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Some people are describing this poll as good news. It only seems that way because we’ve lowered the bar so drastically that anything short of a majority committing to bombing the Empire State Building seems good.
It’s not good news.
The poll finds 86% of college students saying they’re aware of the Oct. 7 attack on Israel. And of that share, 67% describe the attack as an act of terrorism by Hamas, versus 12% who see it as a justified act of resistance by Hamas. Another 21% describe it as something else other than an act of terrorism or resistance.
1 in 10 college students support the murder, rape and kidnapping of Israeli civilians. Only 2 out of 3 can even bring themselves to call it terrorism. 1 in 5 are not even sure how to define it, but don’t want to call it terrorism.
These are catastrophic numbers for what should have been the lowest of low bars, horrifying atrocities against civilians caught on video and recorded in photos, widely discussed and made available, and not even 70% will call it terrorism.
The numbers predictably get worse with party and race breakdowns.
By party, 73% of Republicans, 50% of Democrats and 50% of independents say they blame Hamas for the attack on Israel.
And by race, 58% of white college students, 47% of Latinos and 36% of Black college students believe Hamas deserves blame for the attack.
50% among non-Republicans. Not even a majority among non-whites. A third among black people.
Generation Lab doesn’t make its polls public so I can’t dig into the data any further, but there’s little here that inspires optimism and plenty that shows where the hate on campus is coming from.
Even if we limit the worst of it to that 12%, remember that’s the 12% that is much more likely to run student government, control student newspapers, attend protests, speak up, and generally be more visible and powerful.
Higher education is in a catastrophic state. It turns out enemies of our country and of basic civilized values.
Algorithmic Analyst says
Remarkable numbers. One thing that struck me (since it is my current reading) is how the savagery described by Burton in Africa and the Muslim countries in the 1800s shows through.
And how little the laws of war tamps down the savages.
Jeff Bargholz says
No, the islamopithecines haven’t changed. They’ve always been animals and always will be.
I hate them.
Jeff Bargholz says
Universities and colleges became madhouses decades ago and they’re responsible for the left-wing rot that’s infected society.
They seriously need to be shut down. I mean, support for Hamas terrorism, are you kidding me?
The March Hare says
Th colleges were the first place the New Left took over!
NAVY ET1 says
I understand what you’re saying, and while 1 in 10 certainly isn’t good news, it would appear to be more than that based on MSM coverage…but that’s obviously what they want us to see and believe. It speaks largely to the ignorance of youth and how the radical 60’s messed up college students forever. They all need a “cause” now, whether they’re intelligent enough to comprehend the issue or not.
My wife (girlfriend at the time) had always wanted to join the Peace Corps after college. After relaying to her what I’d already seen of the world early in my Navy career, she wisely chose against it. Idealism often crashes headlong into the reality of the real world. Let’s hope that 1 in 10 figure it out without having to the hard way.
Una Salus says
There’s a difference between wanting to join the Peace Corps and not being able to identify people who parade the victims of atrocity through the streets as terrorists. This is not a case of youthful idealism.
NAVY ET1 says
My God, are you stupid. Most of the world is an ugly, hateful place…and that’s where the Peace Corps typically ends up. You should spend more time in third world countries then get back to me, idiot. Feel free to send a loved one into harm’s way, then tell me how it turns out.
It’s just a thought but, maybe consider spending some time outside the confines of your own cushy life before suggesting ANYTHING to others.
BTW…your thoughts here are less than drivel. Thought you should know.
Kevin says
Considering that acedemia is very liberal with many professors that hate America and especially despise the Christian underpinnings of western society – it is much better than I would have expected.
However- once the ground war starts- Democrat staffed media will show every dead terrorist as a simple Palestinian innocent murdered by the evil Israelis. In 6 months, this poll will be much worse.
Democrat media is somewhat sympathetic now, but will soon be broadcasting propaganda. In fact- ABC news still is reporting the riot in side the Senate was done by Jewish groups so the propaganda masters are already laying the hate Israel groundwork.
Clifford Waldron says
“Generation Lab doesn’t make its polls public so I can’t dig into the data any further”
I have no reason to doubt these numbers, but unless they show their work, I have no reason to take them at face value either.
Greg says
Following the lead of their “woke” elders, America’s youth is becoming deranged. Take a recent “mass shooting” at Morgan State University, for example. That’s a historically black college located in Baltimore, MD, a majority-minority city of about a half-million Democ-rats which has endured over 300 murders per year for the past decade. Five students were slightly injured in the Morgan shooting and the local press had a cow. I saw a TV interview that showed “comfort” dogs and a grown male student (collage age is military age, darn it) professing to feel unsafe so long as one of the shooters remained at large. News Flash: Baltimore police have a murder clearance rate of less than 50%, which means that at any given time legions of murderers roam among the local inhabitants. Following the fake news propaganda from his “woke” elders, I can imagine this mixed-up college male with his comfort dog cheering the terrorist murderers of Jews. Arab Lives Matter, right? Apparently, such virtue signaling makes “him/her/it/they” feel safe.
It’s very disturbing that our children can be more influenced by left-wing professors than their parents.
The sad thing is these youngsters born in 2005 and up are confused about their genders, but they know for certain who the aggressor is in the Israel-Hamas-Iran war that’s been going on for thousands of years.
Angel Jacob says
Low IQ low lives revealing themselves.
The terrorist supporting so called students should be expelled.
Onzeur Trante says
The “radical” 60s protests over the useless war in Viet Nam were deemed radical because of the widespread public opposition to the war undertaken by college students. The protests we’re seeing on campus now display a palpable hatred in support of barbaric violence, a hatred which was not seen in the 60s protests. College campuses have become incubators of hate. Where have all the snowflakes gone?
Kit_Jefferson says
Ten percent is a very low estimation given the decades of liberal indoctrination that’s transpired. A mind is a terrible thing to waste yet liberal “professors” have managed to damage quite a considerable sum – much more than what opioids have accomplished.
TomSJr says
BLSinSC says
On the “bright” side, those liberidiots are more likely to line up for every “vaccine” that pfizer oozes so their life spans should be much shorter!
DC says
I’m surprised that the number of DEMS backing Hamas isn’t higher.
Seriously……..the DEM/Communist Party is an abomination of desolation.
In a few months the mainstream media will have DEM support for Hamas much higher.
FDTS says
So, 12 percent are monsters and 21 percent are idiots. That means one third of all college students are either useless or malignant. And Biden wants the taxpayers to “invest” in that lost cause with his student loan forgiveness scheme. You get one guess as to which students are most likely to be behind in their loan payments.
Tex the Mockingbird says
1 in 10 students are mindless little Pea-Brains wearing Che T-Shirts and reading The Communist Manifesto
Una Salus says
1 in 10 college Americans. How stupid does the one in ten college American have to be to be reassured by that statistic??
Una Salus says
They are imagining serious troubles because they didn’t imagine anything bigger than themselves.
TomKat Books says
@ “Only 50% of Democrats say they blame Hamas for the attack on Israel.”
Well, let’s hope that one day they will experience jihad first hand, at the wrong end of a scimitar.
Perhaps, then, they will understand what Israel suffered from the hands of Hamas.
One in Ten Collage Students are total idiots with sawdust for Brains
Una Salus says
NavyET never even went to university. That’s why he’s tone deaf to what’s going on there.
NAVY ET1 says
I was out protecting you life, moron. My parents couldn’t afford college, so I sought education elsewhere, and I got it. I’d rather be “tone deaf” for the rest of my life than speak the garbage you spew. My “education” was long lasting and I’d choose my life over your nonsense any day of the week.
The day will come, Una, whether in this life or the next, that you realize I was right all along. I hope this literate English isn’t too incomprehensible for you, since you seem to speak only in broken jargon.
Una Salus says
He thinks he’s got it all figured out. No, you don’t idiot.
Una Salus says
I mean obviously what’s going on there is at basic is very basic but it’s your basic.
Una Salus says
excuse my typos but you know
Una Salus says
Stupid moron that thinks he’s going to lead without a brain.
Una Salus says
I mean for sure maybe you can for a while but not any place good.
Una Salus says
You better get your act together because this is not a game idiots.
Una Salus says
Nobody(especially in the political establishment) cares how pissed off you are) they’re laughing.
Una Salus says
I mean I went to university because I had to, long enough to understand what they were trying to tell me, which didn’t make that much sense given that we had a good library.
Una Salus says
We could almost call it a very elaborate finishing school.
Una Salus says
Or in US terms a finishing school that gets you into elaborate debt.
Una Salus says
You’re also in debt to the idea what you “learned” had some kind of value.
Una Salus says
It’s not like they were teaching anything that any thinking person would want to learn except maybe in STEM which was probably about STEM back then.
Una Salus says
Nothing has changed it’s the same with retarded TikTok variations for the last few decades.
Una Salus says
Just a bunch of young idiots entering the game. They don’t even know how ancient it is.
Una Salus says
Yea mate, yea
Una Salus says
Or over night last night which is during the night we’ve concluded last night which is night. Yea, last night we’ve concluded.
Una Salus says
Yea mate mate yea. we’ve concluded over night mate, yea. Concluded over night mate.
Una Salus says
Yea mate yea. Good on you Beijing, yea.
Una Salus says
We’ve concluded. Yea mate.
Una Salus says
Mike Pence I was watching Boris Johnson before and there’s no excuse for my response. I won’t even try to excuse it.