Tariq Ramadan, the great Islamic intellectual beloved by lefties, has been at the center of his very own #MeToo moment.
Henda Ayari, a former Muslim fundamentalist who says Ramadan raped her in a Paris hotel room in 2012, said she was encouraged to speak out against him publicly by the “Me Too” campaign sweeping the world.
Ayari, who lodged a rape complaint against the 55-year-old Swiss national on October 20, charged that for Tariq Ramadan, “either you wear a veil or you get raped”.
“He choked me so hard that I thought I was going to die,” she added.
A second unnamed woman on Friday also accused Ramadan of raping her in a hotel room in 2009.
The New Yorker responded by accusing his victims of Islamophobia. Obviously.
Meanwhile three more victims have come forward.
However, since the 2018 hearing, the criminal investigation against him has been widened to include allegations from three potential new victims.
One woman nicknamed “Elvira” became Ramadan’s fourth accuser last summer, but police were unable to corroborate her statement.
Two other women, whose photos were found on Ramadan’s computer, were questioned by police in February last year. Based on their accounts, French judges on Thursday decided to formally charge the scholar a second time.
Supporters of Ramadan, who is a professor of contemporary Islamic studies at Oxford’s St. Anthony’s College, have called the accusations against him part of a “international Zionist plot” to blacken his name.
He’s not a rapist. It’s a Jewish conspiracy.
In 2014, Ramadan said the slaying of four people at the Jewish Museum of Belgium, which authorities say was perpetrated by the Islamist Mehdi Nemmouche, was in fact a deliberate attack on Israeli secret agents. In a 2004 interview, Ramadan said that violence for the Palestinians is “a legitimate resistance,” and “the only way for them to be heard at the international level.”
And the Zionists made him rape women too.
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