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Donald Trump in furor stormed out of a New York courtroom for a while, in the defamation suit brought by author and dating/boyfriend/sex-advice columnist E. Jean Carroll.
It was just settled against Trump for $83.3 million. The Carroll suit was largely subsidized by Reid Hoffman the billionaire capitalist, and mega-donor to the Democratic Party and leftwing causes.
The subtext of Trump’s rage, aside from the outrageous monetary size of the defamation ruling, is that he was facing—and angered—a leftwing claimant, a quite hostile leftwing judge, and a leftwing New York jury.
The civil suit serves as a mere preview of four additional leftwing criminal prosecutions, leftwing judges, and leftwing juries to come—all on charges that would never had been filed if Trump either had not run for president or been a liberal progressive.
Yet here we are.
The E. Jean Carroll case is the most baffling of all five. She, the alleged victim, did not remember even the year in which the purported sexual assault took place, nearly three decades ago. Observers have pointed out dozens of inconsistencies in her story.
It was never clear what were the preliminaries that supposedly (Trump denies meeting her) led both, allegedly, willingly to retreat together to a department store dressing room, where during normal business hours the alleged violence took place.
Moreover, the sexual assault complaint came forward decades post facto—and only after Trump was running for and then president.
Carroll eventually sued him for battery, but well after the statute of limitations had expired and thus the case seemed defunct.
Her claims of defamation injuries arise from being fired from her advice column job at ELLE magazine.
She claimed that Trump’s sharp denials and ad hominem retorts led to her career ruin. But the loss for anyone of a column at 76 does not seem such a rare occurrence, and the absence of a salaried job in one’s late seventies for four years does not seem to equate to a $83 million hit.
And note the allegation that her dispute with Trump led to her firing was strongly denied by the very magazine that cut her loose.
But then another strange thing happened. In 2022, a new law (“The Adult Survivors Act”) was passed in the New York legislature. It also post facto established a twelve-month window (beginning six months from the signing of bill) that permitted survivors of long ago alleged sexual assaults suddenly to sue the accused long-ago perpetrator—regardless of the previous statute of limitations.
That unexpected opening suddenly gave Carroll’s prior unsuccessful efforts a rebirth. And she quickly refiled with the help of arch-Trump hating billionaire Hoffman.
Yet the bill may have been introduced with Trump particularly in mind—given the legislator who introduced it, Brad Hoylman-Siga, was known as another Trump antagonist.
More interestingly, he had earlier introduced and had passed another Trump-targeted bill. That “TRUST” act had empowered particular federal Congressional committees to have access to the New York State once sealed tax returns of high-ranking government officials—such as Trump.
That bill’s generally agreed subtext was a green light for anti-Trump members of Congress to obtain legal access to Donald J. Trump’s tax returns.
So there is an eerie feeling that the New York legislature may have abruptly passed legislation that was aimed at the past conduct of Donald Trump but only after he entered the political arena.
While these are not quite bills of attainder, there is something unsettling if they are post facto laws aimed at targeting the most famous and controversial man in America and the leading candidate for the presidency.
In essence they were targeted statutes designed to make Trump’s prior legally unactionable behavior suddenly quite legally actionable.
Trump will be subject to such special treatment all summer and fall.
Prosecutors Bragg, James, Smith, and Willis will synchronize their court business for maximum effect.
Trump again will face leftwing prosecutors, judges, and juries on charges that are politically driven, involving alleged behavior that is either usually not criminalized or not to the same degree as Trump’s case. (Do we remember the nearly $375,000 federal fine belatedly leveled at an exempt Obama but only five years after his 2008 illegal garnering of, and not reporting, foreign campaign contributions?)
The stakes are higher each day as Trump closes in on the nomination and thus becomes the hope of half the country to end the Biden madness.
Somehow Trump will have to stay calm, give no opening to his legion of hostile prosecutors, while conducting a nonstop campaign against Biden (and for a while Hayley), and while fighting to keep his name on various state ballots.
So what we are witnessing is not even the extralegal efforts of Steele/Fusion GPS, Perkins Coie/DNC/Hillary Clinton in 2016, or the 2020 “Russian disinformation” ruse/change the voting laws/infuse half a billion dollars to absorb the work of the registrar machinations against Trump.
We are way beyond all that. The legal system itself, hand-in-glove with leftwing politicos (compare campaign boasts of James and Willis, or prosecutorial visits to the January 6 committee and the White House) is turning the process of balloting and elections into an embarrassing farce.
Still, Trump will have to soldier on. He must stay controlled amid the tsunamis, not play into the hands of his accusers, and remember that he may soon be the only eleventh-hour hope to stop this mockery of American law, customs and traditions.
Roark says
This is obviously a case of injustice and political persecution. No date, no witnesses, no corroborating evidence, no police report, no details = no case.
This is a mockery of justice. The judge should be dismissed and incarcerated for his actions.
David Ray says
Hear, hear! 🍻🇺🇲🇮🇱 Excellent points all around.
Douglas Mackey is set to serve 10 years for doing, well, not a damned thing, except for being an effective online campaigner.
Dinesh D’Souza was targeted for a superfluous mistake that Rosie O’Donnell did intentionally (the dumb bitch tweaked her name & address in all 5 donations to avoid an engine search. It demonstrated intent to deceive.)
Brett Kavanaugh was slandered by Ballsy Ford who also couldn’t remember details.
Jan 6th was a set up that killed 4 people. (Kevin Greeson was killed 1st when he took a pellet or rubber bullet to the eye – inducing a fatal heart attack. That helped enrage the static protesters.
This list drones on.
These shitheads are turning this great nation into a 3rd world police/stazi state.
Domenic Pepe says
The democrat party and its corrupt elite liar leaders are depraved, psychopathic, and berserk.
That makes them very much like Islam itself.
Luz Maria Rodriguez says
Difficult to say with much certainty, but one might suspect a portion of that (criminal) award is meant for crooked, under-the-table money for the lawfare sponsors.
RFA says
Heinous action all contrary to the true rule of law .
NY is an uninhabitable collapsing melting pot of evil radicalism
Jim Daniel says
How about drawn and quartered?
VOWG says
The U S justice system is indeed broken.
Moteys says
Yes agree 💯..Mockery of justice., because it is obvious this lame excuse of a woman was paid to create a bogus story without any prove of any actual evidence
John Bumpus says
I do not like to do this. I hope that I am not violating any FrontPage rules. But I am taking a chance that this will be allowed. Yesterday (1-27-24), on another website, The Gateway Pundit, there was an article about the E. Jean Carroll story, and the following is a quote:
“Here’s what you need to know about E. Jean Carroll, that was previously reported here on The Gateway Pundit. Most of these (sic) information were deemed “inadmissible” by the judge per John LeFevre:
• She couldn’t recall the date, month, season, or year the incident happened
• She never told anyone about it, despite being publicly obsessed with her own sexuality
• The dress she claims to have been wearing didn’t exist at the time
• Her description of the dressing room at Bergdorf Goodman was inaccurate, making her sequence of events impossible
• Her lawsuit was bankrolled by Jeffrey Epstein pal and Democrat (and Nikki Haley) mega-donor Reid Hoffman
• Democrats created a law (The Adult Survivors Act in 2022) to enable her lawsuit to proceed
• Her accusation is the exact plotline of an episode of Law & Order (one of her “favorite shows”)
• Trump’s Apprentice was also one of her favorite shows
• She has a history of falsely accusing men of rape, including Les Moonves
• She told Anderson Cooper, “most people think of rape as being sexy. Think of the fantasies.”
• She made a career promoting promiscuity, even writing glowingly of sexual assault and naming her cat Vagina”
The verdict in the Carroll case is an outrage. Seems like the U. S. no longer has a justice system, rather, we only have a judicial system.
Luz Maria Rodriguez says
Saw that also,
Lots and lots of highly questionable behavior.
In a decent court, it would have been tossed for lack of evidence. This lawfare was directly ordered by Joe Biden to keep his opposition candidate from running. It is extremely frustrating that the opposition Party, Republicans, do not respond but merely accept whatever the Dems demand.
PhonyDoc says
Aimed at taking down people like us. . . .
Barry says
Need we remind that for many years Trump as producer of the Miss Universe beauty pagaent held the careers of hundreds of the most beautiful and ambitious girls in his control. He could have had a parade of wanna be winners at his hotel door at any time. But he never did that, Remarkable moral self control
Where is the Supreme Court on any of this anti Trump nonsense? Will there be a reckoning?
Kasandra says
Doubtful with CJ Roberts on the bench.
Luz Maria Rodriguez says
Doubtful there will be any help until and unless the GOP retakes the House, Senate, Exec Office.
Rachelle says
It is astonishing that all these attempts to shut Trump down, and which are having the reverse effect, do not register with the democrats as a really bad idea.
Semaphore says
Some among TPTB are so terrified of Trump that merely defeating him in the next election is not enough. He must be, and will be, silenced, one way or another. These shallow endictments are an attempt to drain his energy and resources, but they have yet to work. His popularity only grows. The next step, I fear, will be an attempt on his life. I pray I’m wrong.
Barry says
Those who deliberately falsely accuse should be punished at the would be rate as those they falsely accuse.
$63.3 million fine for E. Jean Carroll.
Jeff Bargholz says
That’s the punishment the Bible says should be meted out to false accusers.
PhonyDoc says
Aimed at taking down people like us. . . .
Steve says
Bellerophon rejected Stheneboea so she slandered that he attempted to rape her, so he was sent to kill the chimera because it would mean his certain death. It’s said that Greek myths endure because they reflect true human behavior.
Kynarion Hellenis says
Joseph and Potiphar’s wife.
SUSAN says
Luz Maria Rodriguez says
Joe Biden is has set precedent. Now it is just a matter of the Opposition Party to follow suit.
Joe Biden says
C’mon man, if this don’t stop him, we got his warp speed as backup but we don’t wanna use that.
I hope they don’t get ta talk to some o my old flames.
Tara Reid says
Don’t worry about it, you old sleaze-bag. The press won’t gimme the time of day.
And the threats & harassment from your supporters are real – not the made-up accusations your base traffic in.
Speaking of which, call your goons off me.
Chief Mac says
The “judge” and plaintiff’s attorney were from the same law firm and the so-called judge was his mentor. A clear violation of the law that they hid during the witch hunt. Retroactive laws are illegal and I hope trump sues them for at least $1 billion
Judith2 says
Remember Potipher’s wife in Genesis chapter 39…at least she had his coat for evidence that he was even in the house! It was even then STILL A Terrible LIE, but a lie with a speck of evidence…this story is beyond the pale…from The Star Chamber of Satan himself.
Steve Chavez says
TRUMP could be a Mega Gazillionaire if he sued everyone who defamed him for claiming he colluded with the Russians. Hillary’s alone would be in the trillions. The Democratic Party… oh my! The Media… oh my oh my!
This is what’s really happening:
“Democrats drag Trump to the Public Square to stone him with The Scandal of the Week written on the stones. For over two years, it was the Russian Collusion stones, and after an exhaustive investigation, no Collusion was found so the Democrats walked away LAUGHING since Trump was still laying there beaten to a bloody pulp! ‘NEXT SCANDAL! Keep the stones coming till November!'”
That’s called, The Accumulation Effect. They wore people out in 2020 and they waited for Trump to announce his run to drag him to the public square again. They just had to bring back John Stewart to add to the vile hatred promoted by the networks! Just wondering…. can Alec Baldwin still do SNL skits on Trump… from prison? Yea right, NM is controlled 100% by Democrats and they’ll never convict their hero… “His Trump is so funny.”
Tara Reid says
I highly recommend a high capacity 12 gauge bullpup, and lots of ammo.
Luz Maria Rodriguez says
None of the Left’s insult to law could have been accomplished without the full and aggressive support of the media.
Semaphore says
The media is nothing more than the left’s mouthpiece/infomercial. Nothing worth paying atention to.
Snowfrog says
Over the past ten years there are two professions that have lost the confidence of Americans: doctors and lawyers. The doctors gave many contradictory opinions that have led to confusion regarding Covid treatment. Doctors abandoned their patients and joined the politicians and ended up being political scientists. Lawyers have allowed a bias judiciary that does not remotely represent justice.
Losing the trust of the American people will have dire consequences for both professions.
Tara Reid says
Remember when jug-eared Barry handed out lab coats to those educated fools for a photo-op?
They had to LOOK like doctors to help sell the bullshit OsamaCare bill.
fsy says
The old joke says that “99% of lawyers give all the rest a bad name.” The joke doesn’t work for doctors since the figure is 100%.
jcr says
Don. I stand with you buddy.
What is being done to you would NOT happen in my RED state.
Ed Snider says
Today’s Democrats are America’s Bolsheviks. What happened to Trump is what they do to their perceived enemies because they have not arrogated quite enough power to have them shot. Give them time at your peril.
aVoice says
You might be careful what you say Ed, don’t forget what Hillary said about sending folks like you for “Formal Deprograming” ….see you in the Gulag!
Jan Young says
They are doing this in Canada – Jordan Peterson. Too close. Not far away like China and Russia.
danknight says
At least Trump has supporters … both Trump bots and people with brain cells …
Most White men in America have faced hostile anti-White bigotry alone and without support …
… many without even family support.
If I had a dollar for every white man destroyed by a false accusation that I have met in my walk through life … I could buy a new set of tires for all five of my vehicles at 2024 prices …
Not to say the Donald should just suck it up … but to say …
… this anti-male, anti-white, anti-straight, anti-common sense cultural marxism has finally reached the point where anyone can be and will be targeted if it suits the Left.
G-d help us all …
Luz Maria Rodriguez says
Question, please:
R those the five cars parked in your front yard and up on blocks? LOL
Lightbringer says
Then keep asking Him to. I know that you are a serious Christian, Dan, so keep up the good work on your side and I’ll keep it up on mine (the Judeo side of the equation).
Onzeur Trante says
Clearly a set-up with Bergdorf Goodman — to lend credibility , LOL — and a cat named “Vagina” — go figure — rolled up like a turd in the litterbox trial of DJT. The Adult Survivor’s Act was behind the entire farce.
Viva Trump. Viva, Viva, Viva.
Poetcomic1 says
THESE are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman.
Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.
What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be highly rated.
Lightbringer says
Even the Englishman Thomas Paine saw the justice and virtue of the American cause. How many can see it, or dare to support it, now?
Kynarion Hellenis says
Trump’s lawyers will appeal. I am sure they have been very careful to obtain and preserve a mountain of evidence for the appellate record. Trump has been successful in delaying payment until after the appeal. This is good because he would never see it again if he prevails on appeal.
I have hope, but perhaps even the appellate courts are unjust.
Mark Cogley says
VDH wants Trump to “stay controlled”, that is, control himself, at the age of 77-78. Yeah, right.
Luz Maria Rodriguez says
VDH is excellent.
But he is less than perfect. For example, he argued to ‘turn the other cheek’ to the last several years of Dem lies and attacks. IF the GOP does that, it will not survive.
I posit that Jesus Christ errored in his advice to turn the other cheek. E.g., many will view that as a suicidal desire. One may accept a beating in overwhelming odds. But when the opportunity arises, it must be accomplished if one wishes to survive. To allow an enemy to end one’s life, is to not honor God’s gift.
Jeff Bargholz says
Trump has never taken a drink of alcohol, accepted any money for being President or attacked anybody who didn’t deserve it. He has plenty of self control.
fsy says
Good point, but I think that Trump only stopped drinking after his brother died of alcoholism.
Jeff Bargholz says
No, he saw how alcohol was killing his brother and chose to never drink it.
Lee Ann says
We have been under a communist regime since the stolen election. I highly doubt they will give up th power they have seized.
RS says
The Coup continues made up of The World Economic Forum, World Health Organization, and the United Nations, plus many elites and oligarch who congregate and conspire at Davos Switzerland and decide their plans and how they will tell nations to live, and how they can enrich themselves.
MuggsSpongedice says
This trollop who names her cats Tits and Vagina is a whore of satan as are the ones bankrolling this further persecution suit against President Trump which as President Trump says, they’re after those of us who know rightours from evil and right from wrong and preserving USA as a Constitutional Republic, BIBLE students will say accurately, these are the so-called prophesised end times that is going to get worse before it gets better, And we did it to ourselves by turning away from the Almighty GOD YHVH! YESHUA JESUS CHRIST did not get crucified in vain! Just saying y’all.
Stephen Triesch says
Trump was already a celebrity in the 90s, and I wonder if it was his custom to wander around in Manhattan with no staff or security. If he typically had someone on his staff with him, that would be yet another indication that Carroll’s story was a fabrication.
fsy says
“Celebrity” is an understatement. The Presidency was a step down for him in terms of fame.
Jonathan S. says
I’m still waiting for a man whose life and reputation gets destroyed over New York state’s Adult Survivor’s Act (ASA) by extending the statute of limitations ONLY for civil lawsuits related to sexual offenses. What if Henry, who is a high ranking corporate officer in a Fortune 500 company is reaching retirement and has golden parachute retirement benefits. Then thanks to New York state passing the ASA, an obscure woman sues Henry for an alleged sexual abuse incident going back over 25 years in the past. Even before Henry has a chance to defend himself, his employer fires him due to this lawsuit, strips him of his retirement benefits and his entire reputation built up over decades is wiped away in an instant.
Another example, Jim who is a father of 4 children, a grandfather of 6 grandchildren and has been married for 45 years to the same woman. Thanks to the ASA being passed, a confused woman alleges sexual abuse against Jim that occurred over 25 years ago. Jim is an honest man, has never been had a criminal record and is suddenly served with this lawsuit. This causes so much damage to Jim that his wife divorces him, his children become estranged and prohibit him to visit his grandchildren. Jim becomes so despondent that he takes his own life.
I’m waiting for the Henry’s and Jim’s of New York State to cause this the ASA to be ruled unconstitutional, violating the defendant’s rights. Because for all the Henry’s and Jim’s of New York state, their accusers should have filed such lawsuits immediately after the alleged incidents. Such men have rights and the statute of limitations protected their rights from unreasonable allegations being leveled against them beyond a set term of years. Both plaintiffs and defendants of sexual abuse have rights but by New York state passing the ASA, it now violates defendants rights of a speedy trial. How is justice served by arbitrarily extending the statute of limitations on just past sexual offenses, while other people’s rights are still protected by the statute of limitations on all other civil lawsuits? For this reason, New York state is looking to be sued by all the Henry’s and estates of Jim’s (who ended their lives) due to the arbitrary extension of the statute of limitations on just sexual offenses for civil lawsuits.
Lightbringer says
Let us pray that there are no Henry’s or Jim’s victimized by this abortion of a law. And that ultimately no Don is either.
An eloquent statement against ex post facto laws.
Fritz says
If you re-read the article the author mentioned that this ASA legislation that was passed in New York state created an window of only one year for old, and dead cases to be revived after the bill was signed into law. This makes it even more wicked in that the law was drafted specifically to create an opening for lawsuits against certain people, after which the open window was closed again. Must not allow perverted Demonrats to be sued, only DJT and Republicans in corrupt courts.
RS says
Judges are making moral decisions from the bench, not based on truth., and they are purely political.
Some liberal decided to reopen and pass a law that says you can go back and reopen an old case and take it to trial again. This women is as bad as Christine Blasey Ford who accused Judge Kavanaugh of so many immoral things, and yet she couldn’t back up anything with witnesses, or prove anything. She sat and cried and made a display of herself to convince people to reject Justice Kavanaugh, and it worked the opposite. It figures it was a billionaire mega donar to the Democratic party.
Semaphore says
Oh please, all judges are political appointees, they do their masters’ bidding.
Jackie says
JC Davis says
Nelson Mandela was hardly persecuted as much or as badly as DJT.
Mark Bradley says
Barack Obama, Micheel Obama. Suzan Rice, Valerie Jarret and the rest of the Obama administration.
never forget their name’s
Remember Obama gave a plane load of money to IRAN. Obama bomb deal with IRAN.
Obama’s open mic with message Dmitry Medvedev ” after my election I have more flexibility.”
Medvedev replied that he would ” transmit this information to Vladimir,” as in Putin
WAKE THE HILL UP AMERICA and now they want to run Michelle for President 2024
you see moldy Joe Biden did the dirty work by opening the border. and Michelle can come in and fake being the Saviour.
I believe Rush Limbaugh said about Obama. I hope Obama fails.
Gary Hope says
This is not really about Trump,…it is about the complete control of America by the left wing communists and America haters. It is about the future of The USA and freedom all around the world.. Most anti Trumper’s can’t really tell you specific reasons why or what they hate about Trump. They just resent his success or his hair or his buildings or wives and widows. They hate his success and America’s success under him. They’re all simply America hating fascists who want our complete destruction and control over every single one of us.
Fritz says
So this woman was 76 years old when she lost her job as the author of a sex column? Somehow the post menopausal advice of a septuagenarian seems well past it’s best before date with the younger demographics. To be honest these accusations never did make sense, Mr. Trump, especially in his youth, has always been surrounded by beautiful women, E. Jean Carrol, I don’t mean to be nasty, was not exactly a beauty queen, maybe a 4 1/2 on a good day.. So Don just decided to go slumming one day, in one week, in one year, in the change room of a department store? He owns hotels, resorts, and has a private plane! What was the alleged motivation to do it there, let alone with her?