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The Biden regime State Department has now publicly confirmed what it must have known for nearly three years, if not longer: Taliban jihadis are holding three Americans hostage. What have relentlessly anti-American Biden regime apparatchiks done in response? True to form, they’ve sent billions of dollars of U.S. taxpayer money to the Taliban.
The Washington Examiner reported Saturday that a Biden regime Foggy Bottom wonk “confirmed on July 11 that three U.S. citizens, George Glezmann, Mahmood Habibi, and Ryan Corbett, are currently being held in Taliban custody. Taliban representatives repeatedly claimed they only held two Americans in detention.” Why are they holding any at all, and why are the comrades in the State Department and the Oval Office sending them money instead of applying pressure upon the Taliban?
Of course, the Biden regime has long since made clear which side it is on, with $10 billion to Iran and $100 million to Gaza, which means to Hamas, since there isn’t any entity in Gaza that has the power or will to keep the money away from Hamas. The Taliban have been in on the gravy train as well. Just The News reported in early June that “a recently released federal watchdog report shows that the U.S. government has sent at least $11 million to the Taliban since the 2021 withdrawal of U.S. troops.”
That was a wildly low estimate, as it left out the key excuse that the Biden regime uses to send our money over to Kabul: humanitarian aid. The Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR) wrote in its May 2024 report, “U.S. Funds Benefitting the Taliban-Controlled Government: Implementing Partners Paid at Least $10.9 Million and Were Pressured to Divert Assistance,” that since the Taliban returned to power, “the U.S. government has continued to be the largest international donor supporting the Afghan people,” and that the Biden “has provided more than $2.8 billion in humanitarian and development assistance to help the people of Afghanistan.”
Antony Blinken and his henchmen would likely insist that this $2.8 billion was not sent to the Taliban, but to other groups that are operating in the country. But this is just as unrealistic and disingenuous as claiming that money sent to Gaza won’t go to Hamas. The aid money that has been sent to Afghanistan is ending up in the hands of the Taliban despite all the denials and claims to the contrary.
“Now,” said The Foreign Desk in an Aug. 2022 report, “humanitarian aid to the Afghan people is lining the pockets of the Taliban at the expense of innocent Afghans and American taxpayers alike.” Nothing has changed since then; if anything, the Taliban have consolidated their power even more than they had by mid-2022. Just The News notes, “Judicial Watch released an investigation recently showing that the Taliban has created fake NGOs to siphon away tax dollars.”
Your tax dollars are even going to fund education in Afghanistan, even after the Taliban have barred girls from going to school. Judicial Watch reports that the Biden regime “has continued to fund Afghanistan’s education sector through six programs that cost $185.2 million even though the Taliban has issued decrees drastically limiting access to education for girls and women as well as restricting women’s ability to work and other basic freedoms.”
In fiscal year 2023 alone, “the U.S. sent Taliban-ruled Afghanistan over $566 million in humanitarian assistance. Most of it was for emergency food but a chunk was classified as going to general humanitarian and health.” And all this business about how the money is for food or “general humanitarian” needs is a steaming pile of nonsense, anyway.
Money is fungible. If you give the Taliban $566 million for food and medicine, they’ll have $566 million freed up for jihad violence and the oppression of women. Why this simple fact of basic economics continues to elude the great minds of the Biden regime remains a mystery and a matter of no curiosity at all for our nation’s “journalists.”
Ominously, “more than $15 million went to a cause that is labeled ‘redacted’ in the government records.” That’s right: we sent the Taliban $15 million for a secret purpose, and you can be assured that it’s not to cover the costs of printing millions of copies of the Bill of Rights. The Congressional opposition, such as it is, should be demanding that the regime disclose what that money is going for and whether or not it is being spent in the best interests of the United States.
It’s a reasonable line of inquiry. After all, it seems as if the Biden regime never misses an opportunity to aid America’s enemies, even the Taliban as they hold Americans hostage. There used to be a word for that. Started with a T. But everyone has forgotten that word.
I guess I’ll have to wait til I leave this world to never ever have to hear the word Taliban again, The islamists inside the Biden Mafia have free reign to support the Taliban, ISIS, Al-Queda, etc., etc. All due to Butt-krak Hussein Obama and his minions like Biden and Clinton.
So I can speak for all who read here on this I am sure, and so I ask the question; who is it in Wash DC that is supposed to prevent this money transfer from happening? I want names.
We are told the House controls the purse strings. Then, it would be Speaker Mike Johnson. Notably, the House has done darn little to control grotesque speaking to date. In fact, rinos there seem to support such spending.
Didn’t Obama send CASH without approval?
Leave it to the Demon-Rats to cow tow to the enemy Bidrn the Worse
Leftist shitheads love to spend other people’s money. I just wish they’d at least just spend it on buying votes, rather than on our destruction.
If I had my way, congress would be required to forego their paychecks until we had a balanced budget. (Small business owners have often had to do something similar when trying to keep their businesses afloat. So, damned right the same for grifting politicians.)
You know how hard it was for Ray Kroc to keep McDonald’s afloat, the first few years?
Wait a minute. If you’re claiming Biden, Harris, Garland, Blinken, etc, etc. know about this. Then surely Comer,
Jordan etc., etc .know about this. Golly, Gosh then they must all know about this and. . .
The fact that Biden authorizes the sending of money to Iran, Hamas, and The Taliban is reason enough for him to be impeached and charged with treason.
The Democrats set the precedent for a post presidential impeachment. The Republicans should follow the same course if they hold on to the House and get the Senate in November.
The leftist/marxists that rule the Democratic Party share a great deal in common with the Islamists. According to the Koran, it is allowable to lie to the kaffir (unbeliever in Islam) to further their ultimate goals of a worldwide Islamic caliphate managed by Sharia law; by another name totalitarian rule. While seemingly strange bedfellows, it is evident that the left and Islam share the desire to have total control over all humanity as evidenced in the desires of lefts dream of this New World Order. This dark affiliation seems useful to the Democrats, immersed in their ignorant, western mindset actively traversing this evil without a scintilla of understanding the middle eastern mindset. The Democrats are nothing more than useful idiots to all Islamist’s and they readily appeal to the euphemistic tolerance of the left in the most subversive and exploitive manner possible. Horribly, Biden left Americans to the Taliban and has funded their now complete control of the country. His removal of sanctions on Iran, like Obama before him, has in part funded the Hamas October 7 invasion of Israel and is also providing funding to Hezbollah and the Houthies to attack Israel as well.
Unfortunately for the leftists, once the Islamist’s goals no longer necessitate this unholy alliance, the left will meet the same, horrific fate as all other unbelievers under their control. Much of the leftist’s beliefs are abhorrent to Islam.
When you do not understand your enemy (Islam), your ability to anticipate and fight against them will walk you straight into to their captivity!!
This is also an admonition to the left in Israel too–STUPID IS AS STUPID DOES!!
Joe Biden couldn’t care less about those three American hostages hole captive by the Taliban,. For that matter Biden doesn’t care about America or about any of the American people, Biden only cares about himself.
Furthermore ,that treacherous insidious villain ,Biden, strives to support and uphold the vicious and deadly enemy of the United States and her people, the Taliban. Truly this is clearly treason.
The former US President Theodore Roosevelt, rightly, declared “A man holding that very important Office “should be sharply watch by the people [and] held to a strict accountability by them.”
Joe Biden should be imprisoned for treason.
In addition , that horrible policy and directed action of that horrendously treasonous “president” Joe Biden giving Afghanistan to the Taliban does indeed have a galvanizing effect to stir and impel the jihadists of many different Islamic terror/murder organizations around the world to continue with even more zeal than before.
Especially since they have their useful idiot and stooge sitting and resting in the Oval Office of the White House masquerading as a real, genuine, United States President.
That treacherous fiend old man Joe Biden asset and inspiration to America’s enemies around the world.
“we sent the Taliban $15 million for a secret purpose”
Check the Biden crime families’ accounts.
The amount including the aid provided the Taliban after the withdrawal is stunning and an irresponsible slap to the American taxpayers’ faces.
Not to mention for stockpiling of American military equipment for the Taliban’s black market via the Biden/Austin/Milley withdrawal.
Elect Trump in November and these hostages will be home before Christmas.
Remember the Iramian hostage crisis of 1979/80? They were home for Reagan’s inauguration.
Anybody who thinks money given to the Taliban for food and medicine will be spent on food and medicine-for anyone except a few high ranking members of the Taliban-I have a bridge to sell him
Hopefully there will someday be a legal reason to cut off the funding.
Joe Biden couldn’t care less about those three American hostages hole captive by the Taliban,. For that matter Biden doesn’t care about America or about any of the American people, Biden only cares about himself.
Furthermore ,that treacherous insidious villain ,Biden, strives to support and uphold the vicious and deadly enemy of the United States and her people, the Taliban. Truly this is clearly treason.
The former US President Theodore Roosevelt, rightly, declared “A man holding that very important Office “should be sharply watch by the people [and] held to a strict accountability by them.”
Joe Biden should be imprisoned for treason.
In addition , that horrible policy and directed action of that horrendously treasonous “president” Joe Biden giving Afghanistan to the Taliban does indeed have a galvanizing effect to stir and impel the jihadists of many different Islamic terror/murder organizations around the world to continue with even more zeal than before.
Especially since they have their useful idiot and stooge sitting and resting in the Oval Office of the White House masquerading as a real, genuine, United States President.
That treacherous fiend old man Joe Biden asset and inspiration to America’s enemies around the world.