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Germany has wiped itself out. Numbers like these show how quickly mass migration can eliminate a country’s future.
In Germany, 42% of people under age 15 were either foreign-born or had at least one foreign-born parent
Not all of these are third worlders. Germany, like the rest of Europe, has a lot of Eastern European immigrants. And it always did. When I was in Europe, I would find the number of ‘More-German-Than-Thou-Germans’ sneering at ‘Auslanders’ while their own last names were clearly Eastern European like Kapusta a little ridiculous. The numbers have increased though.
Germany can absorb Eastern Europeans. It has in the past. (Whether or not they want to is another matter.) But it can’t absorb a sizable number of the Jihadist immigrants that Frau ‘Wir Shaffen Das’ Merkel, currently peddling her oversized tome of memoirs, allowed in.
The above statistic shows why focusing on the overall population is misleading. It’s the under 15 population that matters. Bring in 1-2 million migrants with high birth rates and the rest is history.
So are you.
Here are some more statistics from the Wall Street Journal article.
More than 60% of the people in Germany who depend on government benefits for income are foreign-born or are second-generation migrants. Noncitizens, who make up 15% of the population, perpetrated 41% of all crimes in 2023, up from 28.7% in 2014, according to police statistics.
It’s only going to get worse unless Europe starts removing them.
Almost 20 years ago I was in Macedonia and met many people who had worked in Germany in the past. Even then they remarked how Germany used to be a beautiful country and had been ruined.
Macedonia has been Greek since ancient times, you probably mean Skopje which is Slavs and Albanians, it is not Macedonia.
As for Germany, it will be destroyed as it was not destroyed in either of the two great wars, because you are not governed by German leaders
California is about 40% Hispanic
Apparently, not all colonialism is bad.
The California elites and environazis are in for a rude awakening. That pendulum is about to swing a lot further against them than even I would want it to, but they practically demanded it.
The state is already rigged to deliver for the Democrats. Look at the elections that happened this year, with the “counting” taking a month – obvious cheating. It’s been slowly ruined over the last half-century.
I’m a native Californian and California has always been majority Hispanic so it’s nothing new or unusual. The vast majority of the streets and cities in California are Spanish names (e.g., San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Diego, La Jolla, Costa Mesa, San Jose, Santa Clarita, Santa Barbara, Santa Ynez, Santa Ana, Rancho Cucamonga, etc., etc.)
no it hasn’t – when I went to grade school in San Jose back in the 60’s and 70’s, there were only a couple of Hispanic kids in the whole school. Today, we have schools like in Modesto where 70% of the kids are Hispanic. The commie democrats destroyed California while the conservatives were at work and not paying attention.
“Hispanic” is a word that is not found in the Webster’s 1828 Dictionary. When it begins to appear in more modern dictionaries, it generally means of or related to Spain. Many parts of the U.S. were first colonized by Spain, and therefore have streets and missions reflecting their Spanish origins.
Spanish colonialism was very Catholic. Catholicism tends to incorporate the foreign peoples and customs into life and worship much more than the Anglo-protestants, but, ironically, maintains a caste / class distinction the Anglo-protestants do not. Isn’t that ironic? Catholicism mixed more, but discriminates more while Anglo-protestants mix less and discriminate less.
The Spanish colonies mixed copiously with indigenous tribes and created a mixed race known as “Mestizo” in the U.S.; but the caste system, based upon skin color and heritage, exists throughout Latin America, going by various names in various countries. Here is how it appears in Mexico:
“Hispanic” now means something other than what it used to mean, and now refers largely to what is known here as “Mestizo.” When we Texans are asked about our race on government or medical documents, there is a category for “Hispanic” and “Non-Hispanic.” No category for “Anglo,” just “white, non-Hispanic.” So I don’t exist. And that is the whole point.
California has NEVER been a majority beaner.
You’re quite wrong on the demographics. History is just not taught anymore. Also, most of the Spanish place names came from Anglo American honoring the past.
just wait until it hits 70% – the white liberals that voted for these psycho politicians will be in for a rude, painful awakening.
The Hispanics are OK. Better than the usual suspects, that’s for sure. They tend to like me for some reason. They think I’m a Chilango from Mexico City. It’s hard for me to dislike people who like me. They often start chattering to me in Mexican Spanish. They think I speak it but I only understand a few words in every sentence.
Here in San Jose most of them live on the east side of the city. I don’t know what it is with those people and East sides of cities. It’s the same in LA..
I like Hispanic chicks, though. And they like me. I’ll still take a dusky black chick over all the others, though.
Merkel must have been really bitter over the failure of communism to do what she did to Germany. One would think a Stasi officer would be the last person you’d give authority to. Derp!
Is it really such a bad thing ? Watching the EU swirl down the drain is kind of fun .
It is and it isn’t. There will be several european countries with moslem majorities in the near future. If it’s one thing the world doesn’t need it’s more islamic cesspools.
Except that it’s being replaced by islamopithecines.
A lot of the from EE.
All the plans of the UN/Globalists which is why they oppose Trump he stands in the way for the UN/Big Brother types
Mr. Erdagon awaits in the wings for his cue.
Headline broken.
42% of Teens Living in Germany are Foreigners.
There. I fixed it for you.
When muslims become majority they establish the brutal sharia dictatorship. Just another 3rd world unproductive, miserable, violent existence.
When there is no productive and civilized nations left, the muslims can’t find anybody to rip off and will turn on each other.
Not on each other but on other countries stll not following sharia.
The muslims in Germany aren’t the only problem. The Hindus and Africans are also going to destroy the country. Hindu society is low trust, extremely stratified, and without notions of fairness, honor, decency, or honesty. They are just as much of a danger to the west.