Editor’s note: Last Monday, House Republicans commissioned a special investigative panel focused on the Covid ‘pandemic’ during which they aim to question scientists and federal officials, including Dr. Fauci, about the origin of the crisis and the U.S. government’s response to it.
The following is a paraphrase of the opening round — the warning shot — by U.S. Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) last Tuesday in which he used his time to outline seven facts that Dr. Anthony Fauci knew, and, more importantly, what Fauci did, and did not do, when he was made aware of these facts.
This does not bode well for Fauci and those involved in the cover-up.
- Fauci understood that American tax dollars went to EcoHealth Alliance and that money was then funneled to the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) lab in China.
- Fauci knew EcoHealth Alliance was given an exemption from the pause on gain-of-function research.
- Fauci knew that the security standards at the WIV lab in China were deficient.
- Fauci knew that EcoHealth Alliance was not in compliance with its grant reporting requirements and wasn’t adhering to the contract.
- Fauci knew that gain-of-function research was in fact being conducted in
the WIV lab in China. - Fauci knew that the standard P3CO interagency review process wasn’t followed in approving the grant to EcoHealth Alliance.
- Fauci knew that the virus likely came from the lab where U.S. taxpayer dollars were sent … the very city where that lab is at, a deadly virus breaks out that would ultimately kill six million people around the world.
Importantly, what did Fauci do when he had this information?
On Feb. 1, 2020, what did Fauci do with this information?
Did he tell the president of the U.S., commander in chief, and say hey we’ve got a deadly virus that’s broken out in China in Wuhan where we’ve been sending American tax dollars to a lab that’s not up to code that’s doing gain-of-function?
Did he tell the chief of staff?
Did he tell his boss, former Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar?
Did he tell Dr. Robert Redfield? Dr. Deborah Birx? Dr. Brett Giroir?
No, he organized a conference call Feb. 1, 2020, at 2 p.m., with him, Francis Collins and 11 virologists from around the world to who he had been handing out American tax dollars for years and years and years …
Before that call, virologists including Kristian Andersen said things like “virus looks engineered, virus not consistent with evolutionary theory.” On the day of the call, Andersen said, “I don’t know how this gets done in nature but it would be easy to do in a lab.”
On this conference call, they get their story straight and three days later the very people who said this thing came from a lab change their tune and say that anyone who thinks that is crazy …
In an email from EcoHealth Alliance, Fauci received gratitude: “This is terrific, we are happy to hear that our gain-of-function research funding pause has been lifted” …
Over the last several years, Fauci told us:
- it wasn’t our tax dollars.
- it wasn’t gain-of-function.
- it wasn’t a lab leak.
- the vaccinated can’t get COVID-19.
- the vaccinated can’t transmit the virus.
- there is no such thing as natural immunity when it came to this virus.
We can’t trust some of the folks who were supposed to give us accurate information because they didn’t … they knew from the start.
If you’ve got a government not giving it to you straight, that’s something that you have to make sure we understand so it doesn’t happen again.
Not only we don’t want a terrible virus to happen again, we don’t want the government misleading us about a virus that could happen.
Starting next month we’ll look into it. We’ll make sure the country gets the facts like they should have had on Feb. 1, three years ago.
James Lyons-Weiler is the president and CEO of the Institute for Pure and Applied Knowledge, an advocacy group that pushes for accuracy and integrity in science and for biomedical researchers to put people’s health before profits. An established academic and researcher, he has a bachelor’s degree in biology, a master’s degree in zoology, a Ph.D. in ecology, evolution and conservation biology and a postdoctoral in computational molecular biology — and he’s the author of “Ebola: An Evolving Story and Cures vs. Profits.”
Originally published on James Lyons-Weiler’s Popular Rationalism Substack page.
Just because all these things might be true it doesn’t mean the virus came from our funding it came from a market just down the street and it’s all Trump’s fault because he hates democracy.
Mr. Presiden, please.
Now, sir; we’ve talked about this. You know what colossal embarrassments you cause when you go off script.
He’ll, we just assigned 6 staff to clean up after your idiotic blurt concerning the classified documents in the garage! So when in doubt, STFU!
I love a comment I heard but cannot properly attribute.
Mr Bite-Me Biden just turn the teleprompter around and let us read it for ourselves. everything will be so much clearer.
Repeat the line.
Stand Tall For Union? I always do man.
Peolple dont kill people, guns kill people.
you somehow mixed up the phrase. (Paraphrased)
According to Batman Guns don’t kill people, It’s those darn little hard things flying around and hitting things.
When you write your notes, you just let the World know how clueless you are? What a shame to be a disgusted Democrat!!
Without censorship, we would have known this all along, some of us did. If you assumed everything they said was exactly the opposite of true, you were pretty much informed.
Let’s play the “what if PRESIDENT TRUMP did this” game! Would he have SURVIVED the 4am ASSAULT on his HOME?? Highly doubtful!
I can think of 100 other questions to ask.
Rule 1
Don’t get mad — get even
What’s funny is all these accusations are against Fauci for things he’s alleged to have done while working for Trump. Yet, somehow, Trump isn’t responsible for any of it?
Trump is not a scientist (neither is Fauci-he is a professional liar) and from the beginning sought the guidance of the supposed experts who misled him and the world. Fauci, like Cuomo is a mass murderer and should be tried for manslaughter.
Not manslaughter. Murder, or genocide.
One: the chickenshit burocrat was in his enclave long before Trump took office, and as such, did damage before Trump took office.
Two: Trump didn’t appoint the little shithead – just got stabbed in the back by him. At that point, Trump should’ve dismissed him. (There, you’d have had a point.)
Phautchee is a very smooth operator. His demeanour and poise as he feeds his opposites lie after lie remains very assuring, confident, a sort of “what, you don’t TRUST me? What’s wrong with YOU that you don’t? Sort of like Lucy with the football, except in Phautchee’s case no one ever saw him lift the football at the last nanosecond to cause the calamity. More like Phautchee is the one who trained Lucy to play her prank every time, then play the ‘innocent one” and make everyone laugh and forget.
THAT’s how Trump got duped into going along with the CDC/NIH agency Phautchee ran.
HE should be charged with treason.. if developing and unleashing a deadly virus that has milled millions is not “making war on” Americans, neither would be a nuke over Manhattan and the Chicago Loop.
Fauci lied to us!? No way! LOL! (No duh!)
This is all old news. The emails from/to Fauci should be enough evidence to lock him and his cronies up for the next 500 years.
What we really need to investigate is the collusion between Fauci and friends in the private sector and the Federal government to roll out the covid vaccines.
Just pointing out what is already well know will not help those that died from receiving the covid vaccine or the millions of people currently suffering debilitating effects from the jab.
It’s pretty obvious there was plenty of collusion between people in the Federal government and Pharmaceutical industry to promote these vaccines as the cure all for the covid virus pandemic.
The pharmaceutical industry needs to have it’s indemnity clause against liability stripped away while proving that fraud was perpetrated in order to get the vaccines pushed out under emergency use.
Unless criminal negligence can be shown by Moderna, Pfizer, J&J, and others so that those injured by the vaccine can start suing in Federal court for compensation. Then all of this is just a worthless smokescreen.
Yeah, Fauci makes a great scapegoat. The real perpetrators are people in the pharmaceutical industry and people like Bill Gates.
We need to stop the roll out of the covid vaccines and start pursuing criminal charges against everyone involved from the Federal government and the pharmaceutical industry on down.
Sort of like a Nürenberg Two but staging it in some neutral place with hard security here in the US…….
If someone was actually able to pursue criminal charges and penalties against everyone involved from the Federal government, that could actually help drain the swamp!!
He also knew, according to emails, that hydroxychloroquine His handling of the AIDS debacle was a useful treatment for this covid virus.
Yes, Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin. Both drugs work well, and they were kept from the public on purpose, ( NO TREATMENT…JUST TAKE THE VACCINE.) Both drugs can be bought in other countries over the counter. The Covid Virus matches up very well with the Horseshoe Bat in China.