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The line between radical activism and “mainstream” journalism has been obliterated, especially when it comes to LGBTQ+ lobbyists. The war on traditional Christianity is on. It was splashed all over the front page of the July 25 USA Today.
The headline above the photograph was “Christian transgender man says fighting LGBTQ+ discrimination has increased his faith.” The big headline underneath was the trans man’s quote: “This is what I was supposed to be doing.”
Zayn Silva was refused admission to a Christian seminary in New York and is part of a lawsuit trying to destroy any religious exemption for schools that hold true to biblical teaching. On the libertine left, it’s believed God often cruelly “assigns” people the wrong gender at birth.
The large color photograph is Silva sitting in front of a stained-glass window at the First Presbyterian Church of Brooklyn, where he is an elder. The church members call themselves “intentionally inclusive.”
But it goes deeper than that. The “LGBTQ+ Fellowship” page on their website includes a video titled “Queer Mary, Trans Christ,” showing a “queer pastor” reading passages about “the cross-dressing Jesus” in “false eyelashes” from the book “Indecent Theology: Theological Perversions in Sex, Gender and Politics.”
There is a word for this theology: heresy. But the word never surfaces in our secular press as they seek to undermine traditional religion in all its forms. Forsaking God is the objective.
The outfit gaining all this free publicity in USA Today calls itself the Religious Exemption Accountability Project, which is misleading. It’s a Religious Exemption Obliteration Project. Their website explains they “advocate for human rights, while shining a light on the dangers and abuses of a major educational pipeline of white Christian Supremacy.”
There’s one nod to the religious-liberty counterpoint from Gregory Baylor of Alliance Defending Freedom. Baylor said some religious schools could have “very different perspectives,” but these lawsuits “are trying to diminish those choices.” In other words, activists like Silva can find a nominally Christian school that’s “intentionally inclusive,” but the lawsuit route is more appealing.
USA Today summarized its official disdain in the subhead: “Counterargument: Lawsuits threaten religious ‘choice.'” There can be no “diversity” of opinion. The new orthodoxy is secular and leftist.
On the same day USA Today campaigned on the front page, NPR’s “Morning Edition” aired a more balanced story on the battle inside the United Methodist Church, where a significant sliver of churches is leaving. NPR reporter Jason DeRose interviewed minister Glen Haworth, complaining the Methodists were “drifting from what he calls traditional biblical teachings” on homosexuality and marriage. “What he calls” is NPR’s subtle method of wanting to deconstruct the Bible.
NPR’s opposing view came from Grant Hagiya, president of the Methodist seminary in southern California, Claremont School of Theology. He clearly set orthodox Christians on edge by suggesting the LGBTQ+ view is for “justice, something he believes even a medieval theologian could support.”
Hagiya claimed Thomas Aquinas “would say that if a law is unjust, it’s not a law. Laws are human-made. And they can be wrong, immoral. And we believe that this is true of this particular case of exclusion.” Aquinas wrote, “An unjust law is a human law that is not rooted in eternal law and natural law.” The libertines are at war with “eternal law and natural law.”
“Justice” in the eyes of the Left is defined as bending the arc away from the Bible (and the Torah and the Quran) and creating a new God that believes exactly what the Left believes, a malleable deity who evolves exactly as the Left evolves.
Everyone has a religion. Atheism is a religion. The current obsession with trans gander, homosexuality etc., is just one of the Devil’s denominations.
Atheism (the lack of belief in God) is not a religion and who’s God are we talking about anyway?
Not believing in leprechauns means nothing more than not believing in leprechauns. Not believing in Zeus means nothing more than not believing in Zeus. Not believing in Allah means nothing more than not believing in Allah. Not believing in Yahweh means nothing more than not believing in Yahweh.
Only a moron would claim “It takes faith not to believe in Allah, not believing in Allah is a religion.”
Atheism is most definitely a religion–it is a BELIEF that there is no supernatural force that exists and at least plays some part in the aims of the universe. The argument can be made that agnosticism is not a religion because agnosticism suspends all beliefs in either the existence or nonexistence of a supernatural force as not being supported by objective evidence that is evident to humans.
THX, your passionate attachment to objectivism, your indefatigable proselytizing of it, your constant quoting of Randian scripture and your unwillingness or inability to see unreason in the foundational presuppositions of objectivism all point to not just a religious devotion, but even a slavishly cultish devotion, supported by your abject hatred of Judaism and Christianity and your constant misrepresentation of our scriptures and core beliefs.
Hence my rational claim: We will have a dominant national religion. It used to be Christianity. Now it is Wokeism. It is ALWAYS religion. It is not a question of WHETHER we will have religious governing principles, but WHICH religion.
Do you believe that you have an eternal soul and that one day you will be judged for your actions? Or do you believe there is nothingness after death? Search yourself deeply for this answer. If you seek proof from a source outside the Bible, then purchase The Intelligent Design package from Illustra Media. There you will find scientists who have answered questions I’m sure you never thought about.
THX: “Only a moron would claim “It takes faith not to believe in Allah, not believing in Allah is a religion.”
Which requires more faith:
1. The universe created and organized itself, or;
2. In the beginning (time), God created (energy) the heavens (space) and the earth (matter).
Option 1 has no evidence or reason behind it and is against scientific discoveries. Faith in option 1 is belief without evidence.
Option 2, although repugnant to atheists, has no contrary science or evidence.
There is no doubt that the LGBT movement seeks to destroy religious values via litigation legislation and the media
Except islam.
The gay community feels safe going after all religions but islam. That makes them the perfect tool to be used against all non-muslims. They do the terrorism and slander for muslims.
Religion strikes back:
Most all those liberal journalists are Atheists/Secularists brought up of Evolution and Secular Humanism as well as their Leftists/Socialists ideas their pushing on us
The Left is not rebelling against your God, it’s rebelling against reality and reason. Any form of unreason is an evasion of or rebellion against reality.
Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Marxism, and Leftism are all forms of unreason, different forms and degrees of evasion of or rebellion against the complete facts of reality.
Complete unreason is a complete rebellion against reality and that’s called nihilism.
THX: “Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Marxism, and Leftism are all forms of unreason, different forms and degrees of evasion of or rebellion against the complete facts of reality.”
These are THX’s foundational presuppositions:
1. Reason is man’s mind.
2. Man’s mind produces Truth (as opposed to describing / discovering it). Therefore Reason, not Truth is transcendent.
3. Existence precedes consciousness. If Reason is a “conscious process,” then reason is not transcendent. #2 above must be FALSE.
4. Matter and energy co-exist as eternal. “Existence exists by the grace of existence.” Does this not mean that “Grace” is prior to existence?
5. Man’s mind judges all existence by itself and calls it “Reason.” Is this not the definition of “Subjective”? Not objective?
Do I misrepresent you? Then clarify.
#7 in Saul Alinsky’s “eight steps from Democracy to Socialism” is to “remove the belief in God from the Government and schools” and #6 is “to take control of what the children learn”. Everyone should “google” the eight steps as it is literally the Democrat “playbook”. Of course the left and Progressives have had a war on religion for sixty years. It took many years but radical Marxist ideology eventually took over our college campuses, inculcating and indoctrinating our youth and changing our culture. Now we find that CRT is in high school, middle school, and all the way down to our elementary schools. Our Christian heritage is denied, anti American sentiment is everywhere; our history is reviled and distorted and historical icons are erased. “Social movements” are smokescreens. Few people realize, for example, that the founders of BLM are anti-family, anti-Christian and openly Marxist. Even many traditional churches ignorantly support BLM, sanctuary cities, perform gay marriages and otherwise cave to the outrage mobs.
Now, of course, we have radical CRT and DEI ideology pushed all throughout our government and even private companies. Unless people learn and understand that this is an organized and systematic plan, it will destroy our western civilization. Our founding fathers were all Christians and we should not be afraid to be a faith based society because our Constitution guarantees freedom of religion for ALL religions. The first goal of Marxists is always to destroy organized Religion and the family unit. The Democrats believe in “moral relativism” which denies the existence of “good and evil” that we have witnessed for the entirety of human history. Without God, people bow to the fake idols of Climate Change, Transgenderism and, of course, all are victims of “Systemic Racism” or the “Patriarchy” or the latest invented oppressor. And unless this scourge is stopped soon we will end up just like Venezuela, now Brazil, or every other Socialist/Communist state in history.
The leftist liars ignore that the first amendment was not to keep religion out of government, but keep government out of religion. Even Thomas Jefferson’s famous “separation of Church and state” was to reassure a Baptist group that the government wouldn’t persecute them.
“KEEP RELIGION OUT OF OUR GOVERNMENT” shouts the sign on the back of the wheelchair. I agree. And this includes Woke, which should use a large case “W” as an official religion, even though it’s secular and not sacred.
“Icabod”. The glory departs. Man or manmade systems can’t force it. So there are Christians and those fearing God even in North Korea.
I wish authors would up their game and stop putting the quran on a level with the Bible. They are not compatible. The quran is an amoral war plan. Allah is pure will (satan). God is logos, truth. Seem like opposites to me.
Islam has to be eliminated or there will never be peace on earth. Its a violent fight of them or us. Never believe a word they say.
Atheism is the pinnacle of irrationality.
We have Atheists like Newdow trying to force their ideologies upon the rest of America and the delusional loose nuts like Dawkins and the late Hitchens writing books full of their load of malarkey
The Left has a religion. It’s called Atheism.