Democrats wax furious over anti-vaxxers, but the same yuppie millennials who lose their minds over the thought that a kindergartener might not have all their shots shrugs at the masses of illegal aliens, including their nannies, crossing the border with contagious diseases.
Why do they hate science?
More than 2,000 people in Immigration and Customs Enforcement custody are being quarantined amid an outbreak of mumps and other diseases.
“As of March 7, 2019, there was a total of 2,287 detainees cohorted for exposure to a detainee with a contagious condition,” said ICE spokesperson Brendan Raedy in a statement.
In the past 12 months, there have been health investigations at 51 ICE detention facilities for mumps, chickenpox and influenza, according to Raedy.There have been 236 reported cases of mumps, with another 16 suspected cases during this time period.
If only our elites could be 0.0001% as outraged over this as they are when a measles outbreak happens over lack of vaccinations.
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