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18 members of the Congressional Black Caucus, along with Rep. Rashida Tlaib and two other non-black members, signed a letter asking Biden to exonerate America’s first black Klansman.
The letter does not mention that Marcus Garvey had allied with the KKK, admired Hitler, told his followers to read Mein Kampf and declared, “what the Negro needs is a Hitler.”
It also does not mention that Garvey had himself in mind for the job, that the self-proclaimed “Provisional President of Africa” wore imaginary military uniforms and sent his thugs to beat up black civil rights leaders before being expelled in disgrace after defrauding his followers.
Or that the charges of mail fraud that 21 House Democrats want to exonerate Garvey from were brought at the urging of black civil rights leaders of the day who demanded federal intervention.
House Democrats are not the first to argue that Garvey was railroaded.
After the trial, Garvey claimed that he had been convicted because of his allegiance to the KKK. In buffoonery worthy of Candace Owens, he argued that the judge (who was actually a Christian, but who Garvey falsely claimed was Jewish) believed that “I hated and was opposed to the Jews, because of my alleged membership in or connection with the Klu Klux Klan.”
The best that can be said of the House Democrat letter is that it does not claim that the Jews had come after Garvey because of his ties to the KKK. The Messenger, the key publication of the Harlem Renaissance, acidly described Garvey as “the Black Imperial Wizard Becomes Messenger Boy of the White Klu Klux Kleagle.” Garvey argued, “between the Klu Klux Klan and the NAACP group, give me the Klan” and said, “you may call me a Klansman if you will.”
21 House Democrats also chose to stand with Garvey’s choice of the KKK over the NAACP.
The House Democrat letter describes Garvey as an early civil rights leader who challenged “racial inequality” and “founded the Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA) to challenge racial inequality and inspired millions worldwide as a tireless advocate for black self-determination and economic independence.” It leaves off Garvey’s claim that “we were the first Fascists” and that, “Mussolini and Hitler copied the programme of the UNIA.”
The 21 House Democrats did not comment on whether they liked Hitler’s economic program.
Garvey (like the Nation of Islam) supported racial segregation and (also like the NOI and Malcolm X) was eager to ally with the KKK to fight the “vile efforts of the miscegenationists” who would allow black and white people to live together and marry each other.
The House Democrat letter claims that “the evidence paints an abundantly clear narrative that the charges against Mr. Garvey were not only fabricated but also targeted to criminalize, discredit, and silence him as a civil rights leader.” No less a figure than W. E. B. DuBois in the NAACP’s Crisis magazine however exposed the fraud and shredded Garvey in his articles.
“Marcus Garvey is, without doubt, the most dangerous enemy of the Negro race in America and in the world. He is either a lunatic or a traitor,” DuBois, one of the pivotal black figures of the age, famously wrote. “Every man who apologizes for or defends Marcus Garvey from this day forth writes himself down as unworthy of the countenance of decent Americans. As for Garvey himself, this open ally of the Ku Klux Klan should be locked up or sent home.”
A century later, a sizeable section of the Congressional Black Caucus has signed on to a letter defending Garvey proving themselves, in DuBois’ words “unworthy of the countenance of decent Americans.”
The House Democrats imply that Garvey was framed by a racist government when it was actually black civil rights leaders, including A. Phillip Randolph, who later headed MLK’s March on Washington, who accused Garvey of murder and denounced him for having “ceaselessly and assiduously sought to spread among Negroes distrust and hatred of all white people” and urged that “the Attorney General use his full influence completely to extirpate this vicious movement.”
How did Marcus Garvey go from a disgrace reviled by black civil rights leaders to a cause that black leaders now want to stand behind? Part of the answer is that while Garvey might have lost the battle, there’s no doubt that he won the war. ‘Garveyism’ or black nationalism in its various forms, which could be summed up as in The Friends of Negro Freedom letter, pushing “hatred of all white people” has come to dominate black politics from Al Sharpton to BLM to DEI.
Malcolm X’s parents had been former members of Garvey’s UNIA and the Nation of Islam traded UNIA’s fake costumed fascism for an equally absurd fake version of Islam. The Nation of Islam, like Garvey, allied with the KKK, opposed integration and became obsessed with the Jews. “I sat at the table myself with the heads of the Ku Klux Klan,” Malcolm X admitted.
Garvey’s style of buffoonery can easily be seen in Malcolm X, Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, Jesse Jackson, Sharpton and Black Lives Matter leaders who bluster, lie and make wild promises and threats, suppress rivals, and push racialism as the answer to everything.
The fraudulent and fanatical model of Garvey’s movement that black civil rights leaders of the day denounced as “ministers without churches, physicians without patients, lawyers without clients, and publishers without readers, who are usually in search of easy money” has long since become the standard to such a degree that hardly any alternative to it even exists.
Will Biden exonerate America’s leading black klansman? Almost certainly. President Calvin Coolidge had originally agreed to commute Garvey’s sentence and deport him back to Jamaica as a small gesture of appeasement to a black electorate disappointed over his failure to intervene against lynch mobs. The move did nothing to win over black voters, who were split between the black leftists who began drawing black voters to the Democrats and black rightists who were divided between intelligent conservatives and racialist lunatics.
The racist lunatics and socialists eventually came together in a post-civil rights consensus embodied by the alliance between Farrakhan and Jesse Jackson, or even more perfectly in domestic terrorist groups like the Black Guerrilla Family, which fused Garveyism with Marxism-Leninism, and the more contemporary Black Lives Matter movement.
Over the winter, major corporations will pay tribute to Kwanzaa: a fake black nationalist holiday invented by a Garveyite who was sent to prison for torturing two women with a soldering iron.
Exonerating an aspiring black Hitler who allied with the KKK for a crime he committed against black people and a conviction carried out at the behest of black civil rights leaders would simply acknowledge that there is no more civil rights movement, and Garveyism rules the Democrats.
Garvey wrongly claimed that, “Mussolini and Hitler copied fascism from me”, but Democrats did copy Garvey’s racial nationalism, thuggism and terrorism. What does that say about them?
Great article. It should also be pointed out that W. E. B. DuBois had his own problems. David Horowitz had the chance to meet an old Dubois while at commie camp (which is described in “Radical Son”).
W.E.B. Dubois did some good things. He helped start the NAACP and he was the first African American to earn a doctorate from Harvard.
However, he did and said some bad things. While Martin Luther King wanted racial reconciliation, Dubois wanted racial separation. He once said of his lineage that he was a “flood of Negro blood, a strain of French, a bit of Dutch, but, thank God! no ‘Anglo-Saxon’.” If I said I was “a quarter Swedish, a quarter Norwegian, a quarter German, a quarter Brit, but, thank God! no ‘African” would that be a racist viewpoint? If it is, then why isn’t Dubois also a racist?
Dubois was also a communist. When the young David Horowitz (former 60s New Leftist writer) went to “commie camp” when he was a boy he met Dubois. Dubois eulogized Stalin and thought Mao (who killed 60 million people) was pretty cool. Writing in the National Guardian, (1953) he said, “Joseph Stalin was a great man; few other men of the 20th century approach his stature.”
Dubois also liked the Japanese when they were their most aggressive up to and during WW2. Since they were people of color, they could do no wrong. He asked the Chinese “Why is it that you hate Japan more than Europe when you have suffered more from England, France, and Germany than from Japan?”. The Chinese were aghast.
He also appreciated the Nazis (as many progressives did) and so he traveled there. As Jonah Goldberg has pointed out “NAACP co-founder W. E. B. DuBois saw National Socialism as a worthy model for economic organization. The establishment of the Nazi dictatorship in Germany, he wrote, had been ‘absolutely necessary to get the state in order.’ In 1937 DuBois stated: ‘there is today, in some respects, more democracy in Germany than there has been in years past.'”
Yes. I’ve written about DuBois as well. Including his pandering to totalitarian regimes and America’s enemies.
You are a great writer like David Horowitz, so it doesn’t surprise me at all that you’ve written about DuBois as well. While I would side more with DuBois than Garvey, the fight between these two men reminds me of a statement by Frank Gaffney concerning the rivalry between Iraq and Iran many years ago. He basically said that he and many in the defense community wished that Iraq and Iran wiped each other out.
DuBois and Garvey wrestled with the same problem, but imagined different solutions. The problem remains a sticky wicket.
Free association and the elimination of government wealth redistribution between social classes would go a long way to helping everyone. Nothing good can come from one race or one class being responsible for the “uplift” of others. What else could arise from it except envy, dependence and resentment?
Westernkind is uniquely accepting of everyone who loves our culture, history, holidays, language and ways. I wish we had never attempted to “spread democracy” and re-create the world in our image. Now we are being destroyed by overwhelming numbers of foreigners who come only to plunder and destroy us. I wish I could say, with Elisha’s Shunammite woman, “I dwell among my own people.” 2 Kings 4: 13
Excellent, but it will go unread by the unwashed masses who ignore history and focus on trivialities and survival! The American education system will always deal in myths unless teaching science.
Science is not immune from the myths arising from political correctness in much of today’s education.
The sciences aren’t even safe.
True. Just look up “Lysenkoism” in the USSR.
He also said this about the Nazis “They have a nation at work, after a nightmare of unemployment; and the results of this work are shown not simply by private profits, but by houses for the poor; new roads, an end to strikes and labor troubles; widespread industrial and unemployment insurance, the guarding of public and private health; great celebrations, organizations for old and young, new songs, new ideals, a new state, a new race.” Like Churchill, he saw Nazism and Communism as two sides of the same coin, but unlike Churchill he welcomed both.
He maintained that the Korean War began when the NORTH was attacked. He saw Churchill as the “chief leader… toward death and destruction of human civilization.” In 1952 he declared that America was the “greatest warmonger of all history.” In 1953 he said Harry Truman “ranks with Adolf Hitler as one of the greatest killers of our day.” In 1954 he said that “few nations fear the Soviet Union, all fear the United States.”
Eventually, Dubois renounced his citizenship to what he felt was the evil United States and died in Ghana (ironically he died with the help of a witch doctor as Martin Luther King preached to a crowd of 250,000 a message which totally contradicted Dubois’ views).
Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan had hopes of recruiting black people as a Fifth Column and they focused their activities on some members of the cultural establishment like DuBois who proved to be extremely willing.
If I remember, he ran some low IQ frauds that collapsed.
America has always beeen a safe home for charlatans, scoundrels and con men, all of whom in one way or another slither into politics.
Like Joke Bidumb’ The tard never had a real job. Most politicians are absolute scum.
The KKK was founded by the Democrats the late Robert Byrd was in the KKK wore his Bedsheet to and how many Crosses did he Burn?!
What? The SENATOR who Democrats shed tears over when he passed? Hillary kissing his cheek? Well… he did fit right in.
his most ardent student and admirer was the corrupt and treasonous Joe Biden.
I knew only that Gravey was some sort of ‘Back to Africa’ advocate. The rest of the stuff I learned, by reading this article, had me in stitches. All the leaders named in this article are either hustlers, demagogues, or the insane, and they are very entertaining.
They would be all the more entertaining dancing at the end of a rope
It’s those who take these demagogues seriously that threaten America
Was David Horowitz an anti colonialist in the 1960’s ?
It’s usually best to hear it from the source.
Radical Son: A Generational Odyssey
I’m struggling to understand why anyone would be surprised.
I don’t know. I’m kind of surprised by a black KKK guy. Seriously? Is this a Dave Chapelle skit?
“In 1919, he became President of the Black Star Line shipping and passenger company, designed to forge a link between North America and Africa and facilitate African-American migration to Liberia. In 1923 Garvey was convicted of mail fraud for selling the company’s stock and he was imprisoned.”
I find these crude frauds of the 1920s interesting 🙂
This epitomizes why the Democratic Party as a viable, legitimate American political entity is dead. A party with this core of hatred should not even exist as a choice for American voters.
It’s a fringe group that belongs as a party unto itself in a multiparty parliamentary system. And that ain’t American. The core maximizes its power by using the Democratic Party, with world wide reach, to push its un-American, anti-American agenda; and, most crucially, the rest of the ‘professional’ Democrats let it ‘lie’, like a pile of manure, and let it stink up the place. This core has used the party; and, with practically full complicity, it has destroyed the party.
Other than Mr. Greenfield’s article, where’s real, responsible, substantive pushback to this?
America thrives on the two party system. Even with Trump’s being president, the country needs a second party for healthy balance, consensus, ideas, checks and balances, strength.
The Democratic Party has tried to make the Republican Party irrelevant with the intent of making Americans irrelevant. Is there not one elected Democrat who can admit the truth about what’s been going on and call for the formal dissolution of the Democratic Party and the establishment of a viable replacement, and maybe call it the Compatriot Party.
I don’t know the answer to what replaces the Democrat party, if anything, but certainly the current Democrat party should be outlawed permanently for its crimes against the American people and the law fare against Trump. And who knows if and how the assassination attempt was encouraged, allowed, or planned to happen with their involvement. No one is talking about that now. Or how the lab “leak” occurred during Trump’s first administration with Democrat officials, infamously Cuomo and Rick Levine, trying to spread it further.
The Democrat party is dead or we, as a moral nation, will be.
Nice assessment! I do believe that at one time the DEMOcrats were not all insane. That “Good Ship Lollipop” sailed a LONG time ago. The current crop of DEMOcrats are legitimately insane and should never be allowed to have another oblama/biden regime to destroy Our Nation!
I do believe that PRESIDENT TRUMP will do more for black Americans than any DEMOcrat in history – removing MILLIONS of illegals should open jobs and help some black Americans regain a productive, meaningful future. I’m old enough to remember when people worked, cared for their Families, and obeyed our laws. People were decent – ALL people were! And now? A large portion of society cannot even be referred to as “people” – it needs to change!
Wrong there are plenty of good democrats such as Fetterman and the one from Virginia that is retiring now , Many of the good democrats are independents now , Some have even joined the republican party , like Tulsi Gabbard .where she doesn’t really belong . These former democrats and most independents actually where the true life blood of the old fashion , popular democratic party . If the democrats get forget the lunatic fringe that has taken control they can and will bounce back , and be the peoples party again .
But beware the Phoenix!!!
Typical black leftist buffoonery, not unlike typical white leftist buffoonery.
It also shoes the lack of intellect and education of the black leadership we have today. They just stand a repeat their mantra as required. Ignoring the black slave owners and black Confederates is another example.
Democrats have to forget about slave owners and slaves and start talking about the real issues that are facing everyone today .
Slaves and slave owners stir the brew! Why surrender ploys that keep the masses involved and ignorant?
These members of Congress are the reasons for Black poverty and Black crime..
If these Black clowns would spend some time addressing Black folks real problems such as fatherless homes and a failing education system in America then maybe the lives of Blacks would improve.
WOW… BLACK NAZIS supported by The Congressional Black Caucus and their Black Supremacists, the NAACP, which is only possible due to the Birth of their Leader, BARACK OBAMA and “If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon/Freddie/George!” That led to the Marxist-led BLM protests also organized by A.N.S.W.E.R., The Party for Socialism and Liberation, The Revolutionary Communist Party, and the Communist Party USA, which is the Brains and the Money, which stays in the shadows. ALL SUPPORTING DEMOCRATS with most of the Congress members hiding in the Communist Closet! Research their past and it leads to THE SOVIET KGB which directed and funded CPUSA front groups! NOW THAT’S RUSSIAN COLLUSION!
Black leadership of the good kind has mostly fled the scene. The remaining ones with potential are in the new GOP.
Marcus Garvey was a nut job! The self-proclaimed “Provisional President of Africa” – what a nut!
Did the KKK actually have in in their membership or Garvey said he is KKK?
What a nut- Yeah leave it to the treasonous corrupt with dementia nut Pedo Joe TaliBriben to give way to the nuts in CONgrASS to exonerate America’s first black Klansman.
Impossible – “Provisional President of Africa” —
I proclaim this as The King of Venice Beach
I really like that one!!! Pedo Joe TaliBriben
Would be interesting to read about the history and evolution of the “Black Buffoon-Black Charlatan” cultural type. He seems to be the other side of the “Bad Nigah” cultural type that Dinesh D’Souza describes in his book “The End of Racism”.
You mean you haven’t done that yet?
Come on. :Lighten up.
If nothing else, force the DEMOcrats to change to The HYPOCRITE Party!
…Or the DEMONocrats party ?
In all fairness if Candace Owens has become a buffoon then Anne Coulter has become an even bigger buffoon and for much longer too.
The power of money .
Thank you Daniel. This is a much ignored piece of history and we all should know about it. Wonder what would have happened if Garvey had gotten his way and sent back thousands of his people back to Africa? Maybe like the development of Liberia which eventually had a terrible civil war with children high on drugs and toting machine guns. I had a friend- a member of special forces in Cambodia – said ‘C’mon Stephan. Admit it – if there was a button you could push that would send Africans back to Africa wouldn’t you push it?’ As a NYC resident who had indeed been the victim of an attempted mugging and who respects law and order and sees it diminishing daily – in the deep hours of the night – I admit it’s an attractive solution to our problems here. i.e. to have a fifth of the population harboring a deep if not profound resentment towards the mainstream – can we ever find a solution to the problem? Sometimes I doubt it. Why does no one object that the NBA and now the NFL are 99% black. And yet there are more Jewish Nobel Prize winners than any other demographic? We are not all the same. To me this is not prejudice just fact but one which will get someone pilloried for saying so in this DEI and BLM world. Hopefully, a corner has been turned and the people have spoken re: the election.
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