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Shootings are up 185% in Vermont from 2021 to 2022.
“We are not used to this level of violence in Vermont,” Burlington Mayor Miro Weinberger complained after the city racked up 5 murders. That may not sound like much, but it gives the normally sleepy city, where Bernie Sanders got his start, a higher murder rate than Philly.
When James Eaton, a mentally unstable leftist who had praised Hamas, shot and wounded three Arab Muslim men outside his home, the media eagerly diverted attention from the crime wave to the shooter, who was conveniently white, while falsely blaming it on ‘Islamophobia’.
The discredited hoax was not only trying to rally support for terrorists, but also to distract attention from the real perpetrators of the violence that has overtaken Bernie’s old city.
The shooters in Burlington, VT are much more likely to be Muslim male teens.
Another recent shooting out of Burlington made the national news when Hussein Mohamed, the underage son of Somali immigrants who don’t speak English, shot and killed Madden: a local 14-year-old boy. It was reported that “state police were able to make an arrest despite at least two eyewitnesses from the car providing multiple false statements about the crime.”
The murder wave in Burlington was touched off in 2022 when Abdiaziz Abdhikadir, 19, shot and killed Hussein Mubarak, 21.
Abdiaziz Abdhikadir had been part of a Somali Muslim refugee family profiled by the New York Times under the headline “U.S. a Place of Miracles for Somali Refugees.” Of that family, one son was convicted of assault with a firearm, another of “aggravated assault for shooting a man in November 2020” and Abdiaziz Abdhikadir was the grandson of that same family.
Abdhikadir had allegedly become a member of a Somali gang that stole cars while “wearing surgical gloves to avoid leaving fingerprints behind” and two of them had attacked a man in broad daylight while wearing ski masks.
Mubarak had been born in a refugee camp before being his family was resettled in America where his “older and younger siblings” spent time in jail, while he turned to selling drugs.
The reporting on the incident and other violent encounters in Burlington are littered with mentions of drug dealing, stolen cars and guns, shootings in garages and names like Abdirahman Mohamed, Ahmed Mohamed, Badal Khadka and Abukar Hilowle.
Abukar Hilowle was accused of a few shootings, including one in which he allegedly shot the driver of the car he was in, resulting in a car crash, and another in which he shot two middle-aged American men on the street, one of whom had told him to “chill”, but the Muslim perpetrator claimed that he was responding to “racial slurs” by his two victims.
In 2022 it was reported that, “by mid-summer, about half of the city’s gunfire incidents were connected to a small group of new American young men.” The inaccurate euphemism “new Americans“ was being used to refer to Somali and other often Muslim African immigrants.
The perps are usually repeat offenders who wander in and out of the justice system.
In 2020, Bonide Badibanga was arrested for aggravated assault during a fight over drugs. By 2022, when he was accused of trying to shoot his brother, he had racked up 47 police contacts and 11 arrests. Despite being briefly charged with attempted murder, his family refused to testify and he received a plea deal last year for time served.
Mayor Miro Weinberger however has claimed that the role of migrant settler teens in the wave of violence is not “particularly relevant”.
When the three Arab Muslim men were shot, State’s Attorney Sarah George rushed to claim, without a shred of evidence, that, “there is no question this was a hateful act.” But the Soros DA has been accused of giving violent drug gang members a pass for the sake of social justice.
Burlington’s crime level rose sharply after the City Council had voted to defund 30% of the police department during the peak of the BLM race riots.
Burlington City Councilor Ali Dieng, an African Muslim immigrant who has run for mayor, has attacked the police while introducing resolutions to boycott Israel and has urged funding for social services to explore the “root causes” of the violence by members of his community.
Tens of thousands of dollars were allocated to the Vermont New American Advisory Council (VNAAC), a group in which Ali serves as a secretary, which were used to pay for 15 hours of group therapy with “a therapist of African descent” along with “listening sessions” in which it was determined that the foreign population in Burlington had a “deep distrust” of the police.
“We all know in the 21st century, black people in this country continue to live in fear of losing their lives at the hands of law enforcement, or members of the white supremacy groups,” Ali Dieng had claimed after a resolution ordering the flying of the BLM flag at City Hall in 2020.
The reality is that black people in Burlington are being killed by other black people.
Ali Dieng has spent his political career alternating between falsely accusing America, the country that took him and his people in, of racism and accusing Israel of violence. The actual violence and racism are coming from the Muslim immigrants hiding behind those accusations.
When Hussein Mohamed killed Madden Gouveia, a 14-year-old local boy, local eyewitnesses attempted to lie to the police about what happened. The NAACP and other local leftist groups rallied for Mohamed who was portrayed as the victim. Meanwhile Gouveia’s family lost their son.
“Thankfully, through God’s work, (Madden) came to my house a week ago,” Ricky Worthen, his brother, wrote. “He walked to Battery Park with me and my daughter and spent two hours with us. I know now that was God’s way of showing me, I should cherish every moment and from this day forward I will”
While Madden’s family were thinking of God, Allah was on trial in Vermont.
Allah had been caught with fentanyl: the drug at the heart of the overdose epidemic and also of much of the local Muslim drug dealing and violence in the city. The police had busted Zahir Allah, a black convert to Islam, just outside Burlington, and he was tried and sentenced to less than three years in prison for trafficking in the deadly drug.
Muslim drug gangs are killing each other while fighting over territory in Burlington VT and across much of New England. And increasingly spreading their wave of terror across America.
While certainly not all shootings or murders in Burlington, VT involve Somalis, it is startling to see how many do, especially since the city has a relatively small Somali settler population.
Only a few hundred Somali Muslims were resettled in Burlington with horrifying consequences.
The question in Burlington, VT and across a nation under siege by hate, extremism, violence, crime and terror spread by first, second and third generation ‘refugees’ is how much more can we take, how many more lives can we lose and how long can we go on living this way?
Average IQ in Somalia = 68. One of the worst places according to Burton.
This is all because of the multicultural s*** laid on children in the schools. I saw it first hand in the 90s and ended up putting my son in Catholic schools. Public schools worked when the country was predominately Christian. That is no longer the case and the sooner we close them down the better. Why would anybody in their right mind reject Judeo-Christian ethic?
All ages have blind spots, and anti-semitism was a Renaissance blind spot, to which the plays of Shakespeare and Marlowe testify. Luther’s work made it easier for Hitler’s policies to be accepted by German Protestants.
Thanks for that easy question: They are lovers of sin and hate the Lordship of Jesus and despise the Creater, the LORD of all.
They reject all righteous standards and simply do what is right in their own eyes.
They’ve got “their truth”
Not all. That’s something that none of us know specifically. Many have accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior. It’s the Muslims, those who believe in Allah, who perpetuate violence because they believe this will bring their version of the second coming of their false messiah.
Jesus is the Way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through His only Son, Jesus Christ!
It’s those godless men and women, who allow all kinds of illegals into. America who are to blame!
God bless America and Israel!
Trump 2024!
That explains perfectly why they are muslim. I’ve read that muslims throughout the world share a single brain, and each time it’s passed along to another muslim, some of the brain cells die. At this point there’s about 73 left (one for each virgin). When it’s passed to members of the terror org CAIR, the losses double.
Exactly. Consanguinity.
I’m just hoping when the Muslim arrives in Paradise looking for his 72 virgins, the virgins turn out to be other violent Muslim men.
Did anyone of these yokels wonder why these 72 virgins are still virgins?
Used to converse on a Christian site with Muslims all the time, and they explained each of their 72 virgins are PERPETUAL virgins. smh
I did read a very funny article by Raymond Ibrahim, some years back, attributing a particular ceasefire to a shortage of virgins in heaven, such that jihadi martyrs had to be temporarily discouraged.
actually, they are not even “virgin” as we define the english language term.The word used for them in their satanic verses book is “houri” which is the root word for the english language term indicating a woman who sells the use of her body.
My understanding is that it will be 72 armed Virginians that will greatly surprise the new arrivals!
All people who reject Jesus, really need Him!
When Trump returns next year, deportation is now mandatory. Who the hades cares about them and their filthy backwater country. Deportation back the land of milk and honey. We need to rid America of these incompatible thugs that Biden has imported and inflicted on us.
Here’s my shocked face….
coincidence? that is also their % of consanguineous marriages….
Blood will tell.
⭐️ You can take the boy out of the jungle, but you can’t take the jungle out of the boy.
how’s Vermont’s welfare fraud compared to MN?
Just let the Somalis keep shooting each other. Best way to get rid of them.
Plus, there is a big multiplier and that is the low IQ and stupidity of the politicians pushing this foolishness and societal suicide made worse by voters with no awareness of the values and thinking skills of the people they ‘appoint’ as their representatives in Congress and elsewhere.
The practice of consanguinity (first-cousin marriages, widespread throughout the Islamic world) may contribute to these reported low I.Q.s. Centuries of this practice leads to all kinds of genetic disorders.
It would appear that Burlington powers that be want to import the troubles to Vermont that Vermont never had.
The children of the migrants want an environment that their parents wanted to escape?
I might be too old to understand any of this. It can be a comfort to me to be told by younger people than I that they may also be too old to understand it.
They have been brainwashed that all cultures are the same.
Not that the useful idiots who voted this in all across America and the West are likely to notice.
DEI will never die.
If the indigenous population of Vermont elect Bernie Sanders, they deserve this. One hundred fold.
Their parents never wanted to escape anything. They came to our nation to conquer it.
Yes, exactly correct.
This is what happens when you import the slime of the world into America.
Or allow hem to simply stroll across the Southern border.
Read the Qur’an and you will learn that Islam requires the DEATH of non-believers.
If the non-believer is female, RAPE after RAPE after RAPE… will suffice.
August-2022 Four Muslims killed. Democrats running for office and the President of the Islamic Center NM, Ahmad Assed, blamed Islamophobia and hate. Biden, Kamala, led to the national outrage directed at MAGA’s, Whites, haters.
Then the killer turned out to be MUSLIM. Their next news conference was more like a funeral… so sad that it wasn’t a MAGA. Assed and Congresswoman Melenie Stansbury, still blamed Islamophobia. Assed’s sister, Samia, another Linda Sousour who has gone national, was on national news saying she and her family, other Muslims were in fear of leaving their homes and people were bringing them food.
Ahmad Assed, organized a protest at the University of NM using the MSA, a group of radicals, to support HAMAS IN November of 2011. Yes, HAMAS, not Palestine or Palestinians, A TERRORIST GROUP! Has he sent aid, funds, anything TO HAMAS, directly or indirectly? Is he radicalizing the Mosque? Are there Sleeper Cells ready when the alarm rings to awaken the Jihad?
No news outlet will confront him about these allegations. Why not? He is an attorney, and our local NBC affiliate uses him as their law expert. They wouldn’t but none of the other channels or newspaper will confront him. Has the FBI and DHS interviewed him… oh wait, they’re too busy with the parents, the real domestic terrorists, who are at school board meetings… my bad.
“Why is the United States the World’s Trashcan?”
“Immigrants from all over the World leave their Countries due to the crime, corruption, and the lack of the Rule of Law, to come here, a Country envied for its Rule of Law. LEGAL IMMIGRANTS stand in line to do it The Hard Way, The Long Way, The Right Way, and they’re very bitter at all the help given, including from the Government, for THE ILLEGAL WAY when there was no one there to help them do it THE HONORABLE WAY! The ILLEGALS, and their supporters, including the Government, demand that We overlook our laws making exactly like the corrupt and lawless country they just left!” SC
“WHEN, NOT IF, Biden grants full Amnesty to 30-4o Million ILLEGALS, the Democrat Machine will aid them with the paperwork and THEIR VOTER REGISTRATION, giving the Democrats the numbers to win every race achieving their Life-Long American Dream, ONE-PARTY RULE like so many of the Dictators, who arrest all political opponents, they have supported for Decades. This means that our Leaders and Country’s Direction will be decided by people who will always wave their flag WHILE BURNING OURS! The Democrats don’t care what ‘We the People’ think…. they have the Votes, it’s Mob Rule now…. they’re laughing!” SC
The same thing is happening in Canada. Justin Trudeau is importing third world ‘unnecessaries’ faster than we have places to put them. No other Western nation has a higher immigration rate than Canada. We are experiencing a housing crisis of enormous proportions. All about replacing the folks who actually built our country with those who do nothing but exploit it.
Consequences of not finishing the Crusades.
One of the main problems of the Crusades was the diseases that they picked up in Muslim lands.
Burlington is a liberal mecca that would vote Democrat if Satan himself was running for office claiming he’d send them into the flames of Hell for Eternity for their vote. ABC, NBC, CBS would then report Satan will provide free heat for all time and Democrat lemmings would cheer and vote multiple times for THE PARTY.
So- the question is- lemming Democrats will either do one of two things:
1- they’ll realize Democrats are the enemy and vote for people like Trump promising to send these people back to their homelands
2 – the more likely choice will be Democrat lemmings will themselves convert to Islam and make it all one big happy family serving Allah.
Hell as an alternative energy source would also keep the climate change enthusiasts happy.
In order to not be racist these days you must believe in an incredible string of coincidences.
The great BLUE sate of Vermont :
“Vermont does not require permits to purchase and has no firearms registration. Both open carry and concealed carry are legal without a permit in Vermont.”
Is it at all surprising that an idiot electorate that repeatedly returned Bernard Sanders and P.Leahy to the U.S.senate opened its arms to the Somali primitives who will make their lives hell into eternity?
There is no way in heII of course, that liberals in Vermont will snap out of their stupidity.
This is usual in Minneapolis. Every 4th of July Somalis cause trouble. In 2022 they shot Roman Candle fireworks in Downtown Minneapolis at buildings and at people. Need I mention car jackings? The liberal Democrat prosecutors will do nothing and let them out as soon as they are arrested. It got so bad they had the Federal government prosecute car jackings!!
how is carjacking a fed issue? Oh I know.. Itersate Commerce.. the car or some its parts had to have been made then transported from one stte into another, ir if it wasn’t so done, i COULD have been this the ol catchall Interstate Commerce Clause opens up that door.
All y’all.. git with it.. diversity is our strength… Any blue state will show you its benefit.
The Religion of Peace murders more people in a single day than the KKK has murdered in 75 years
Confewshuss say: You can take monkey out of jungle, but not jungle out of monkey!
If possible Somalis are worse than pakistanis, they are absolutely the worst bunch of evil muzz. Vermont was heaven when I was last there….i wonder what the schools are like now.
Eloi and Morlachs …
The State Department says there was massive fraud “in the Refugee Family Reunification (Priority Three) Program.” This was to reunify families. A small numbers of refugees had their DNA tested. Only 20% were actually eligible family members. 80% of Somalis should be deported including U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar.
she does not even need a DNA test to get HER ent back. She LIED about her bother being her husband to get him in. Toss them both, back to the cesspool from whence they came. Revoke both of their residency.citizenship as applicable.
The legacy media still portrays the Burlington shooting as Palestinian victims and ignores the fact that the shooter was a leftist supporter of Hamas.
Do a web search and you’ll see the results.
40 years ago my dad drove me to the Navy Recruiter’s office. I quickly escaped from Vermont and have never looked back. Dad was smart enough to see all of the New Yorkers and Bostonians abandoning the cities but bringing their corrupted socialist values with them.
Sad, it’s still an incredibly beautiful place, but something bad always happens to a rural state when the number of people exceeds the number of cows.
Meanwhile Biden the Blunder and his fellow lowlife Reptiles want Open Borders and Disarmed American People
they MIGHT manage to swindle their way into the first, but they will NEVER manage to get the second.
Oh they might swindle a “law” or three into place, but they will never achieve an effective total disarmament. There are at present about 525 Mn privately owned firearms in this nation. I’d bet there are at LEAST that number of unknowns and “ghost” guns having no record (despite having those madjick numbers….) or an old no longer valid ‘owner” listed and not current.
this us preciselt WHY they are stumping for “universal registration” but that ain’t a gonna happin.
bidwn’s “people”.
I live in Vermont.
Many Vermonters regard Burlington as another state- not Vermont.
Chittenden county (Burlington), Brattleboro and Montpelier dominate the state legislature.
These places – along with some college towns and 2nd gen hippy enclaves are far, far left hotbeds of white self-guilt and hatred of America…..and Sanders keeps getting elected.
There should be a rule in all civilised countries that a migrant or refugee who commits crime has just demonstrated that he wasn’t in fear of losing his life at all, and should therefore be deported.
this IS the law in many nations. Needs to be here as well.
I know in Canada, to which nation I legally emigrated back a few decades now (SO glad I woke up and came beck… I lived there under Trudeau Pére and cant imagine living there under Trudeau Fils. ) it was made VERY clear that if I applied for or received any government assistance within I think it was the first five years of residency (and the minimum time after which I could apply for citizenship) they would revoke my immigrant status and papers, then deport me.
I thought that was fair enough.
Leftist, America hating PUKEs
Mayor Miro Weinberger however has claimed that the role of migrant settler teens in the wave of violence is not “particularly relevant”.
Neither is Hizzonner. relevant. Depose then deport HIM. Then he wil be relevant as having been removed and replced.
That’s MY kind of “replacement theory”.
Evicting elderly vets from their homes to make way for Migrants is Treason all Open Boder Politicians are Traitors
Import the third world; Become the third world.
Unpleasant fact: if you disaggregate homicides in America by the ancestral homeland of the perpretrator, the rates track homicide rates in those countries/regions. Americans of Scandinavian heritage commit murder at about the same rate as folks in the Nordic countries, Americans of (to pick a few European countries with higher murder rates) British, Irish and Russian ancestry kill a bit more often. Hispanics have homicide rates similar to their homelands, and Black Americans pretty much replicate murder rates in sub-Saharan Africa.
Cultural predisposition? Genetic predisposition? Although I usually point out that biological basis of behavior puts limits on what sensible social policies are, I am inclined to go with the former on this one (after all, back in the day the Nordic countries gave us the Vikings, though I suppose the Vikings leaving to get killed or conquer other places could have shifted the genetic composition of the population they left behind.)
We import these animals & then complain about it. I don’t get it.
DEPORT them! . . . ‘NUFF said.
Oh no. Now they’re contaminating the pretty little state of Vermont.