And those are the numbers among the wives, not the husbands.
A new survey by non-profit group Sisters in Islam has found that as many as 21 per cent (or around one in five) Muslim women in Malaysia believe their husbands have a right to beat them.
“Muslim women have been so thoroughly indoctrinated to obey that it takes a mufti to issue a declaration that women who have been assaulted or violated by their husbands are allowed to leave their homes,” the group wrote on Twitter.
But wait, there’s a difference between the principle and its application to them.
The survey of 675 women also found that 70 per cent of Muslim women believe polygamy is a man’s right. However, only 32 per cent said they would accept it in their own marriage.
It’s okay for other women’s husbands to marry other women.
This survey shows that the issue isn’t ‘toxic masculinity’ or any of the usual stuff that lefty feminists use as the excuse. The issue is Islam.
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