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As those whom the media have protected may finally be exposed for their actions, we might start to get a glimpse of how evil certain people have been both at home and abroad.
Joseph Stalin was a mass murderer. He was also, unfortunately for humanity, a fairly smart guy. He made many observations such as it does not matter who votes but rather who counts the ballots. Or when pressed to get the Pope to come out against the Nazis, he asked how many divisions the Pope had available to fight. One of Stalin’s more famous comments was “One death is a tragedy. A million deaths is a statistic.” There is absolutely no way to know how many people Joe Stalin, Adolph Hitler or Chairman Mao killed. If one searches for the number, he might find quite a broad range, plus or minus a couple million. There is no way to know how evil these people were. We may know a great deal but we will never have a final accounting.
During Stalin’s reign, much of the Western intellectual set and the press warbled on about the wonderful Workers Paradise that was the Soviet Union. They knew of Stalin’s brutal actions in Ukraine and the resulting famine, but they would not report it. It was not until Nikita Kruschev denounced his predecessor that a green light was given to the New York Times and other newsrooms to report about the gulags, starvation, show trials, and summary executions. The press was rooting for Stalin and the anti-Capitalistic system for as long as they could. When the jig was up, they decided to try something new: report the news.
As the Trump transition is only a few weeks away, will we have a similar national experience of finding out more about the damage that Joe Biden, Barack Obama, Tony Fauci, Bill Gates and others protected by the press did? There are many things we know, in part due to websites like this one and the newly freed X social media juggernaut. But still, there is a good deal that we don’t know—and may never know. I remember that when Obama ran for the presidency for the first time, the LA Times said that it had a video of a younger Obama speaking with a known Israel-hating professor. They said that they would never let the video see the light of day. But isn’t it their job to report the news? Aren’t they supposed to help us better understand the world in which we live? No. Their sole job is to protect the system that they have bought into. And that system may be going under when Donald Trump raises his right hand and once again swears to uphold the Constitution.
Can we ever know how much money Hillary Clinton directed to the Clinton Foundation in return for favors from the sitting secretary of state? How about the Bidens? We have seen snippets of their corruption through former business partners and of course the Hunter laptop. Can we know how much money they received and from whom? Do we know everything they did for the advancement of their partners’ interests at the expense of American needs and advantage? We will never know all of the details, even if there is a special counsel. The same is true for Barack Obama. We know from a hot mic that he promised Vladimir Putin to be more “flexible” after the 2012 election. He sent pallets of money to the mullahs to help them continue their terror activities. But can we ever know how many individuals and companies suffered because of the actions of Obama and his coterie? How many companies fired employees as federal monies were directed to favored green losers? How much of our tax money was wasted on trash companies only because the owners or investors gave a lot of money to the Obama or Biden campaigns? Like with Covid, we will never have an accurate number of those damaged and how many trillions destroyed.
And as for Covid, will we ever have a complete report on the damage caused by Tony Fauci and his chums at the NIH and big pharma? How many young men have heart troubles because we were lied to about the safety of the mRNA vaccines? How many children today are way, way back in their education and development because for the 1% chance that they might get sick, they needed to stay home and lose their future? Can anyone say how many firms went out of business because of the fake six-foot rule? How many died because available treatments were swept away in order to make way for the mRNA vaccines and mammoth profits? I may not agree with Bobby Kennedy, Jr. on every subject, but one thing that I have found is that he always brings the receipts. He showed that Fauci and company had to get rid of any possible Covid treatment in order to allow for an emergency approval of the experimental treatments. Then, when the pandemic had passed, we started to see that some of those banned treatments actually worked, while the usefulness of the mRNA vaccines has a bigger and bigger question marker after it.
The Pentagon went all in on DEI, and how many soldiers died? How did the failures there lead to the wars in Ukraine and Gaza? How many promising officer candidates stayed out of the armed forces in order not to swear an oath to a guy wearing a dress? Can our fighting forces be brought back up to snuff quickly enough to meet the global challenges of China, Russia and a changing Middle East?
None of what the left did could have taken place without the specific aid of the bureaucracy and the media—including social media. The FBI went from the premier law enforcement agency to a Stasi-like enforcer. Talk about trans surgeries for minors on Facebook and win a visit from two plainclothes agents. The media also had to make Nancy Pelosi’s stock riches disappear, for risk that we might notice that she and many others in Congress were becoming fabulously wealthy with their exemption from insider trading laws. Who could forget Twitter closing the account of anyone who dared to share a completely accurate description of Hunter Biden’s laptop and its contents? We are currently experiencing the bureaucracy and the media working to convince us that millions of unvetted immigrants and strange drones in the skies are no big deals. Tony Blinken ran out and rented 51 former intelligence hotshots, who had sworn their allegiance to the United States to lie and say that Hunter’s laptop was invented in Putin’s living room. They have not apologized for bamboozling the American people, and some of them are proud of what they did. Stalin would give them a kiss on the forehead: never apologize for your more unseemly actions.
The return of Donald Trump and the changing of the guard at the FBI, the Department of Justice, the Pentagon and elsewhere will hopefully have two positive effects. One is to get those bodies once again focused on serving the American people and advancing American (not Democratic) interests. And finally, maybe with new people in place who have the power of investigation and declassification, we will start to get a glimpse of how evil, narrow minded, selfish, and destructive the Obama-Pelosi-Biden-Donors mafia truly was.
There was a story in the early 1990’s of a young East German couple who protested against American nuclear weapons in Europe. When the USSR fell and people were allowed to see their state files, the woman was flummoxed to learn that her long-haired hippie husband was a Stasi informant on her. I would not be surprised if we learn of similar acts of betrayal by many of those who ran the country for the past sixteen years.
Traitors, treason. Judgment needed for healing of the nation.
Charles Haywood believes private justice might make a salutary return.
Great article. That question, though of course it needs to be asked, will never get an earthly answer. Only God knows how evil the left is and the true extent of their dirty deeds. One small nit I need to pick: Obama did not promise Putin more flexibility; he said that to Medvedev. A small unforced error that even if technically it’s be able to be explained away, shouldn’t have happened. Overall, a great piece with a great question. Let’s keep asking it!
Dan Bongino has been on top of the pipe bomb story at the DNC on Jan. 6 and Christ Wray’s endless prevaricating in front of Congress.
Wray is out at FBI very soon. He should be brought in front of the House. He won’t have protection from the government this time unless Biden pardons him.
Why are pardons in advance even legal? They seem to contradict the whole concept of justice.
The wording of the Constitution, Article II, means the President can pardon federal crimes already committed but not yet charged. He cannot, however, pardon crimes before they are committed.
The real problem is not the pardon power but the abuse of that power by the Democratic Left, who will always abuse any power that they hold, which is why they must be thoroughly defeated. (They will also seize powers never granted to government by the people, but that is a separate problem).
There are many good people who will benefit from the pardon power in Trump’s hands, beginning with the J6 political prisoners.
Great comment. Thanks.
And, fsy, do the death penalty pardons make any moral sense? If, as President Biden says he believes, the death penalty is wrong, then isn’t it wrong in every case? So why did he not pardon all on death row?
Re the state of the world, the Inspired Scriptures warn us that the whole world – the current system of things on the earth – lies in the power of “the wicked one”, Satan the devil. He pulls all the strings.
And Jesus himself called Satan “the father of the lie”.
Satan told the first lie ever told, in Eden, thus setting in train the tragedy we are all still living in. So isn’t it possible we are being lied to on a scale we can’t really comprehend?
Where is the truth, the safe guide? Isn’t it within the Inspired Scriptures, both Hebrew and Christian Greek?
You ask the core questions to resolve the issue. Mercy must never offend justice, but I think only the LORD can do this.
Psa. 85: 10 “Mercy and truth have met each other: justice and peace have kissed.”
Micah 6: 7 “Would the LORD be pleased with thousands of rams, with ten thousand rivers of oil? Shall I present my firstborn for my transgression, the fruit of my body for the sin of my soul?”
Gen. 22: 8 “Abraham answered, “God Himself will provide the lamb for the burnt offering, my son.” And the two walked on together.”
John 1: 36 “And looking upon Jesus as he walked, he saith, Behold the Lamb of God!”
Intrepid, please correct typo on Wray’s name, if possible. Thanks !
Trump needs to prosecute Wray and plenty of other scum in the government bureaucracy. No more leniency for enemies of America.
Yes, the “informed” among us see all these HORRIBLE CRIMES committed by those HORRIBLE PEOPLE, but for many Americans, they simple will not believe it even when slapped in the face with a cold fish of evidence!
So many are brainwashed/braindead to the real world thanks to the Long Goal of the DEMOcrats. All those frogs are in really warm water and thank God enough saw fit to RE-RE-Elect PRESIDENT TRUMP to turn down the gas/electricity/solar/wind power!
I PRAY that PRESIDENT TRUMP and his TEAM will be successful in turning Our Nation around. That will require exposing some very NASTY, very HORRID evidence of well known people doing unbelievable things. Make it happen!!
The “media” especially needs to be exposed, and in some cases, shut down! You can’t LIE to the public – PBS – and expect the public to FUND you!
I’m not sure what we can do about all the Lifetime Appointed Idiots in Robes! We’ll have to figure some way to expose their incompetence to such a level that their Court is simply abandoned and they have no cases to destroy. And then there’s the nitwit newbie on the Supreme Court – maybe she will see the light and realize she’s a WOMAN and anyone who says otherwise is insane! Doubt it though!
Prayers for all the deceased and injured by insane people recently – better days are ahead!!
My 34-yr-old son is now fighting for his life with cancer in his mouth after suffering a heart attack 3 years ago and he suspects that the COVID shot was at least partly responsible. Is he being counted on any list of victims of Pfizer and all the rest?
Probably not – and I’m very sorry to hear about his illness. The great Covid Cover-Up is still going on, and I expect there will never be a full reckoning. The best we can probably hope for is that the basic truth – that the “vaccine” was neither safe nor effective, and probably killed more people than the virus, eventually comes out.
That’s awful. My condolences and I hope he recovers.