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America can have a military that wins wars or plays identity politics. We can either have the best warfighting force possible or a military that, as woke generals and politicians insist, “looks like America.”
Such a military will have drag queens in the Navy, use racial quotas in the Air Force, and pretend that there are no biological differences between men and women.
And when reality intrudes, it’ll be firmly shooed away. But reality doesn’t go away. Ignoring it just means someone pays the price.
Women are at least twice as likely as men to be injured in Army basic training, according to data collected over six years by the service…
During 2022, nearly 30% of female recruits were injured on average each month during Army basic training. The average was 23% per month between 2017 and 2022, the data shows. During those years, about 12% of male recruits were injured each month.
While our woke betters have decided that the difference between men and women is a state of mind, and that changing your sex is as easy as getting some shots, a few nips and tucks, and changing external presentation, the biological differences do not go on and off as easily as putting on a dress.
A military with identity politics as its primary mission is eliminating gender-specifics (no more airmen) and integrating the Marines, but reality can’t be changed with a new directive.
You can change standards and tests, which politicians and the military keep doing.
The ACFT, which replaced the Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT) earlier this year, was originally designed with gender-neutral standards. However, when only about half of active duty enlisted women passed the test for a Rand study — versus more than 90% of men — those standards were changed…
The congressman cited an essay written last year by Capt. Kristen Greist, one of the first two women to graduate from Ranger School, who worried that separate fitness standards would harm women’s acceptance in male-dominated units.
“Under a gender-based system, women in combat arms have to fight every day to dispel the notion that their presence inherently weakens these previously all-male units,” Greist wrote. “Lower female standards also reinforce the belief that women cannot perform the same job as men, therefore making it difficult for women to earn the trust and confidence of their teammates.”
Women can push themselves to meet a fitness standard, but there are still physical consequences. And no amount of moving the goal posts will change that.
Matthew Vadum wrote about this for Front Page Magazine a while back.
Experts in Great Britain studied what bearing the mixing of the sexes on the battlefield had on 21 factors that affect combat effectiveness. Eleven of those factors were thought to have “negative” effects on combat effectiveness and of those only three “cannot be mitigated by changes to structure or training.” These three unisex categories were “Survivability & Lethality, Deployability, and Morbidity.” (Donnelly describes the latter as “vulnerability to injury or illness.”)
The report notes that “[W]omen have smaller hearts, about 30% less muscle, and a slighter skeleton with wider pelvic bones resulting in less explosive power and upper body strength.” These differences in physiology “disadvantage women by 20 to 40%; so for the same output women have to work harder than men.”
Women are hit disproportionately with injuries, the report says. “[T]he rate of trauma and overuse lower limb MSK (musculoskeletal injury) remains two-fold higher… and the rate of hip and pelvic stress fractures is ten-fold higher in women.”
No civilized society, except facing total defeat, sends women into combat. But civilized societies also don’t have drag queens perform in front of children or mutilate them. The American people are still civilized, but our elites get their worldview from deranged savages who imagine themselves to be the vanguard of a better world. But leftist insanity still can’t get past the hard wall of reality. No amount of delusions can change the world. All leftist delusions can do is ruin people’s lives.
Yeah, the left undid thousands of years of tradition in adding females to combat units. Before Alexander the Great there were sometimes stories about Amazon warriors and other females in combat. But when Alexander was offered a battalion of female warriors by an ancient king he turned them down. After that it was rare or never to read of females in combat.
Or so I read somewhere. I don’t know if it’s true 🙂
We do have a tradition of Chivalry in the West that other cultures may not share.
Women should be barefoot and pregnant in Kitchens or write web articles and host network news shows.
I met one yesterday that knocked my boots off, though. All I want to do with her is you know what. And she’s so nice. All she tried to do was please me.
I still feel guilty that I was rude to a black lady who tried to be friendly, once, decades ago. I try to be more polite now.
Well, you’re a good guy,
The chick I was with the other day was some Latin and white mix, though. The first non black girl in over eight years. Buddy, her tits are HUGE. I sucked on them a lot and when she wasn’t F’ing, she was sucking, and when she wasn’t sucking, she would yank my crank. I think she’s the nicest girl I’ve ever met. Five hours. She’s an Olympic level champion when it comes to sex. She deserves a gold medal. She almost killed me! I swear, I almost passed out twice.
I tried to find her again yesterday but couldn’t. She lives in some kind of women’s shelter nearby and I don’t know where it is. I’ll look for her today, though. I don’t remember her name so that’s a disadvantage.
her it is. I don’t even remember her name.
Yeah, I get along best with Latinas for some reason. Too bad I’m so old 🙂
Whoever down voted me is a fag.
I think you were downvoted for not remembering her name.
I’m bad with names. I don’t want to forget them but I do. I feel bad about that but it’s who I am. Believe me, I wish I could remember this chick’s name. I really like her. I’m going to get it from the security desk in the lobby.
But you know, when a girl has sex with you right when you meet her, it’s easy to forget her name.
Good luck, Jeff! Hope she’s the girl of your dreams.
Bunk. Amazons were a myth.
“Spectacular discoveries of battle-scarred female skeletons buried with their weapons (bows and arrows, quivers, and spears) prove that women warriors were not merely figments of imagination, but the product of the Scythian/Sarmatian horse-centered lifestyle”
Really? I never read that. It’s interesting.
I did read that Mongolian chicks would torture guys to death back in the day. I tell you, if I were to get tortured, I’d rather have a guy do it than a chick. Chicks are mean.
Thanks Jeff! I read about the ancient stories maybe in the 1990s, and followed developments since then.
Yes, there is more and more archeological evidence being found around the Black Sea. Amazing scholarship; it does tend to remind us that the stories our grandmothers told us are more likely to be true than not.
Probably the average Roman was civilised too much spending all their time at circus.
The plebes? I think they spent half of their time wiping their asses at public baths.
Well, you know a racist family friend once said pretty much the same thing of the underlings. He basically said if you keep them well fed and happy they will amuse themselves endlessly. He was far from a stupid person but ultimately narrow.
He was a racist but an honest racist and because fate has a sense of humour it ended up being much truer of the overlings.
People can be racist and still be decent. They’re not necessarily bigots.
We all have to admit we’re a bit racist. It’s just human nature.
We are wired to recognize “kin” and “not-kin” from a very early age. It’s kept people alive for a long time, knowing the difference between who will work with you and who will kill and eat you.
Charming as he was tough as nails but fate didn’t even notice.
which was obviously highly encouraged for highly “cohesive” reasons
Military gender mixing is a profound error.
There are no exceptions.
I’m an average-sized man. When I played sports with the bigger men, I got injured more in unintentional collisions than they. Yeah, no surprise there. Accepted as part of sports.
There is a difference between playing sports and fighting for your life.
70% of female recruits failed the “open a jar of pickles” test.
That could be a Monty Python skit. Rushing into battle, weapons drawn, aggressive screaming, and a sudden pause before clashing. The jar of pickles is offered……
Open a jar of pickles? WTF is that? They aren’t strong enough to take the lid off?
Yes. I thought it was a universal cliche. The woman is unable to open the jar of pickles and calls big, burly husband man to open it for her. Sort of like this:
LOL! that movie is funny. I liked the “mer-man scene” where John Voight and Vince Vaughn were aghast. The mine scene is funny, too.
Many are not. I have to ask my husband for help sometimes.
“1 in 3 Female Recruits Injured in Army Basic Training.” Then Austin & Milley did not lower the standards enough. Shame on them. This social engineering is going to cause tow things: 1) Get many good men & women killed in combat; 2) Get America to lose another war.
These women today that are in combat arms units have yet to experience what it is truly like to be a front lines soldier. Just for starters there are no toilets. You dig a hole next to the tank and do your business, No showers. A canteen cup full of water, a bar of soap and a wash cloth. There are no beds. You get an uncomfortable seat, lean agaist the radios, put your feet on the .50 cal storage box, knees in your chin. If you are lucky you can stretch out on the back deck. When you can sleep an hour or 2 at a time. There are no washers or dryer. I went 2 weeks once with out taking my boots off, much less changing my socks. Then there is the food. MRE’s 3 times a day maybe once a week the mess hall will send out some mermites and usually an MRE is better than what comes out of one of them. If you are lucky enough that family sends a care package then you and your freinds get to have some snacks and maybe some sweets. You always share a care package as well. I suggest giving it up if you are a smoker as well. o convenience stores to buy smokes.
That is just a small example of what life on a tank is like. War is not a movie.
That sounds seriously suck worthy. I always figured combat was bad but it sounds like even the non combat stuff sucks in the military.
My life seems pretty good compared to that.
Our lives are good BECAUSE of those men.
My kids and I used to send lots of care packages with socks, notes, non-perishable food, chocolates in winter, magazines, books, baby wipes, etc. It was possible to choose only front line people, which we did.
It was so rewarding. We never expected anything back, but sometimes we would get stuff back from them. They are easy to love.
That sounds nice. Those people deserve care packages.
Thank you. Those packages and letters meant a lot to us.
Can you tell us what organization you used to send out stuff, or how you did it on your own?
That sounds seriously suck worthy. I always figured combat was bad but it sounds like even the non combat stuff sucks in the military.
My life seems pretty good compared to that.
Thanks FatherGuido, always love your comments 🙂
We had MREs in AIT and permanent party, but in basic we were eating the last of the C-rats. That made us really appreciate MREs, lol. I understand our basic cycle was the last to have KP. That was the only time I got my hands on tobacco in basic, from permanent party mess hall staff..
I had MREs a couple times. I don’t remember where I got them but I thought they were pretty good. I took them with me when I went hiking.
You can order MREs online.
I’ve bought kosher MRE’s. They were truly horrible. Maybe that’s why Israeli soldiers are so fierce.
The “Male Anatomy”is far stronger than it’s “Female”counterpart.If a soldier is wounded,that soldier needs to be carried to a treatment facility..That(usually)requires Two Males!!!I rest my case.
I have just returned to work as a teaching assistant – to 5 year olds. The difference in strength and size is already overwhelming in regards to boys and girls. I’m surprised the injury rate in the US army training is not higher for the women, or maybe it is and they are hiding it.
They probably just don’t talk about it. Patsy Schroeder should have been keel-hauled under the USS Abraham Lincoln – length wise of course.
My eldest daughter enlisted and her injuries that she got in basic training resulted that after 6 years of service she received a 100% disability rating.
She did her duty but I agree she should not have been allowed to enlist
One of my sisters has lifetime half pay from the Riverside CA sheriff’s department for a a fractured pelvis she got in basic training.
Strangely enough, my other sister has been a Riverside County sheriff her entire career. They don’t know each other because they have different parents but I know they would like each other.
I’m proud of my sis for getting that money from the agency that hurt her and tried to cover up her injury. Their doctors lied about her injury so she went to an independent one and found out how badly she was injured.
Get used to it Feminists this is realty for you
Breaking a nail and peeing your pants are NOT injuries.
And in a real war (or even what the DC overlords who oversee sending young patriots to be slaughtered call “peacekeeping” or “police actions”) the injury rate will translate to KIA or more probably finding reasons (pregnancy for example) not to be deployed.
This is my shocked face >:-O
The only time a woman should be deployed in combat is when the enemy has breached her door and is threatening her and her children while her husband is off fighting somewhere else. Then it’s Momma Grizzly time, but otherwise we are better suited to the more refined pursuits that make a civilization worth fighting for.