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South Africa took its case in support of Hamas into the international court system, accusing Israel of committing genocide.
Meanwhile, the ANC ruling party is likely to be forced into a coalition with Julius Malema and his genocidal EFF or Economic Freedom Fighters party.
The ANC is polling below 50% while EFF is polling at 16%. That means 1 in 6 South Africans support genocide.
While a recent Malema video made headlines, rapidly leading to misleading media fact checks, the EFF has a long history of this stuff
What does it say that 1 in 6 South Africans are ready to vote for a genocidal movement?
Low IQ. One could see this already in Burton’s writings in the 1850s or so.
Obviously you don’t know much about the RSA…a failed party of Liberation with abject poverty and malnutrition and low moral standards ( in all colors) is the problem.
A serving of Corn ( Maize) fills the belly but gives just 2% of your daily nutritional needs….yet pale skinned and dark skinned people eat that rubbish…even if you eat 10 times the serving size, you will need to make up an 80% deficit to meet the needs of children, and that just does not happen with such poverty.
Since when are South Africans nibbling on corn and starving? What a load of bullshit.
No Sir, it’s not Baloney.
Come to Africa and see for yourself…. “White” , “Black”, and “Mixed” (” Coloured”) eat Maize ( Corn) as a staple, usually in the form of “Pap”. If you don’t want to leave your living room there is plenty of information online as well. Here I see big bags of “pap” ( corn/ maize gruel) with nutrition labels that specifically say each serving provides 2% of your daily Nutrition.
Thus, one can have a full belly and have Malnutrition. As a result too many have partially stunted intellectual development, The traditional African Diet was somewhat better, especially when one factors in Bush meat. These days most South Africans don’t hunt and live in cities…so not much Bok (antelope ) or other Meat for them if they can’t afford it at the market.
I personally find using Genetic modification to up the nutrition in Corn ( Maize) to be plain silly when there are better options…..but in any case that link pretty much says the same thing about Corn / Maize. Right now most of the Corn/ Maize grown in South Africa is low nutrition GMO, and thus supplies even more contamination of Glyphosate, Atrazine and other harmful farm chemicals and not much protein.
Some African Leaders are waking up:
And then we have the issue of what strain of Corn/ Maize is used:
” In Anambra State, Nigeria, Agu observed that pap
contained only 0.5% protein and less than 1% fat, as
compared with 9% protein and 4% fat in the original
corn [24]. Indeed, Akinrele and Edwards concluded that
the protein content of ogi or pap (corn gruel) was too
low even to support the growth of rats [25]. Another
report noted that corn gruel can provide some energy,
but not other nutrients needed for the growth of the
You know nothing about the “pap” ( corn/ maize gruel) they eat… In South Africa all skin colors / tribes eat way too much of that rubbish. In fact it’s way to common in much of Africa:
“.In Anambra State, Nigeria, Agu observed that pap
contained only 0.5% protein and less than 1% fat, as
compared with 9% protein and 4% fat in the original
corn [24]. Indeed, Akinrele and Edwards concluded that
the protein content of ogi or pap (corn gruel) was too
low even to support the growth of rats [25]. Another
report noted that corn gruel can provide some energy,
but not other nutrients needed for the growth of the
baby [26].
Guiro et al. similarly noted that the traditional mil-
let gruel used for weaning Senegalese children was not
energy dense and was insufficient to cover all the nu-
trient needs of the infant [18].
Cereal gruel processing methods have resulted in the
loss of nutrients other than protein. Makinde and
Lachance reported a 98% loss of the original tryptophan
in maize during the processing of ogi [27]. Large losses
of niacin during the processing of ogi were reported
earlier [28], which could account for the high incidence
of pellagra in the area.”
I’ll assume the question was rhetorical, since we all have a fairly decent idea as to what it says. Now, without further ado, back to ‘Black History Month’…where the History Channel has George Washington Carver on repeat for some reason.
Yes, not a day but a whole month for the lazy underachievers and “woke” whites who celebrate that fake holiday.
A supportive housing organization located in my apartment building gave out two bags of snacks last week, one for the fake Black History Month, and a token one for the real Chinese lunar New Year.
The Chinese New Year bag was illustrated with dragons and lanterns and the usual stuff, along with “2024 Happy Chinese New Year.” It had fortune cookies, those salty cracker cookies they like and some Chinese candy. No racial propaganda.
The Black History Month bag and its contents are racist as fuck against whites AND the blacks it’s meant to elevate. The bag is colored in what American racists assume are black African colors and bears the caption: “June Teenth a Combination of Freedom.” It has a button pin which bears the slogan “Black History Month” with an illustration of an upraised fist (naturally,) which is oddly colored yellow instead of brown or black, and a beaded plastic bracelet in psuedo black African colors which bears the word “Africa.” As though all Africans are black, or ever have been. That’s racist against whites. It also had two bookmarks with photos and mini-bios on them, one of Harriet Tubman and one with Bareback Hasbeen Osama. I’m keeping the Tubman one because I admire her but I defaced the Bareback one out of petty anger. Tubman deserves to be honored but Bareback only deserves scorn from patriots and other real Americans. And the text on the bookmark reads “He was the first “Afrikan American” (double sic,) elected President of the United States.” What a load of bullshit. Also “He was the first President born outside the continental United States.” I reckon that’s intended to suggest both Kenya and Hawaii without actually admitting Kenya is meant. Both bookmarks are decorated with abstract art in psuedo-African colors. The snack was a bag of Chips Ahoy, which I immediately ate. That seems racist against blacks to me. They might as well have put some Oreos and a packet of Kool-Aid in there.
I’m going to give the bracelet and maybe the button to one of my girlfriends because she’s into that BHM crap and I’m a bit of a schemer when it comes to pleasing chicks. You can’t just rely on the physical.
I can’t wait for March. I’m sick and tired of being assaulted from all quarters by racism, and a whole month of extra racism is a pain in the ass.
Well, nothing good for the future. But – the left will love the situation as they look the other way during the blood bath. This will be what they really mean in losing that privilege.
They’ll probably cheerlead the bloodbath the same way they cheer on the subhuman Hamas.
The “reprobate mind” here illustrated was perfectly described in St. Paul’s New Testament warning to the Roman church in his classic Letter to the Roman, 1:18-32.
Savages will always be savages.
To think or treat them in any other way is a DEADLY mistake.
Since the time of the Roman Empire, the people that live in the area that is named France have been thought of as back stabbing thieves and liars.
Nothing has changed. Seems to fit you theory.
Is that Mindless prick Spike Lee going to Africa and start shouting KILL WHITEY? of will it be Fattikhan and his Nation of Islam
Probably both although I figure they’ll do it from the safety of the American redoubt. The hypocrites know how deadly dangerous South Africa is, even for mostly black Americans like Lee, and especially one droppers like Farrakhan.
Lincoln could have saved us from this crisis; but he did not.
How so? Slavery was fated to be abolished. Technological and social change guaranteed it. That includes the justified resentment of poor whites against rich plantation owners and the righteous indignation of Christians.
The real problem was machines to pick Cotton were not invented until the 1930’s, and the first commercially successful machine not until 1944. So cheap labor for cotton was still an issue in 1860.
In terms of grain , the Virginian Cyrus McCromik’s reaper started in the 1830’s and were produced in good numbers by the 1850’s.
Of course that article does not mention the massive immigration form Ireland as a source of Union Troops….but the official book of the 1864 U.S.A. census brags about it.
Clear our conscious’s.
I think you mean “clear our consciences” although of what, I’m not sure.
It says get out now. Come to America. It is a testament to how difficult it is for humans to get past their tribal affiliations and how the communofacist singularity only uses two tactics to gain power, hatred of the rich or bigotry towards a targeted ethnic or cultural group.
“What does it say that 1 in 6 South Africans are ready to vote for a genocidal movement?”
It says what it’s always said.
The motley crew of mixed ethnolinguistic Bantu people in South Africa have a tendency to be violent and savage, and always have. They also tend to have low IQs, as AA noted. Sad but true, although they’re nowhere near the lowest human level for a demographic or group, which is the Paleosimians, who hands down have the lowest IQs on Earth. That includes the Zulus and Xhosas, who are the only ethnic Bantus left in South Africa with singular group identities.
They’re all invaders from the North. The ethnolinguistic Bantu tribes (supposedly there are about 400) originated in West Africa, then populated the Congo basin and much later spread Southward where thousands of years later the Zulus and Xhosa tribes eventually encountered the Dutch Trek Boers, who were headed north, and the Bushmen, who were prehistoric people even then and are one of the oldest races on the planet, if not THE oldest. I don’t know but it’s probably them or the Negritos or maybe even whitey, who were the original inhabitants of North Africa (300,000 years ago minimum, where the oldest human remains yet discovered were in present day Morocco.) Europe, and central Asia extending all the way to what is currently Western China. (I wish more population genetics and anthropological genetics information were available online but white anthropologists tend to be P.C. and they’re all afraid of being branded as racists when it comes to the origins of races.)
The Dutch were in the South before everybody except the Bushmen. The Zulus were in a small Northeast area of present day South Africa when the Trek Boers moved north and they immediately began conflict with the Boers. The Xhosas immediately began conflict with the Boers and English as they invaded ever farther Southwards of the Zulus. The British Empire pacified them both when it decided enough was enough.
The vast majority of South Africans are descended from the Bantus who came there as economic immigrants attracted to South Africa’s singular success as a modern and prosperous sub-Saharan African territory and then country, and they brought their genetic and tribal proclivity for violence with them., South Africa isn’t the rape and murder Capitol of the world for no reason.
Everything I wrote is factual but if anybody reads this they might think I’m bigoted against Bantus. I admit I am a bit bigoted against them generally speaking but I’m not fool enough to be bigoted against an entire demographic or group. It’s the bad individuals I dislike.
Any retards who may read this may think I’m racist against all blacks, which would be typical of race obsessed (but only black and white) “woke” lefties and BLM types. All my girlfriends have been Black for years and some have been from African countries and the Caribbean, so I figure I’m not.
One in six South Africans are dumb and violent. That’s a distinct minority but in sheer numbers, it’s a lot. I mean, genocide? Seriously? And not just a blood lust against white farmers who provide food in their own country, but Jews in Israel. Only scumbags give monsters like that a free pass, much less support them just because they’re black. Evil is evil, irrespective of race.
The Bantu speakers had been moving south for many years before the arrival of the Dutch, but had not reached the cape or much of the interior of current South Africa before the 1700’s. It takes a certain amount of aggression to displace other tribes, and that can be said of both groups.
Even more people form India, Europe and other parts of British run Africa moved in when the British defeated the Boer, and continued the development of the Union of South Africa under British rule. Keep in mind much of Southern Africa ( today’s Botswana, Zimbabwe, etc. were British colonies) and that facilitated further movement of peoples, not only aggression.
A history of the Conflict in South Africa, from the British occupation of the Cape town to 2019:
Only 1 in 6? I’d bet a similar party would do better than that in any major city in the USA.
Yes, the Dirtbagocrats would lose most of its black voters and all the “woke” voters, white and black. A party like that would be a good way to identify America’s enemies even better than the Dirtbagocrats are.
“What does it say…?” It says ALL the white people should get the hell out RIGHT NOW by any means while they still can.
Yes, let them try to run farms and fail miserably like the genocidal black racists in Zimbabwe did.
Just before Zimbabwe was granted independence, a colleague at the University of Zimbabwe told me that after the elections his tribe would kill their rivals because, as he put it, “Forgiveness is not an African concept.”