The Dems, from Hillary Clinton down to Virginia’s Dem House delegation, have been united in howling for Northam’s head over the possibility that he wore blackface 34 years ago.
But they’ve been very hesitant to call for the resignation of Lt. Gov Justin Fairfax, despite a credible accuser, names, dates, places, and Fairfax being caught in at least one lie already.
Again, a reminder that #MeToo is a joke, and that the lynch mob that went after Kavanaugh is not remotely invested in the rights of sexual assault victims when it’s politically inconvenient.
But now a second accuser has come forward.
Meredith Watson is the second woman to accuse Virginia Lt. Governor Justin Fairfax of sexual assault.
Watson’s attorneys released a statement Friday alleging that Watson was raped by Fairfax in 2000 while they both attended Duke University.
The lawyers say Watson shared the experience with friends but decided to come forward after Fairfax denied sexually assaulting Dr. Vanessa Tyson, a California professor who accused him of physically forcing her to perform oral sex on him while they attended the 2004 Democratic National Convention.
The statement called on Fairfax to resign.
Smith Mullin, her firm, is a New Jersey based law practice, but it’s not unknown, and it repped Gretchen Carlson.
And there’s a witness to the claim dating back long before Fairfax got into politics.
Kaneedreck Adams, an attorney who reportedly attended with Watson, told The Washington Post that she came crying to him in the spring of 2000.
“She was upset,” Adams told the newspaper. “She told me she had been raped and she named Justin.”
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