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The transgender movement claims that its members identify in some intangible way as being members of a different sex and that ‘feeling’ should override mere biology and science.
But as is usually the case with the Left, the goalposts don’t stay there, they move dramatically.
Attempts by Republicans and liberals to restrict the use of destructive forms of “gender-affirming care” from puberty blockers to radical surgery on minors have been met with hysteria and threats by everyone from Biden on down. 16-year-olds and then 12-year-olds, and then 8-year-olds, we are told, can meaningfully change gender and consent to drastic surgical procedures. But the goalposts keep moving down from there.
How far down?
Sloan Rachmuth at Education First NC profiles major “clinics” attached to medical facilities at universities that are dealing with 2 and 3-year-olds.
Duke Medicine opened its Gender Clinic in 2015 to offer a wide variety of services under one roof. The clinic treats children as young as two for gender dysphoria.
Dr. Deanna Adkins, a transgender activist who runs the clinic, said this about her toddler trans patients in an interview with the Charlotte Observer in 2016:
“They are not old enough to consciously just choose to do that. … It is not a choice in any of my patients.”…
A few miles down the road, at UNC Health, children as young as three can be evaluated for gender dysphoria. The clinic states it practices “gender affirming care” (gender transitioning) on its intake form:
Interested parents are assured on UNC’s website that a team of psychiatrists, endocrinologists, family doctors, and surgeons will collaborate to “affirm” their child’s gender.
How eager is UNC Health to “affirm” gender (i.e chemically sterilize and castrate)?
So eager that its medical school residents offer cross sex hormones for free every third Wednesday.
There’s plenty more at EdFirstNC’s site, but the upshot is that the transgender mutilation movement is well past the notion of any kind of meaningful choice, it’s just a supposed observed innate reality.
The transgender movement began by claiming that the ‘feelings’ of its members trumped biology and then went on to describe this sense as ‘gender identity’ and as being so innate that it can be detected in 2-year-olds.
There’s no actual science in this mix. It’s a grotesque set of abuses that in predictable fashion began with affirming choices to imposing them on the most vulnerable population…toddlers.
On the one hand, the transgender movement claims to be driven by the need to validate choices, and on the other, in a familiar narrative within the LGBTQ movement, claims that there are no actual choices, but that its form of identity is innate and all that’s left is to accept it or to discriminate against it, choice does not enter into it.
Who then determines that a 2-year-old is transgender? Transgender activists like Adkins, Muchaunsen-by-Proxy mothers who thrive on the attention (and I suppose grotesquely mutilating your children beats chopping them up into pieces and burying them Lori Vallow Daybell style, but not by that much) who track that unfortunate child into a life of dangerous drugs and unnecessary surgeries that will doom his chance of living any kind of normal life and vastly increase his chances of dying in his twenties or thirties of suicide or medical problems.
That an entire cultural and political movement and party have gone all in on this may be one of the most frightening things in American history.
That’s crazy, Mengele-crazy. It may look that crazy to others also, at some point in the future, as grotesque as the Nazi medical experiments of the 1930s.
Outside of winter-time, Auschwitz was bathed in bright sunlight, with blossoms on the trees and birds chirping. Evil is more like Bosch’s, “Garden of Earthly Delights” than a dark-hued Hollywood version of “Faust” To see Bosch’s painting for what it really is, you have to get up close and focus on the images.
Most ordinary people in (or leading up to) WWII never thought anything was really wrong or evil until they were confronted with it directly. Same thing here in the U.S. today: too many people dont think anything’s wrong; they’ll have to have the evil–and the evil doers–shoved in their faces before they wake up.
Thanks, good point.
And, even then…..
Looks like that to me right now. Pure insanity.
You know, I hate the idea of children being remanded to the state as wards but in the case of these psycho mothers it’s warranted. I notice that all those tranny strip shows for kiddies only have women with the children, presumably their mothers. The only men are the trannys.
It’s fucking disgusting.
UNITE WARRIORS OF GOD. THESE Murderous satanic atheist evils must be EXTERMINATED To Save OUR FUTURE EARTH
SEND THESE pedophile transmutants to HELL
It is truly insane for a medical doctor to betray his or her sworn oath “to first, do no harm” by performing gender-contradicting, irreversible, mutilating surgeries on anyone below the age of consent to get a tattoo in Texas; and that would be 18 years of age,. And, any parent who would permit it or even the administration of puberty blockers, to their minor child is guilty of child abuse… because about 90% of kids grow out of their mental disorder (i, e., gender dysphoria).
Have you read what PM Modi of India and President Putin of Russia have said about this sort of thing? They want nothing to do with us. They particularly want their children to have nothing to do with us. They find the once-manly, resolute United States an object of disgust and derision.
As soon as I noted that gender uncertain twinkle in the eyes of the of the bridegroom, I had the situation analyzed.
Care postponed is care denied.
Act now, before some patriarchal throwback starts babbling that XX and XY nonsense, like gender isn’t assigned sentimentally.
Funny, once before this all started, I was off the internet for awhile for some reason. so I read some animal studies in the 1960 Encyclopaedia Britannica, and was impressed by the research that had been done on the difference between males and females in the animal kingdom.
Wait. What? You’re kidding, right. You mean mammals are sexually dimorphic? Who wudda thunk with all this “gender fluidity” nonsense all about?
Some cases of sexual dimorphia are odd, like hyenas. The females are larger than the males and the pack leaders.
Detestable animals. They eat their prey alive, like land sharks, and scavenge rotting corpses. If I lived in an African country that has them, I would shoot every one I saw.
And this is pertinent to the topic of discussion HOW?
You would probably receive a bounty from the local authorities.
Maybe the care should be psychiatric.
If any care is needed at all — most of these kids have nothing wrong with them — psychiatric is it.
TIL Democrats are pedophiles.
Kidding…..I’ve known for quite some time.
“That an entire cultural and political movement and party have gone all in on this may be one of the most frightening things in American history.” Absolutely spot on!
In an increasingly dangerous world, one of the most dangerous positions to be in is as a two year old in the custody of leftist progressive parents. Those that would permanently disfigure a child to indulge in virtue signaling are evil monsters. This is what’s it’s come to, children used as props to promote a perverted political agenda. When these mutilated kids come of age, they are not going to be happy with a society that allowed what happened to them. It’s going to get ugly.
No doubt many litigators are even now salivating over the prospects of lawsuits to come. Let them begin, and let those responsible, including parents, suffer the consequences!
Start them young Hitler, Stalin. Castro and Mao did it
And Lenin, the Pioneer.
And do not forget the Catholic’s (Give me a child until he is seven and I will show you the man.”)
That sentence is a famous saying and is attributed to St. Ignatius Loyola
Lenin was an evil genius. Many of his quotes are frightening.
Lenin was arguably one of the worst people who ever lived, given the long-term success of his programs (including the CPUSA, dedicated to the destruction of the United States).
Every comment I submit now have to await “moderation.” Is this the experience here of all other posters? I have no way of knowing. I certainly don’t use foul words and, except where it is just my opinion, all of my comments are factually supported. So what’s the deal? Can someone help me out here.
Yes. You’ll recall all of the “my friend made $40,000 in one month from home on the internet” ads, right? They’re gone now.
I’m sorry you’re dealing with that. The current system tries to stop spam, but it’s automated and remains somewhat hit and miss. I try to step in where I can on my own articles and posts.
Ah, you beat me to it! I wrote my last comment before I saw yours.
Ask Greenfield. He’s an honest guy.
Considering that according to most if not all psychologists kids do not even know they are alive or human or certainly have any conception about sex till about 5 years old that anyone saying their 2 year old has identified as the other sex needs to have their kids removed and them be sterilized. They are obviously a danger to their kids normal development and an overall problem to civilization. Allowing this narrative to exist is an abomination.
I hope you mean sterilize the parents, not the kids.
Yet other “experts” claim that infants in the womb know that they are trans, even while their colleagues are arguing that infants in the womb are not even human, but only blobs of tissue.
I totally support gender affirming care for children of all ages. Affirming that they are the gender they were born, and that there is nothing wrong with their gender, that they are not born in the wrong body. The Trans communities claim that gender assigned at birth is a social construct is bunkum, sex is biologically determined. Gender identity which they claim to be innate, is a social construct. All their criteria which they use to determine a persons gender identity is totally base on social constructs. Of all of LGBTI, only I is innate, Intersex conditions are biologically determined by chromosomal/genetic/developmental anomalies. No one is born gay, lesbian, bi or trans. No one is even born heterosexual, because we are all born ignorant. Other species are born knowing how to reproduce, but for humans sexuality is entirely learned behavior.
IT’s NOT “gender-affirming care;” it’s gender-contradicting mutilation of a minor child that can’t be reversed, if and when the child grows out of their dysphoria…as the vast majority do. before adulthod. ..
These people are bat guano crazy and need to be locked up in a mental institution. Under no circumstances should they be allowed to be near children.
Absolute craziness. The ‘people’ doing this need to be eliminated and laid to rest in some transgender cemetery where they will be forgotten forever.
In my wildest dreams I could not imagine these things being done.
May He’ll welcome them with open arms.