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Thirty minutes after Hamas supporters first set up their operation outside a Los Angeles synagogue, they maced their first Jew. And the Los Angeles police did nothing.
Not until an hour into the terrorist rally outside a synagogue, did the LAPD finally step in, pushing back masked Jihad supporters in keffiyeh terror scarves from the entrance of Congregation Adas Torah (Congregation of the Bible) which they had occupied.
And then the mob, chanting calls for “intifada” and the destruction of Israel, moved outward to target two smaller synagogues attended by Persian Jewish refugees from Islamic terror in Iran.
“Billions of us will come and kill you,” a heavily accented Middle Eastern man in a keffiyeh unprompted rasped at me as I walked up. Only dozens had actually shown up, but they made up for it with bullhorns, robotic chants, and assaults in the middle of a Jewish neighborhood.
The Jewish counterprotesters had come waving American and Israeli flags while the other side was a sea of terrorist flags. A man wore an Antifa cap, another had come in ski goggles during 90-degree heat, while others toted bear spray, metal bottles, and other implements of violence.
The Jewish community members included older men and women, as well as families, while the Hamas contingent was mostly young and many were masked. A pair of rabbis led a melodic song that could hardly be heard over the harsh clatter of the hateful terror chants.
Despite knowing that a terrorist rally was planned outside a synagogue, the LAPD had allowed the terrorist supporters to take over the entire sidewalk leaving only a thin lane for attendees to walk through to get inside. The LAPD did little to interfere with the terrorist supporters, but did block Jewish counterprotesters from reaching their own synagogue. The police also did nothing as clumps of masked Hamas supporters broke away from the synagogue and began confronting, threatening, and attacking Jewish community members on the street.
LAPD officers did not stir as confrontations escalated into assaults, shoving into mace and bear spray. Jewish community members rushed to provide water bottles to the affected. Only after several such incidents did the LAPD finally bring in reinforcements and push the Hamas supporters away from the synagogue entrance (dispersing them to harass and threaten two other synagogues) while also clearing Jewish families away from the other side of the street who had been peacefully waving flags near a children’s school.
The terrorist hate rally spread outside three synagogues, Congregation Adas Torah, Chabad Persian Youth, and Congregation Ateret Israel (Glory of Israel), and the confrontations in the center of the street continued. There were running battles along the large commercial street with violent assaults outside a Kosher luncheonette and running battles down a residential street in the Jewish neighborhood.
The terrorist hate rally was not an aberration, It’s become the new normal.
On Thursday, Hamas supporters showed up at Congregation Shaarey Zedek (Gates of Righteousness) in the San Fernando Valley formerly attended by Ben Shapiro, yelling abuse at parents taking their children to school. Other Jewish schools have been similarly targeted.
Beginning with the assault on the Museum of Tolerance when it was screening a documentary on the Oct 7 massacre to the violence at UCLA, it has played out this way for 8 months.
The LAPD has consistently failed to secure protest zones, to separate different groups of protesters and to prevent violence, and only steps in when it escalates past a set point. That point usually comes when the Jewish counterprotesters start fighting back. And then the LAPD begins arresting both sides while politicians, including Mayor Bass, deplore the violence.
Media accounts, especially from the Los Angeles Times, CNN and the JTA, falsely characterize the violence as coming from the Jewish counterprotesters rather than the terrorist supporters.
I had previously heard first person accounts from people who were assaulted while the police and security at UCLA did nothing, but now I saw it for myself. And after 8 months of the same thing, it’s hard to believe that it’s simple incompetence or that a major urban police force has no idea how to handle the same kind of protests and is incapable of figuring out how to do so.
Especially when it’s been standard procedure by other urban police forces.
The LAPD is clearly aware of the potential for violence because it sends out offices in riot gear. But rather than engaging in proactive policing to prevent violence, they stand passively and wait for orders from higher up before taking any action. This is not normal policing during protests and counterprotests when the standard doctrine is for police to set up barriers and stand between groups of protesters before they bring out the riot gear. But the LAPD brings out the riot gear, allows the radicals free rein and waits as long as possible before taking any action.
Why is this happening? I previously reported that Mayon Karen Bass is a close political ally of BLM LA boss Melina Abdullah, who has backed the pro-terrorist campaign against Jews. When Jews were attacked at UCLA, Democrat members of the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors passed a motion to fund legal support for the terrorist supporters. The resolution to use taxpayer money to fund legal defenses for antisemites was put forward by Supervisor Lindsey Horvath who ‘represents’ CD3 where the synagogue hate riot was taking place. After all the antisemitic violence at UCLA, the only one facing serious charges is a Jewish student.
The Democrat leadership of Los Angeles does not stand with the Jewish communities being targeted by hate, but with the antisemitic mobs surrounding synagogues.
Behind the masks, keffiyehs and the terrorist flags is the new Democratic Party.
Zechariah 12-3. “ Israel is a immovable rock all who try to do so will injure themselves”
Many Jewish have voted for these very DemoCraps that run these cities. Now they are hopefully learning the lessons the need to learn. Learning that the left and middle are evil scum that will not help them. Will not protect them. Will not do anything for them.
And now hopefully these Jewish will turn the talents, money, expertise, and shrewdness to help conservatives and the right wing of what is left of thise country.
The left that the Jews have loved and voted for have now turned loose the demons against the Jewish.
We hope people see the destruction voting for the Left. All truth be known, we are being run by muslims who have been using deception on the populace to advance their agenda.
Maybe this stance from Democrat leadership will convince Jewish voters that America’s version of liberalism has been usurped by fascism and Nazism. Vote Trump!
The Dems are the ones calling Trump a Nazi while supporting this nonsense. Go figure.
Many Jews are actually JINO’s… Jews in Name Only.
I questioned several Jewish Voices for Peace and I knew more about the holiday’s, traditions, and process of a Seder than they did. FAKE JEWS but they are the most vocal. (My first Seder… “I know I’m going to McDonald’s after this and where’s the green chile?”) At a protest encampment on UNM’s campus, I told the middle-aged “Jewish” woman that I supported Hamas to blend in with them. After a few minutes, she said, “They (Hamas) didn’t do enough (on Oct. 7th). She was obviously the leader who I met year ago when they had a booth in the Student Union when again, they openly supported Hamas during the last Israel/Hamas conflict.
I just got a TEXT from our NM Senator Heinrich due to my phone number being on their list when someone registered my 12-YEAR OLD SON to vote in the 2008 election. He was now getting calls that I took and recorded. I told the third caller there was a mistake. I, or my son, started getting daily calls from all the candidates. IT GETS BETTER! Then I started getting calls for Abran, Susan, and Anita, who is on Heinrich’s list and other candidates. I asked for Abran’s address to verify since they wanted to send my son an absentee ballot. I WENT TO THAT ADDRESS, EMPTY LOT!
Then in 2020, they added my mother’s name who passed away in 2009 and NEVER lived in Albuquerque. How they connected my mother to my number is beyond me. THEN THE NIGHT BEFORE THE 2012 ELECTION, they called for Abran and asked if he needed a ride and if he knew his polling location. I SAID, “I DON’T HAVE TIME TO VOTE BUT CAN I SEND MY BROTHER?” The young woman said, “YES.” She then asked an elderly woman who said the same. I RECORDED IT, STILL HAVE IT. There was a man on local radio who said he was a voter fraud investigator. I called the talk show, he got my number, came over the next and recorded my recording. NO WORD AFTER THAT!
DO NOT MAIL IN YOUR BALLOTS. The mailman sees the campaign lit you are getting and WILL steal your ballot, fill a new one out, sign it, mail it! THEY WILL, AND DO, CHEAT THINKING DEFEATING TRUMP IS THEIR PATRIOTIC DUTY!
I would bet that most of these synagogue attendees will CONTINUE to bow to the God of Tolerance, fight any attempt to close the border or bar immigration from Muslim countries, and brag about their anti-Trump credentials.
And come November, most of them will donate to and vote for Biden and the Democrats.
Bad enough to support your enemies. Worse yet to vote against the only party standing up for your people
However misguided it may be, the ‘Jewish vote’ number is negligible in determining election outcomes.
Anti-Semitism is not a Jewish problem. It is not a Jewish voter problem. It is a problem directed at any and every Jew, no matter how he or she may vote.
I suggest you find criticism with the voters who actually determine who wins elections.
There are over 250 million non Jewish American voters. Ponder their votes.
This is a common refrain. “It isn’t just us.”
No kidding. But Jewish people account for over 30% of the DNC donations, Jewish organizations are the most outspoken against immigration restrictions.
I don’t have any sympathy for turkeys who vote for Thanksgiving to be every Thursday instead of once a year. I also don’t weep for poor minorities who are “victims” of crime and support the same “leaders” whose policies perpetuate crime. And I will gladly cheer when the criminals come to the suburbs and begin terrorizing the middle class suburban moms and their families who think their “In this house we believe….” lawn signs will help them.
I took one of those smug “In this house we believe . . . ” signs, and made an adjustment so as to make it a bit accurate.
After the “Black Lives Matter” part, I spray painted the remaining sign & added the following.
“unless it’s a black cop killed during a BLM riot, then we don’t give a shit.”
Amusingly, the yard sign lasted for six days until they finally noticed & replaced it.
Exactly. Jewish are educated, wealthy, influental, talented, smart and successful. And they use all that to help the DemoCraps. Now is the time for them to turn the right direction and use all that for good.
The primary guise of antisemitism in the 21st century is “Anti-Zionism”. And everyone less stupid than Joe Biden knows it,
The Orthodox Jews vote greater than 80% Republican and are strong Trump supporters. So are Israelis, whether they are religious or not.
The non-Orthodox Jews who think that they vote “Jewish values” vote about 90% Democratic. The non-Orthodox Jews really have Marxist values, but don’t even know it.
For those non-Orthodox Jews who think that they vote “Jewish values,” do you really think you know more about Judaism than the Orthodox who keep Shabbat, keep Kosher, send their children to Jewish schools and pray in synagogue 3 times a day? May you should realize that the “Judaism” you think you practice was taken over by the Marxists over a hundred years ago.
The darkness of evil is growing all over the world. The forces of evil will be defeated, I have no doubt. I only pray it will be sooner rather than later. Meanwhile. innocent Jews and Christians all over the world are suffering and dying for their faith.
LA already knew how to handle such riots in 1965, during the famous Watts Riots.
It would be great to see a lot of uniform wearing Jews and Christians carrying batons swarm these demonstrations, for security. I am pretty sure these attacks can be predicted somewhat.
And that’s why we need Border walls and well armed American Public so they cant bring their Jihad here
The Mayor ordered the police to stand down, according to news reports. Makes it similar to a Pogrom.
Tradtionally pogroms had government permission if not government sponsership.
That would be the same mayor for whom the VAST MAJORITY of Los Angeles Jews voted.
THis is like 1930s Germany but instead of the dead martyr Horst Wessel they have the hoodlum George Floyd
And Horst Wessel, while a Nazi killed by Communists, was actually killed in a dispute over a prostitute. The Left’s “martyr” George Floyd died of a Fentanyl overdose.
Major difference: German Jews didn’t vote for Nazis.
This is what happens when anti Semitism grows like a metastatic tumor in our society
This is what happens when people vote for Democrats. Perhaps a few Jews will finally wake up and quit supporting the anti-Semitic party.
This is what happens when our government imports large numbers of muslims.
Are there no police dogs or fire hoses in Los Angeles? Maybe they should be directed at the city leadership first. Shame on Karen Bass and the city council.
Yes, there are dogs and hoses, what there isn’t is a sense of duty among the city leadership. Things never should have gone this far. But then again, LA is run by Democrats…
That is now up to the people to do.
If the Jews had carried “pride” flags instead of Israeli flags, the police would have been all over their attackers like white on rice. Los Angeles could have voted for Rick Caruso for mayor but they decided that, as Adam Corolla put it, they voted in Bass because she’s a “woman of color” and that her “super competent” opponent Rick Caruso was rejected because he was “old,” “White” and “rich.”.
Oddly enough I saw Adam Corolla on TV this morning say that when he was asked why he was still living in CA he said, I’ll be attending my kids High School graduation with a U-Haul trailer hitched to my car.
Los Angeles voted for Rick Caruso. Both times he was ahead and suddenly a whole lot of ballots showed up.
Hmm…sounds familiar…
That’s the miracle of after midnight ballots we had here in Arizona in 2022 for the governor’s race!
Really, Democrats steal elections?
They learned it from Mexico.
IMAGINE IF THE SAME WAS DONE TO MOSQUES AND MUSLIMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hate Crime Charges Guaranteed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here in Albuquerque, four Muslims were killed, and the city went berserk as did the Democrat politicians running in the 2022 election who held a news conference with police agencies and the head of Islamic Center of NM, AHMAD ASSED, who years earlier held a protest to OPENLY SUPPORT HAMAS! All them blamed ISLAMOPHOBIA and they desperately wanted to openly say that it was MAGA White Supremacists but implied it! ASSED’S ’80S UNM CLASSMATE, JOSESH MASSAD, the radical Columbia professor who supported, probably organized, the PRO-HAMAS PROTESTS at Columbia. A petition to have him fired had 37,000 at last count.
AFTER ASSED’S SISTER, SAMIA, went on the national MSM talks shows, including Democracy Now, and who organized student protesters that disrupted any conservative speaker, JOE BIDEN AND KAMALA HARRIS voiced their outrage at the Albuquerque killings! WAIT FOR IT! WAIT FOR IT!………………..THE KILLER WAS A MUSLIM! ……………………….
The next news conference was more like a funeral in that they were so sad it wasn’t a MAGA White Supremacist! By then though, it was too late since they had weeks to promote THE HATE AGAINST MAGA! DID BIDEN OR KAMALA CONDEMN THE KILLING AFTER THAT? THEY PROBABLY DIDN’T KNOW except they’d repeat the LIE just like what is being to Trump with Snopes verifying that Trump didn’t call NAZIS, “very fine people!” AGAIN, TOO LATE since the lie went on for years and will still be repeated since the MSM doesn’t cover corrections so the Zombies will keep repeating it and if you correct them, “You watch too much Fox News!”
HARRY REID went on for a year, repeated a trillion times by Zombies, that Romney hadn’t paid taxes. Then after years, REID ADMITTED THAT IT WAS A LIE AND THEN SAID, “WE WON DIDN’T WE!”
Dsmned good post! 😉👍
From the few photos it looks like most of them are of college age – probably learned that hate crap there by some Muslim professor and have been radicalized
And we just had 20 million foreigners walk and fly into our country, from Sudan, Yemen, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Somalia, Chechnya, Gaza, Iran, Lebanon, Turkey, Bosnia, Oman, Libya, Kyrgyzstan, Mauritania, Senegal, Egypt, Qatar, Iraq, etc.,etc.They all have to be found, arrested, and deported.
So, tell us again about the religion of peace…
Several times Traitor Joe has indulged the bullshit lie “good people on both sides”.
One of the first times the idiot cited that hoax, he described 1930’s Germany and their attacks on Jews. I doubt if the incontinent moron has noticed that HE is the one living his favorite lie. The exception is he thinks the only “good people” are the Hamas thugs. (That’s his own described “white supremacy” showing.)
The irony is that as long as Sleepy plays both sides, the hate-America islamists will despise him. (They want 100% Jew destruction or else.)
An amusing anecdote was when both sides found common ground; both chanting “FJB!” as a round. Patriots sang it, then leftists sang it, then patriots, and so on. (The cops took amusement seeing the display. The news media – not so much.)
Democrats, Blacks and Muslims want to kill you. There, I said it.
So, American Jews. What is it going to take for you to pull your heads out of your a$$ets?
Thought the Third Reich died at the end of WWII? Guess again. The recent Hamas attack on Israel on October 7, 2023 has reawakened the familiar sound of the Nazi jackboot, especially on college campuses
In America secular liberal Jews and the ADL have always voted for their own executioners.
It’s been a little over five years since the Jew Hating Squad arrived. With open anti-semitism being mainstreamed by the Democrats and the New York Times, Palestinian gangs attacking Jews in LA and NY, and socialism surging it’s just a matter of time before the Jewish Democrats and the leadership are pushed aside and eased out, or forced out, in both houses. For now they are useful until they are no longer useful.
1930’s Germany didn’t distinguish between secular Jews, who considered themselves Germans first, and devout Jews. Now there is a storm coming for American Jews, in fact in some cities it is already here…..and it doesn’t distinguish between Conservative, mostly Orthodox Jews, and the Leftist secular Jews. The left’s newly regained power in America there will see a second Holocaust. And the Progressive Left has seen the weakness of American secular Jews and is ready to take full advantage of it.
Jews can not trust the police or politicians to protect them. Especially in California which is ruled by radical Marxists of which Karen Bass is one.
Jews must form their own defensive leagues and teach these Islamic terrorists a lesson. Baseball bats make excellent instructional tools in these type of situations.
God Bless Israel.
Karen Bass, Racist and Anti=Semite (my smart but not exactly smart ex-girlfriend (who’s Jewish as I am) voted for her, should be tossed out of the L.A. City Hall on her ass, the Police chief Choi needs to be shoved on board a plane with a one-way ticket to his beloved Pyongyang (North Korea) and Gascon sent home to Havana.
Furthermore every Jew in L.A. should have at least a baseball bat, if not a gun. The cockroaches DO NOT EVEN BELONG IN THIS COUNTRY ESPECIALLY AFTER 9/11 AND IT IS HIGH TIME WE SET THEM STRAIGHT.
Bass, Choi, Gascon – you either do your job or we will get rid of you by any and all means necessary. Cockroaches – you can go home or deal with the consequences as they will be coming soon.
Well, they had a chance to elect someone who is highly competent but passed on it and elected Bass. You simply cannot fix stupid.
I’m old enough to remember the Jewish Defense League in the 60’s . Rabbi Meir Kahane was sick of POC’s pummeling Jews in the streets of New York and championed active self-defense. IT WORKED! Imagine if every Jewish day school – or afternoon Hebrew school – started including basic self-defense training as part of its curriculum. First – the students would LOVE it! Secondly, it would eventually train a new generation of Jews who people would fear – just as they fear our co-religionists in Israel. On my many trips to Israel, one of the things I hear repeatedly from young Israelis is their disbelief that American Jews “don’t fight back!”
It’s so shocking what is going on with the Jews. As an old American, I’ve
never seen this before during my lifetime. The people in power in the
United States – beginning with Biden down through the lowliest officials
allowing this – should be condemned categorically.
The other day in New York City a Jewish couple attended their child’s
fifth grade graduation – and were assaulted by an Arab family during the
ceremony. The father’s head was all cut and bleeding. At a young child’s
elementary school graduation. How is this possible in America? How?!
Muslim immigration should be banned and all the 3,000 mosques in America torn down. It’s a matter of the survival of Western Civilization.
This is what happens when Liberals run the city and they vote to defund the police.
These Hamas-supporting, Jew-hating street thugs are to the Progressive Democrat Party (more properly identified as Nazi Party 2.0) as the SA street thugs were to the first Nazi Party (NSDAP). The history of 1930’s Germany is instructive. As it seems clear that the local police, operating at the direction of the local Democrat party regime, are unwilling to deal with these Nazi thugs, it is past time to organize and confront them not only on the street but in every institution and at every level of government where they are present. Any time these thugs appear, they should be expecting to face the equivalent of Spartan lochoi who will crush them and dare them to re-attempt their assaults and terrorizing of neighborhoods.
The Progressive Democrat party and their fellow travelers are totalitarians who have declared war on the American Republic and its citizens who support the Constitution and Bill of Rights. They will stop at nothing to seize and exercise power (witness what happened in Nov 2020 and thereafter). It is imperative now (and decades late) that they are disestablished as political and cultural decision makers and influence agents.. They belong in the dustbin of history along with the NSDAP.
First of all, what business do rioters have in invading near synagogue spaces?
Has any pro Israel protests come to mosques ever???
What is racism if not this – cloaked as a supposed “pro-palestine” -pallywood with fake G slurs and other false PALLYWEID vocabulary?