I’ve written literally thousands of commentaries, and I’ve never had this problem before. I have five of the biggest stories in the history of America to tell you about — all at the same time. They’re all so important, I can’t decide which one to write about. So, I’m going to write about all five.
I’ll let you choose which one I should write about in expanded detail next week. Send me an email. Vote for the story you’d like me to write about in detail: WayneRoot@gmail.com
In the meantime, here is a short and sweet “Cliff Notes” version of all five.
STORY No. 1: Of Course China Likely Intentionally Released COVID-19. But Even More Shocking is Who Helped Them
Everyone in power is finally in agreement that COVID-19 most likely came from a Chinese biowarfare lab. I told you that three years ago. But even that is not the real shocker. Tucker Carlson had a doctor who escaped China on his show this week. She says China intentionally released COVID-19 to destroy America and the Western economies. This was a planned attack upon America.
I’ve been predicting that story for three years too. China had just lost the trade war. Their entire economy was about to collapse. At that exact moment, COVID-19 was unleashed on America and the Western world. That was never a coincidence. But I’ve got an even bigger shocker…
The biggest story is that China did not do this alone.
I believe the deep state, D.C. swamp, Democrat Party and Dr. Anthony Fauci were all in bed with China. They were all desperate to stop Trump at all costs. They all needed to kill Trump’s economy and destroy Trump’s reelection. They had even stronger motives than China. COVID-19 was the perfect plan. I’ll give you more details if you choose this as the big story for next week.
STORY No. 2: Woody Harrelson Was Right About Big Pharma and the COVID-19 Vaccine Scam. But Woody was Way too Naive and Nice!
Actor Woody Harrelson spilled the beans on “Saturday Night Live” about the COVID-19 vaccine scam. Big Pharma is a drug cartel — just like the Mexican drug cartel. Except, far more powerful. The Mexican drug cartel has only bought off the entire Democrat Party.
Big Pharma has bought off both parties, the entire U.S. government, the entire media and the medical industrial complex. They own them all.
Woody Harrelson told the raw truth (even in his pot-induced haze). But Woody left out the biggest part of the story: This vaccine is not just a failure at preventing COVID-19. In just the past week, I’ve seen mounds of data from around the world proving the COVID-19 jab is a killing machine that could cause the collapse of our entire society. I’ll give you more details if you choose this as the big story for next week.
STORY No. 3: Is the Next Pearl Harbor or 9/11 Sneak Attack on the USA on the Way Soon?
Few realize how badly our military has been weakened and corrupted by President Joe Biden (who is doing the bidding of China and the CCP). Our military is the weakest and most vulnerable in history. No one believed Japan would attack our homeland in 1941. No one expected 9/11 in 2001. They never do, until after it happens.
So, what would make you think Russia or China, or both together, are not busy right now plotting either a surprise EMP or nuclear attack on the USA, or the start of World War III? Our military has never been more demoralized, or defenseless. China and Russia both know that. Our country and freedom are on the line. I’ll give you more details if you choose this as the big story for next week.
STORY No. 4: Biden and Mayor Pete’s Response to the Ohio Train Derailment Catastrophe is More Proof of Rigged and Stolen Elections
I believe the shocking lack of interest, or empathy by Biden, Mayor Pete or the EPA for the citizens of Ohio is more proof our elections are rigged and stolen. The “tell” is they didn’t even try to fake it. They didn’t even bother to act like they care about the worst environmental disaster in our country’s history. They couldn’t care less about white, working class or Midwest votes. Why? Do they know the fix is in? I’ll give you more details if you choose this story as the big story for next week.
STORY No. 5: Why Every Decent Parent in America Must Immediately Remove Your Children From Public School and Start Homeschooling
Forget about the evil lies of Critical Race Theory and transgender brainwashing going on in schools across America. All of that is child’s play (excuse the pun) compared to this story.
Soon most school districts across America — certainly in every blue state — will demand your child take the possibly deadly, experimental COVID-19 jab in order to attend school. You must get your children out of school before this happens. I’ve seen the myocarditis data: your child’s life is on the line. I’ll give you more details if you choose this as the big story for next week.
Soodoe P. Nymn says
All five, especially the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th one.
Bland, Spencer, and Young.
Betty Peters says
I agree about wanting to know the rest of the story on all five topics.
Dave white says
Number 3, EMP sneak attack.
Banastre Tarleton says
You are missing the most pressing problem, insomuch, the crazy Biden Administration is likely to trigger a war with Russia over Ukraine when we lack a single vital national interest at stake . Moreover, the Russians are going to respond with Nukes . (you can see this coming like a slow train wreck)
It was Mark Twain who said that ”History doesn’t repeat itself but it often rhymes ”
This is a rerun of WW1 with eastern Donbas as Serbia, Ukraine as Austria, and the US as Germany providing Ukraine with a ”blank cheque” … while Russia still remains the defender of the Serbs
Something has got to give, and when it does, and Ukraine inevitably collapses the US (Globalists) will intervene militarily and trigger WW3 with Russia …mark these words !
Dr2xFour says
Alex, I’ll take number 5 for all of the marbles!
Ray Van Dune says
After years of telling us the “America First” President was a Russian agent, the media is now hiding the fact that the falsely-elected con artist in the White House has been in the pay of China for years!
KenPF says
At last we can dispense with the lab “leak” theory. The virus wan’t leaked … as if by accident. It was released, deployed like the bio-weapon it was engineered to be. Will there be another “Pearl Harbor or 9/11”? I dunno. It seems that the virus attack, which (they tell us) killed a million Americans and destroyed our economy was bigger than Pearl Harbor and 9/11 combined.
Lightbringer says
COVID didn’t kill a million people. I would guess it might have been a couple of orders of magnitude less than that. What killed the people who were, rightly or wrongly, diagnosed with COVID was iatrogenic causes like withholding drugs that worked and the madness for putting patients onto ventilators, which killed them. ““Vent early, vent hard” was the suddenly ascendant treatment modality. It ran riot in New York and many other parts of the world. It was used not just to treat patients but to “protect doctors” under the misbegotten theory that an intubated patient would not spread covid and that “doctors needed to be protected.” This is taken from a paradigm-shifting article published by the Brownstone Institute,
BLSinSC says
From the beginning I have been against the “remove your children from school” SURRENDER!! No, we should REMOVE the incompetent, immoral TEACHERS, ADMINISTRATORS, and POLITICIANS and RECLAIM Our SCHOOLS! All this libercrap must be eliminated and a return to BASICS and TRUTH! Sure, kids in Jr. High and above need to know certain subjects but they should be given the TRUTH! Sexual INDOCTRINATION of 4 year olds is (and SHOULD BE PROSECUTED as) a CRIME! We already PAY for Our schools so to just SURRENDER them to the LEFT is NOT the answer!
One area I would definitely include in the Jr. High and above ages is POOR LIFE CHOICES! Tell the TRUTH about POVERTY, CRIME, FATHERLESS HOMES, DRUGS, and DEMOCRATS/RINOS!!
Spurwing Plover says
Biden again shows is acts of Treason by continuing to cut off our Fossil Fuels to appease the enemy Russia and China as w ell as Greenpeace and the Eco-Freaks Biden should do a 2nd Term in Prison with both the Clintons and Obama
Mary says
#2 for me, although each one is important.
Mary says
Each one of the five are vital information for critical thinking Americans. But #2 stands out for me, mainly because I’m guessing it will confirm what I’ve been thinking since the “vaccines” rolled out.
Sadly, I never thought I’d know so many people who are either battling turbo cancers or who have already died. I’m grateful to God for the ability to think for myself and for His discernment…I knew from the beginning that I would not take the shots. No one in our family has taken them.
Vic says
Each of these deserves in depth coverage. Start at 1 and work your way through, please
Cato says
#1 and #3, please., and in that order. They both involve existential threats to this country.
Tac says
#5 please. Good luck terminating the incompetent, immoral teachers. The union has too much power, drain the students from the classroom and the teachers, administrators get layed off.
Prickly Bear says
#1 for sure, but maybe include a section about #2 since they are related.
commonsense says
All are important. Write five detailed articles, one at a time, and post each one on successive days.
James Keir Baughman, Author/Publisher. says
In truth, Americans all NEED to know the details of each and every one of these five “Big Stories.”
-diane french says
the never ending battle between The GOD LOVING AND THE GODLESS – just look at the sections of the country where the insanity is coming from- the east and west coasts- Godlessness creates insanity and perversion- it is the only possible end result of knowing lies- hate and death your entire life. the ” ISMS” – Communism-
socialism- toxic feminist- environmentalism- MATERIALISM hedonism- POWER MADNESS- atheism- the only way they could attempt to defeat faith and freedom is to infect the very institutions our founders knew would protect us from THEM history always repeats itself because mankind is basically flawed and weak. They had to destroy Trump because he was ‘CHRISTLIKE- in that- he came to the temple of evil WASHINGTON- and overturned the money tables. he will be back and he will lead us who believe out of the wilderness we now find ourselves in
GRob says
Missing from this list is the Biden opening of our southern border. Before Biden it was estimated in a Yale/MIT study that we already had between 16 million and 29 million illegals with a mean estimate of 22.1 million, with 95% probability. Biden alone has already let in an additional 5.5 million, and counting..
Approaching 30 million illegals or more, and still rapidly growing under Biden, is a huge change to America’s demographics.
Immigration without assimilation is not beneficial to America. Assimilation is the root of e pluribus unum.
Danial Garza, Executive Director of The LIBRE Initiative says 30% of Latinos in America do not speak English. Latinos who learn to speak English have 12 times the lifetime earnings of Latinos who do not learn English. Accommodating a second language traps immigrants in poverty and government dependency, and impairs assimilation.
Illegal immigration should be on this list.
Lightbringer says
I’d go with 3. I am rather concerned about an EMP attack which would kill off most of our population. After that, the PLA could come in in hazmat suits and clean up, and move their people here. Nice houses included.