with the fundamental transformation of grifter No.2, gay Muslim Barry Soetoro. It finally crashed and burned with Demented Biden. Each iteration was worse than what went before. Each iteration needed propping up from an increasingly corrupt “press”.
Can you imagine what a Hilary presidency would have looked like? A scandal du jour. Fortunately Trump won against her and we got to see what normalcy looked like albeit for four years. Otherwise it would have been continuous scandal and grift, through Clinton, Obama and Biden into the Harris admin. Grift-a-palooza.
Thank God Harris was so monumentally awful as a candidate. Back to normalcy and greatness with Trump 2.0.
Michael Riley says
Barry Soetoro (aka Barack Obama) has been given the honorary title “ObamaTraitor”.
His record as a US Senator tells us all we need to know about him !!!
Barry was a gay muslim noncitizen but managed to work his way ino the US Government
as a “BLACK well speaking citizen. Bary hated America and all it stands for. and that bhas not changed to this day.
john in cheshire says
Will the Chicago bathhouses now benefit from Barry’s return?
Annie45 says
That Marxist fiend Obama will never stop working behind the scenes
to destroy the God-given, individually free American way of life.
One cannot actually see or hear or smell evil but it is always there –
permeating and poisoning everything. And so is Barack Hussein.
Jim McCrudden says
Agree. He cannot go away. He has played the part so long he believes it.
Joe Esposito says
If only Obama would just leave us alone.
I doubt he would do the honorable thing and step aside
as former Presidents have always done.
But Obama who’s goal is to destroy America
just can’t depart from his radicalism.
Hatred is Obama’s strong suit and he wears it honorably just like
all the other failed dictators around the world.
Anne says
Oh, don’t fool yourself. The Bush’s, didn’t “step aside. ”
They are up too their eyeballs, in thwarting DJT. Along, with the Cheneys and Karl Rowe.
Jim says
Words of incredible truth!!! Very well said. Thank you.
Jim McCrudden says
He hath disgraced me, and cost me billions, laughed at my losses, mocked at my gains, scorned my nation, thwarted my bargains, cooled my friends, heated mine enemies, and what’s the reason?
Shakespeare knew him.
world@70 says
When I think of Obama’s dismal presidential legacy, as the founder of the leftist takeover, I’m thankful that Trump was there to save us from Hillary and, at least, put an interruption between Obama and his partner, Dunce Box Joe’s attempted conclusion to leftist dominance.
Steve says
If the truth about the smug, elitist Great Narcissist-Islamist-Marxist Barack Hussein Osama were known, he’d be swinging from the end of a noose, or in exile in Tehran, Havana or Pyongyang.
Justin Swingle says
THE OBAMA -SOROS agenda of destruction of America implemented by meat puppets Biden and Harris has hit a roadblock.
What now????
David Sugarman says
Victor Davis Hanson is so SENSIBLE! It’s a pleasure to read him.
Obama’s worst aspect was that he was good to our enemies and bad to our friends. As a result we had invigorated enemies and dejected friends. The failures of Iran and Obamacare are largely due to that personality flaw.
Hillary, besides having a horrid hectoring voice was sincerely stupid though she fashioned herself smart. Imagine, not five years after an arab strong-man is defeated and the resulting chaos of a Hobbsian All against All, she does the same in Libya – and expects to be lauded! Where do these people come from?
David Sugarman says
I’m not so arrogant as to not realize it was Mr Hanson who got the votes, not me, nevertheless I can always hope my analysis was appreciated as well. Thanks. Hobbesian was misspelled. I was given a warning, but I ignored it
stephan morrow says
This was a comment I wrote in today in the NYT ( a little Off Topic but related to Obama’s disastrous policies esp in Syria) about the Islamist terrorists (Jolani) taking over Syria and who have supposdely ditched their radicalism. And not surprisingly it didn’t get published. So another thanks to David Horowitz and staff for starting the Front Page. where freedom of speech still holds.
” IMHO the comments here are pathetic in their bending over backwards to justify and accept the takeover by Islamist terrorists in Syria. They’ve already shown their true colors by the prohibitions mentioned. No music but working water taps? Women not having to cover their whole faces? That’s an acceptable bargain? I don’t think so. Wait til they come up with some way to keep women from working altogether and get rid of that principal. What will they say then? So it seems to me in their rush to take the moral high ground by getting rid of Assad they’re losing any perspective they might have had. Face it, there’s a global jihad going on and this is all appeasement much like Munich ’37 just in a different form. Anything to avoid the hard choices of seeing an enemy for who he is. And all so the ostriches in the Apple can go about their daily, self-absorbed lives in the bistros throbbing with music. Great. America Awake!
Art Dir
Grt American Play Series “
Fritz says
I think that the problem with most of these people, is not only that they are lefties, but they are globalist lefties. I am glad that someone thought to mention that the recent overthrowing of Assad, and the overthrowing of Qaddafi before, were projects of the Obama-Biden administrations, but more correctly projects of the U.S state department under the Obama-Biden administrations (not to vindicate her but Harris really had no role in any of it, she was a token DEI hire and nothing more. They attempted the same in Egypt but the Egyptian military had other plans.
Whilst the 1938 agreement at Munich (not 1937) is often portrayed as a naive sellout, it tends to be forgotten that the savagery, death, and destruction of the first world war was still fresh in everyone’s mind. Some will argue that it was to give Britain and France more time to re-arm as a deterrent, it was around this time that the British were constructing chain radar as part of the world’s first integrated air defense system.
The Obama-Biden administrations cannot fall back on that line of reasoning, it’s obvious that what they wished was to tear down whatever order existed in the middle east, and let the chips fall where they lay. They broke Libya, have finally broken Syria, and heaven help whomever suffers because of this. The country was already divided up with the Turks occupying parts of the North, the Kurds the North Eastern third, leaving the Assad regime the remaining 35-40%, now taken over by Jolani, the rehabilitated El Qaeda boss and his band of thugs.
John Wood says
Obummer should be hanged for treason and crimes against humanity.
john in cheshire says
But, but, but, he was awarded the Nobel Peace prize.
skai says
To this day I can’t understand who come jungle bunny /half-cast muslim got elected to WH not once but twice?
Fritz says
The reasons were John “Songbird” McCain, and Willard “Mittens” Romney, the first ran an inept campaign, running against the backdrop of the 2008 financial crisis. The second was a corporate raider, carpetbagger, and Blue State moderate feigning himself as a conservative, the Obummer campaign picked that apart and rightly so, he was a bad candidate, and a turncoat, as it turned out.
Maha says
America was saddled with this unexamined man for much of a generation now. As he arose from nowhere it was racist to ask who the hell he was, or where he was actually born. His earliest efforts in the White House sowed a division that he sought to strengthen with every oratory. His boyfriend, Michael Robinson, adorned as “First Lady” claimed his election was the first time he could be proud of the country.
He slipped and told the country he was Muslim and needed correction by his interviewer. He slipped and called Michelle “Michael”.
When you live so many lies, it slips out.
His job was to be another enemy within and defeat us without resorting to a new kinetic war. Oh sure, he mobilized the black people who have been convinced they are an underclass by their Democrat handlers. He had the Black Panthers intimidating voters on election night in 2009. (Which was pedestrian compared to the COVID crisis they needed to get rid of Trump after his first term…)
A successful America, with strong MAGA/MAHA leadership will be in charge of history books. (History is written by the winners) Obama will be relegated to the dirty file room where traitors and con men are stored.
Leon Kushner says
Add this to your list of brilliant articles.
The best part of Trump’s win for me was seeing Obama get slowly flushed down the toilet. I won’t soon forget the absolute, devoted, love affair by millions (maybe billions) of uninformed people around the globe, for him. People were in a trance at the beginning: ‘Look, the first Black president!’. He was hailed as handsome, well spoken, cool (after all he did smoke pot) and even an athlete when he posed shooting at a hoop. Of course they thought he was brilliant, honest and a true patriot. Finally someone who will bring the country together!
He was none of these things! He wasn’t even Black. His mother was as white as cotton. I didn’t see him handsome especially with his big flappy ears. He was a terrible speaker (he only spoke well when he used a teleprompter). He is the opposite of cool. Unless you consider narcissism cool. He wasn’t dumb but far from brilliant. I’d say average intelligence. Honesty is something he totally lacked. Did you see him throw the first pitch out? My sister who never threw a baseball in her life could do better. Sorry he was no athlete (not that I care). He was corrupt, compromised, unethical, lacked any morals, cowardly and a liar extraordinaire. He was the most divisive president in US history. He was a communist and behaved like all of the famous communist dictators we know. Last but not least, he is a vile antisemite. No doubt a trait he picked up as a typical Muslim growing up.
I’m thrilled to finally see his fans, throw him out on his ass. Better late than never. Good riddance to the worst, most dangerous president of all time!
TRex says
Why would anyone think Obama has been relegated to the history books. He, and his evil co-conspirators, have simply gone underground. A four year “break” just gives him time to fine tune his continued destruction of America. I’d bet he’s already surveying the landscape for his next puppet to hand the baton and get back in the race. We haven’t seen the last of him by a long shot.
Pinchas says
two stupid joos from chicago david axelrod and rahm emmanuel were instrumental in getting obama into the spotlight and getting him nominated as presidential candidate back in 2012.
and the rest is sordid history and the decline of the USA., until today and Trump’s election.
both smartass shmucks and useful idiots.
Alex says
THe AMERICAN PEOPLE and Donald Trump put him back in his place.
Jim says
“…a resounding rejection of the Obama legacy and his surrogates’ left-wing visions.” ABSOLUTELY!!! Very well done!