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The stabbing of an Assyrian Christian bishop in Sydney, Australia by a teenage Muslim terrorist now appears to have wider implications.
While the media has desperately tried to suppress any mentions of the “M” word or the “I” word, the Islamic terrorist attack has wider implications in Australia and beyond. And the latest raids are painting a picture of a wider conspiracy.
Seven young people have been arrested in counter-terrorism raids across Sydney in response to last week’s Sydney church stabbing.
“Young people”.
NSW Police Deputy Commissioner David Hudson told reporters on Monday ‘a number of associates were identified that we believe warranted further close attention and investigation’.
Those arrested were 15, 16 and 17 year-olds.
‘We will allege that these individuals adhere to a religiously motivated violent extremist ideology,’ Commissioner Hudson said.
Of course, we can’t say which one.
Federal Police Deputy Commissioner Krissy Barrett emphasised the arrests were not racially or religiously motivated.
‘I want to be very clear, we target criminality and not countries. We target radicalisation, not religion,’ she said.
‘We ask Australians to remain vigilant. I urge people who see or hear something that they feel is not right to contact the National Security Hotline immediately on 1800 123 400.’
Vigilant towards what? Towards the thing we can’t talk about. Be sure to be vigilant and also very quiet. If you see anything, make sure it’s not racially or religiously motivated before you contact us.
It’s not just Australia. It’s the same state of play in the UK or in America.
Jeff Bargholz says
The D-Bags and their fake news media deny the islamic jihad nature of terrorists even when their acts are on video. Look at the video footage of these subhumans terrorizing colleges and rioting in the streets. One chick even got stabbed in the eye with Paleosimian flag staff on video.
And why did a Jewish lefty professor who supports the defund the police movement all of a sudden demand a police escort to his university – on video? There are Jewish professors being denied entry to the universities they work at – on video.
We all know the authorities are trying to deflect attention of the islamic motivation of all this but who do they think they’re fooling? How many years do we have to hear lies about “islamophobia” before they realize we KNOW they’re liars and why they lie?
The rioters tried this crap at a university in Austin yesterday but it didn’t work. Austin is a whacko blue city but the Texas Public Safety Force or whatever, and the uniformed police there, are not woke whackos and they removed the occupying force of rioters by force. Boy was that fun to watch. I wish they’d busted as few heads, though. At least they threatened to. One big black guy whipped one of those telescoping metal rods into attack mode when threatened to closely by the Hamas mob. Those things are designed to bust heads and that’s what he was ready to do.
And all the uniformed cops I saw were black, which was a smart move. It’s easy to say cops are assaulting and murdering so called minorities when the cops are white but not so easy when they’re black.
Algorithmic Analyst says
Thanks Jeff! I always wonder about officers on horseback being vulnerable.
Jeff Bargholz says
They’re just for show. I noticed the mounted police in that video all looked like poor riders.
I talked to a mounted cop in Seattle back when Yeltsin was visiting and he was on the protection force. He told me he’d never ridden a horse until he was put in that unit but no way was he going to pass up the opportunity. We laughed about that.
Dave Hay says
“‘We will allege that these individuals adhere to a religiously motivated violent extremist ideology,’ Commissioner Hudson said.” Yes…those Amish suicide bombers are totally out of control. 🙁
Sword of The Spirit says
The Left is running most every country. God help us soon. I say Viktor Orban is Man of the Year
Liberals have the tendency to want to Disarm the People and Open the Borders which makes things worst for the People
Jeff Bargholz says
And they want all our kids to be trannies.
JL says
What are the odds the Aussies will deport the miscreant terrorists? Zero or less than zero?
Domenic Pepe says
” It’s not just Australia. It’s the same state of play in the UK or in America.”
Depravity, psychopathy, violence, murder, and lunacy are the trademarks of Islamic/Sharia brainwashing
of their yoots from infancy to their demise.
Islamic society and culture and law and government and economics and morality are sick sick sick sick ……
If those Muslim youth cant act civilized then we should just return them from where they came and Close the Boder and say No to Globalism