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The Biden economy is booming. And if you don’t believe that, just ask the media which responded to the latest job reports with headlines worthy of a North Korean newspaper editor being asked to describe Kim Jong-Un’s birthday party while a gun is pointed at his head.
“Another shockingly good jobs report shows America’s economy is booming,” CNN cheered. “New report points to blockbuster U.S. job growth as 2024 begins,” MSNBC claimed. And Politico found faith in a semi-senile president with its headline, “Biden’s ‘holy grail’ economy.”
The media all agreed that this “booming economy” could turn around the presidential election. But there was a problem.. Why, the media wondered, didn’t the public believe in Bidenomics?
“Why isn’t the growing economy helping public perception of Biden?” CNN asked. “It’s Crazy That the Booming Economy Is Hurting Biden,” New York Magazine complained. “Why Americans Don’t Give Biden Credit for Strong Economy,” the Voice of America, which is funded by taxpayers and shouldn’t be pushing political propaganda at home, pontificated.
Why doesn’t the public believe in this “booming economy” where, as Axios, in a fit of feverish enthusiasm, proclaimed, “the labor market is hot, hot, hot”? Because it’s not real.
The Wall Street Journal pointed out that the unemployment rate is now actually higher than it was a year ago and the labor force participation rate is only up 0.1%. That’s not what a booming economy or labor market looks like. But if there isn’t a booming labor market, where are all those jobs actually coming from? The media could tell you if it had any ethics, integrity or the ability to actually read the reports it’s writing about instead of typing a prompt into ChatGPT.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics jobs report is revealing. And what it reveals is that the “booming economy” is the Biden administration’s attempt to create a perpetual motion economic machine.
The labor market officially added 2.9 million jobs over the last 12 months. In those last 12 months, an analysis by Will Kessler of DCNF noted, 601,000 government jobs were added.
That’s 20% or 1 in 5.
When a fifth of “new jobs” are actually government jobs, that’s not a labor market, it’s a government market. Government jobs not only don’t make the economy “boom”, they shrink it.
Each government job has to be paid for by at least several real jobs. And since these new jobs are being paid for by government borrowing at extortionate interest rates, these jobs are actually significantly increasing the national debt, and they require a whole lot more workers and businesses making money in order to even service the interest on the coming $7 trillion budget.
Biden’s booming economy and hot labor market is driven by creating more government jobs through inflationary spending that drives up food and goods prices, that have to be compensated for with higher Fed interest rates that kill the housing market and business growth, and that pile into a massive national debt in which every American currently owes $100,696 and $257,275 per household.
Bideonomics keeps raising prices and killing business growth, triggering bankruptcies and family hunger, to be able to add more government jobs to boost its “hot, hot, hot labor market.”
The new jobs report reveals the ugly truth about what jobs under Bidenomics look like.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics report showed that 353,000 jobs were added in January. That’s the good news that had the media hyping the glory of Bidenomics.
70,000 of those jobs (or 19%) came out of health care and 30,000 (or 10%) came from “employment in social assistance”.
When 10% of your job growth is coming from the welfare state, that’s not a sign of a “booming economy” or a “hot, hot, hot labor market.”
Why was there such a sudden boom in welfare jobs?
Apart from massive government spending, Biden’s open borders crisis flooded cities and communities with massive numbers of illegal aliens who needed everything provided for them including housing, food, education, counseling, medical care and the workers to dispense those.
Likely a significant portion of that 10% welfare job growth came from servicing illegal aliens.
And the news about the “hot, hot, hot” jobs report somehow manages to get even worse.
Government employment added 36,000 (or 10%) of the jobs in January. This is below the 57,000 average of government jobs that have been added in the previous months. That’s why government jobs made up 20% of the overall job growth in the last twelve months.
The social welfare jobs are really government jobs as are a lot of the health care jobs which are heavily funded by taxpayers and together they amount to around 40% of the January job gains.
The majority of industries, including construction, wholesale, transportation, leisure, and financial activities, showed little change. Retail increased jobs but the sector has “shown little net growth since early 2023.” And, despite the manufacturing hype, “manufacturing experienced little net job growth in 2023,” the BLS report noted.
Oil, gas and mining, industries under perpetual attack by the Biden administration, lost jobs.
Of the few non-government job growth areas, professional and business services were doing well. This appears to be the only non-government subsidized industry still thriving.
The only other industry doing well was Hollywood which is still burning a fortune in shareholder cash to create a thousand streaming woke shows and movies so that “employment in motion picture and sound recording industries increased by 12,000”: as the BLS report noted.
Hollywood and creative industries are however heavily subsidized by tax credits.
Why isn’t the public in love with this “hot, hot, hot job market”? Because it mainly benefits a thin slice of the upscale urban and suburban voters who are voting for Biden anyway.
The appearance of booming job growth is fed by the widespread employment of illegal alien invaders in various ‘dirty jobs’, often unreported, while sizable numbers of Americans continue to drop out of the economy. The labor force participation rate still isn’t back to where it was in 2019 and even the raw percentages hide the fact that many American workers have dropped out and were replaced by Venezuelan 16-year-olds working on assembly lines in cereal plants.
In this century we’ve seen a slow decline year by year from the peak labor force participation rate achieved as a result of Reaganomics. Bidenomics demands credit for raising the labor force participation rate a whopping 1% from record pandemic lows when the economy had been artificially shut down. But the job gains of Bidenomics have been artificially goosed by a mass creation of government jobs which further drags down the economy and piles on more debt.
Bidenomics is when a hot January jobs report announces that 10% of job growth is in welfare.
The media complains that Americans are paying attention to their own experiences instead of the headlines. Unlike most Americans, the media is cheerfully ignoring the reality around it.
20,000 media jobs alone were lost in 2023. Amid record layoffs and an industry collapse so severe that the Washington Post recently featured an op-ed warning that the media should prepare to transition to a nonprofit model (something I spent years warning was coming), the few media hacks still on the job are cheering Bideonomics as they wait to lose their jobs.
If the economy is booming and there’s a hot labor market, why can’t reporters find work?
That’s a question no one in the media is allowed to ask. Instead reporters write headlines that defy not only the experiences of most Americans, but their own experiences, while wondering why most of the country lacks their irrational faith in Bidenomics and the “economic boom”.
The good news is that when they lose their jobs, mainstream media reporters won’t have to “learn to code”. They’ll be able to find work in the booming “social assistance” sector, providing welfare to illegal aliens, and as long as Biden keeps the border open, they’ll have plenty to do.
Thanks Daniel! Good expose.
There needs to be some statistics of real jobs and government jobs.
The job market under Bidenomics is much worse than Daniel’s excellent article states here. Dave Brat, economist at Liberty University, is frequently interviewed on the Warrroom tv show. Last week Brat showed charts on employment data that will make young people looking for work very depressed. Brat’s shocking data showed that almost all of the new jobs being created under sleepy Joe have been part time jobs. Then, to add a little salt to the wounds of legal citizens, Brat disclosed that most of the new jobs being created are being filled by foreigner born people.
Governor Hochul (D NY) claims that there are 10,000 State job openings. She wants to lower the qualifications – such as being a legal migrant or speaking English.
These jobs will only be filled by third world foreigners. What true American would want to work and be around them.
It would be fine if “being around them” took place in my voluntary travels to their land. What depresses me is living with them in my own land. I do not hate them. I love my own people and the social trust that comes from understanding one another deeply through shared language, customs, manners, culture, history, place, etc.
And I deeply resent the woke lie invading the church that these people are my “neighbors” whom I must prefer even above my flesh and blood.
Come for the free cell phones & $1,000 a month debit cards.
Stay for the welfare benefits & no-bail when shoplifting or attacking citizens whose language you’ll never care to learn.
FJB and the mail-in ballots he rode in on.
“1000 High-Paying Government Job Openings. Apply today.”
An actual ad by Governor Michelle Lujan-Grisham in New Mexico.
I added: “Trumpers, MAGAs, Republicans, Conservatives, Pro-Lifers, Whites… NEED NOT APPLY!”
When a Democrat gets into a hiring position, they ONLY HIRE THEIR OWN!
This agenda then turns those employees into their Subjects who have to vote for their Leader in order to keep their job, BUT…. it also forces their family members to vote for Democrats in order for their family member TO KEEP THEIR JOB! At a family gathering: “You better vote for__________ or I’m going to be out of a job and I’ll lose my home, probably sleep in my car that doesn’t have insurance, the kids huddled in the back seat, freezing, go to bed hungry, no milk to drink in the morning, and who knows… we might have to MOVE IN WITH YOU!”
WHY IS IT THAT UNIVERSITIES ARE COMPLETELY TAKEN OVER BY RADICAL LEFTISTS? Started during Vietnam, then more during Central America in the ’80s and BOOM, radical professors became the Deans, the Presidents, now in a hiring position leading to the takeovers of today!
THOSE PROFESSORS DO give good grades to the students who agree with the Leftist agenda and bad grades to the ones that are on the above list. Then those “good students” go on to grad school even though they are incompetent but are recommended to a professor who is the same, so they don’t care about qualifications because they don’t have any either. They surely don’t want someone smarter than they are. Then those graduates are recommended for jobs BASED on those good grades.
What do “WE the People” want?
“WE” want Educators not Indoctrinators!
“WE” want Jobs not Mobs!
“WE” want Workers not Freeloaders!
“WE” want our Founding Articles not The Rules for Radicals!
“WE” want Flag Wavers not Flag Desecrators!
“WE” and Journalists not Propagandists!
From SC list of 25. The Democrats hate them, so I just tell them to read them backwards! They’re happy now!
The owner of my manufacturing company is pretty stressed. Before now, the worst our company had ever done since its’ founding in 1992 was in the ’99-’00 recession. He knew our whole industry has been down for the last two years, especially domestically, but listens to NPR and how great bidenomics is doing.
He said he did a dive on other sectors of the private economy last night and discovered that the economy has been contracting for the last 14 months, and that the economic books are being cooked to hide it.. Apparently a lot of that cooking is coming from public sector (government) growth and spending, which depends on private sector growth, or unsustainable borrowing.. When their greed kills the golden goose, they’ll blame the golden goose(“capitalism.”).
Illegal aliens are like vultures picking at the carcass of America.
Jesse Watters at Fox reads FPM – he quoted Daniel’s employment stats to a T – but of course did not mention Daniel’s name.
By Will Kessler
Daily Caller News Foundation
“The federal government in 2023 overestimated the number of jobs in the U.S. economy by an average of 105,000 per month in initial reports, equating to a cumulative monthly difference of 1.3 million, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).”
I would like to see these employers who fill their jobs with illegals arrested, prosecuted and fined out the ass for every illegal they hire. Every so often we hear of a “raid” on some chicken processing plant or meat packing company but never hear what happens after that. The hiring of illegals is not confined to chicken plants or packing houses. Small businesses like landscapers, roofers and home builders are littered with illegals. You can usually get two illegals for the same cost as one native American. Time was you could hire “green card” holders for a specified period of time after which they had to return home. It appears a whole new wave of “green card” holders is upon us but they don’t have to return home. I would hate to be a young citizen about to enter the job market these days. The deck is being stacked against them.