Don’t look now, but the Tyson star just went nova.
After the Patheos story on the two women who accused Neil deGrasse Tyson, the favorite social justice scientist of people who tweet #ILoveScience in response to using their deodorant, of sexual harassment and the woman who accused him of rape, BuzzFeed took it on and did a deeper dive into their stories, and also found a fourth accuser.
Neil deGrasse Tyson is now falling into the #MeToo black hole. And it couldn’t happen to a smarmier Twitter personality.
The previous three stories involved a woman who claimed Tyson had assaulted her in college, a former assistant who describes creepy behavior by Tyson and a post-doc who describes Tyson reaching into her dress. Tyson effectively admitted the last two charges and disputed the rape claims.
And it involves behavior that is too Tysonesque for words.
When she told Tyson she was quitting, he responded, as he did in his Facebook post, by saying he didn’t realize he’d made her uncomfortable. Then, she said, he read her a speech he’d given about overcoming adversity as a black scientist.
Now here’s a fourth.
Now a fourth woman has told BuzzFeed News her experience of sexual harassment from Tyson. In January 2010, she recalled, she joined her then-boyfriend at a holiday party for employees of the American Museum of Natural History. Tyson, its most famous employee, drunkenly approached her, she said, making sexual jokes and propositioning her to join him alone in his office. In a 2014 email shared with BuzzFeed News, she described the incident to her own employer in order to shoot down a proposed collaboration with Tyson.
Look up at the stars.
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